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Baku Radicals intend to "join" Armenia to Azerbaijan

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  • Baku Radicals intend to "join" Armenia to Azerbaijan

    PanArmenian News Analysis
    March 30 2005


    Established in Baku, there is an organization that has taken up that

    A new non-governmental organization with an intriguing name "Western
    Azerbaijan Liberation Front" was established in Azerbaijan. The
    intrigue is that saying Western Azerbaijan the founders of the
    organization mean Republic of Armenia. The name of the organization
    reveals its goals. In the upcoming conference the members of the
    organizational committee will decide how they are going to join
    Armenia to Azerbaijan.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ However, in the statutes of the organization it is
    not written that its members are going to seize Armenia. Formally the
    aim of the organization is to protect the interests of the "Western
    Azerbaijanian" emigrants and of course to struggle for their return.
    The founders of the organization intent to attract public attention
    by applying to European Court of Human Rights, bringing a suite
    against Armenia with a demand to pay compensation to all the refugees
    who have left Azerbaijan in 1988-90. In the process they intend to
    win 8 milliard (!) dollars which is 50 thousand for each refugee. But
    here it is very important to mention that the absolute majority of
    160 thousand Azeris left selling their houses and property. If we
    regard the logics of the founders acceptable then we should say that
    official Baku has to pay Armenia 20 milliard dollars. (it will be
    enough for 40 years of comfortable life). Thus, it is quite obvious
    that the reckless scheme invented by Azerbaijan does not serve the
    interests of Azerbaijan. So, it is clear that the initiative will be
    prevented by state authorities.

    Speaking about state authorities it should be mentioned that "Western
    Azeris" are displeased with them since the authorities have not
    fulfilled the demand of the "front" to allot lands to Azeri emigrants
    from Armenia. And in general, the founders of the movement say that
    "eastern brothers" do not feel sympathy towards them. "In Azerbaijan
    we were met quite coldly" said the chairman of organizational
    committee for creating the "Western Azerbaijan Liberation Front"
    Rizvan Talibov in a recent press-conference. So, it is clear that the
    aim of the "front" is not only to join Armenia to Azerbaijan but also
    to struggle against compatriots for a place under the son.

    The organization also has shadow aims which are not made public yet.
    Those aims are connected with the coming parliamentary elections. It
    is known that the political clan consisting from the emigrants from
    Armenia is one of the most influential in the country. From time to
    time it even throws down a challenge to the Nakhichevanian clan
    headed by the Alievs. Recently people of Nakhichevan and Baku have
    started to press the "Arazes" and "Erazes" (This is the way Baku
    people depreciatingly call Azeris from Armenia or Yerevan). The
    conflict has resulted in pressings on the Minister of Education Masir
    Mardanov by the Minister of Labor and Social Security Nakhichevanian
    Ali Nagiev and the removal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vilayat
    Guliev who, being an emigrant from Karabakh sided with the "Armenian
    clan". Parliamentarian elections are a good reason to gain revenge.
    Being in possession of serious material and administrative resources
    the "Arazes" are going to announce about themselves loudly and the
    establishment of the new organization is a bright evidence of that.

    At the same time the fight for influence within the clan is still
    under way. There are three candidates that can really pretend to the
    role of the clan leader. They are: Idayat Orudjev - President's
    advisor, Misir Mardanov - Minister of Education and Ali Insanov -
    Minister of Health. The latter is more active. He is going to
    establish his own party which will be supported by his former
    compatriots - "Arazes". By the way in 1997 Insanov was in Armenia and
    visited Echmiadzin. He was delighted at the reception and said warm
    words about hospitable Yervanians. Today Insanov is one of those who
    speak of Armenia as of "Western Azerbaijan".

    Insanov is not the only high-ranking official that has made
    statements that can be regarded as a territorial pretension towards
    Armenia. During his meeting with the Minister of Defense of Latvia
    the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan Safar Abiev clearly mentioned
    about the pretensions of official Baku to the southern regions of
    Armenia. "Azerbaijan does not want to be separated. I mean
    Nakhichevan which is separated from our lands. We are going to rise
    that question", he said. Many Azeri ministers principally call
    Yerevan "Irivan' and Sevan -"Gekcha". It seems they approve the
    creation of "Western Azerbaijan Liberation Front". But it is
    necessary to remind them of the late President Abulsafa Elchibey who
    promised that he would wash his shoes in Sevan in a few weeks...

    Artyom Yerkanyan