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Special NCC Report on Faith Communions' Resources

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  • Special NCC Report on Faith Communions' Resources

    National Council of Churches USA, NY
    March 29 2005

    Special NCC Report on Faith Communions' Resources
    For Observing the September 11 Anniversary

    Faith groups and their congregations across the United States will be
    observing the first anniversary of the September 11 terrorist
    incidents in a variety of ways. This brief survey samples some of
    the plans of the 36 member communions of the National Council of
    Churches, plus non-member denominations that participate in various
    activities of the Council. Where available, links to more details
    are shown.

    You will also want to see "Eleven Days in September," a web
    collection prepared by The Shalom Center, where an extensive survey
    of interfaith observances has been collected, in partnership with the

    American Baptist Churches
    The ABC-USA website features many of the denomination's terrorism
    responses and resources, including the Relief Fund for Victims of
    Terrorist Attack . . . Shalom Response at National Ministries Online
    . . . Song "United We Stand" . . . Resources for discipling children
    at Educational Ministries . . . Litany by Garth House . . . Judson
    Press publications . . .Caring statements from around the world . . .
    and a link to the Pastoral resources Web site developed through NCC
    and its partners.

    Armenian Church of America
    and Oriental Orthodox Churches
    The Church Remembers the Victims and Survivors of September 11 with a
    special Memorial Service on Sunday, September 8 in New York City.
    The service begins at Ground Zero at 3:00 pm and continues with a
    requiem service at St. Vartan Cathedral. A reception follows in the
    Kavookjian Auditorium. For more information, contact
    [email protected]. This memorial service is sponsored by the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) and the Oriental
    Orthodox Churches. Clergy of many of the Oriental Orthodox Churches
    will be participating. All Faiths are welcome.

    Christian Church-Disciples of Christ
    The Disciples website carries a special section that suggests a daily
    response to commemorate the terrorist events: "In soup kitchens, In
    neighborhood centers, In schools, shelters and hospitals.With service
    groups that can tell us what needs to be done, right now. AND with
    our brothers and sisters of all shades, faiths, and cultures working
    beside us. God is calling us to Ground Zero...and it's right here, in
    our own community."

    Episcopal Church
    Presiding Bishop The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold has written his
    monthly column with a focus on the commemoration of the September 11
    events, and the following prayer that could be used in observances of
    the anniversary: "God the compassionate one, whose loving care
    extends to all the world, we remember this day your children of many
    nations and many faiths whose lives were cut short by the fierce
    flames of anger and hatred. Console those who continue to suffer and
    grieve, and give them comfort and hope as they look to the future.
    Out of what we have endured, give us the grace to examine our
    relationships with those who perceive us as the enemy, and show our
    leaders the way to use our power to serve the good of all for the
    healing of the nations. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord
    who, in reconciling love, was lifted up from the earth that he might
    draw all things to himself. Amen."

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    In a special web section, the ELCA provides its congregations with
    resources in worship, prayer and action, highlighting printed and
    spoken resources through The Lutheran magazine and Lutheran Vespers.
    A litany and a photo album are among the materials on the website. A
    Joint ELCA and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Declaration of
    September 8 as a day of commemoration is also included.

    Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
    "In Memory, In Faith, In Hope -The Church's Response to Tragedy" is
    the theme of a web-based summary of the Greek Orthodox connections to
    the September 11 events and their aftermath, including the rebuilding
    plans for the only church destroyed in the attacks -- St. Nicholas
    Greek Orthodox Church, which was located opposite the World Trade

    Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
    The LCMS website carries a lengthy index of worship resources for
    commemorating the 9/11 anniversary, including hymns, choral settings,
    scripture references, responsive readings and other instrumental
    arrangements suitable for downloading. The LCMS has long been a
    participant in the NCC Communication Commission.

    Mennonite Church USA
    The church's website offers extensive material on observing the
    anniversary of 9/11/01. In addition, the Mennonite Central Committee
    website carries additional resources for Mennonite and Brethren in
    Christ congregations in both the U.S. and Canada. The Mennonite
    Church is an active partner in the work of the NCC Communication

    Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
    A summary of statements and actions from the tragedy, plus resources
    for "those laboring with issues of our peace process" are offered on
    the PYM website.

    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    The Presbyterian Church's website offers numerous resources,
    including the outline of a service of prayer and remembrance and a
    message from the moderator, The Rev. Dr. Fahed Abu-Akel . . . a forum
    on PresbyNet for discussing issues in the aftermath of terrorism and
    another for sharing worship aids . . . an extensive initiative in
    peacemaking -- the Interfaith Listening Project . . .and an extensive
    array of suggestions for commemorating the anniversary from the
    editors of Ideas! For Church Leaders magazine.

    Reformed Church in America
    The RCA website offers many helps for commemorating the tragic day of
    terrorism, including an Order of Worship . . . a litany of
    remembrance, healing, and hope, and a litany for the church. . . and
    suggestions for age-graded studies on topics such as death, violence,
    tolerance . . . a primer on Islam . . and an online forum for
    discussing the issues surrounding the events.

    Serbian Orthodox Church in the USA and Canada
    The church's website has an extensive index of resources for
    commemorating the first anniversary of the September 11 events,
    including statements by church officials, a background paper on
    terrorism, a prayer for peace, and other articles of interest.

    Seventh Day Adventist Church
    This partner in the work of the NCC's Communication Commission is
    featuring a complete index to its responses to 9/11 on its website.
    Included are reproductions of the church's advertisements in the New
    York Times and Washington Post.

    Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch
    A summary of activities in the aftermath of the tragedies, mostly
    from fall 2001, is carried on the church's website.

    Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA
    The Council of Bishops' statement on the anniversary of the September
    11 events is carried on the church's website.

    United Church of Christ
    The focus of the UCC's website resources for the terrorism
    anniversary is on worship, with suggestions for liturgy, Bible study
    and music. You may also want to use the website's "search" function
    to locate many other resources -- simply type the word terrorism in
    the search box and hit enter; a recent such search yielded 84 items
    of interest.

    United Methodist Church
    The largest of the NCC's member denominations is co-sponsoring with
    the Council an electronic billboard at the entrance to New York's
    Holland Tunnel bearing words of hope and encouragement to commuters
    headed to lower Manhattan during the month of September . . . the UMC
    website carries an extensive series of articles focused on
    Remembering 9/11: One Year Later . . . The church's Igniting
    Ministry program of outreach and renewal has also prepared special
    September initiatives which are on their website.

    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    The publishing arm of the United States Conference of Catholic
    Bishops has posted to its website a comprehensive resource titled
    Nine Days to 9/11, presenting visitors with a day-by-day spiritual
    response to the observance of the anniversary of the terrorist
    attacks. The USCCB is a long-time partner with the NCC in the work
    of the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission, which produces faith-based
    network TV programming.