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ANKARA: Lawsuit Over Armenian Properties Worth $150 Million

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  • ANKARA: Lawsuit Over Armenian Properties Worth $150 Million

    Lawsuit Over Armenian Properties Worth $150 Million

    by Sefa Kaplan, İstanbul
    <,,sid~1@w~1@nvid~553333, 00.asp>
    Hürriyet (Internet edition) 23 March 2005

    The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (ADLP) was formed by Turkish
    Armenians in 1908, has been active overseas since 1915, and has been a
    participant in Armenia's political life since 1991. The party has now
    launched an ugly attack against Patriarch Mesrob Mutafian. A
    statement issued by the party's central committee in Boston and
    published in its official press organ Azg directly targets the
    Armenians of Turkey and their patriarch. The statement alleges that
    Mutafian was elected patriarch with the support of the Turkish
    Republic, that he has not made any efforts to defend the rights of
    Armenians, and that he has not raised his voice against injustices.
    It adds that Diaspora Armenians have been monitoring Mutafian's
    actions with anxiety for a long time, that no one in the [Turkish
    Armenian] community has dared to criticize this "young patriarch," and
    that Mutafian is not on good terms with [Turkish] Armenian

    Unbridled Ambition

    Charging that the Patriarch of Turkey has been working to bring other
    Armenian churches under his influence to satisfy "his unbridled
    imperial ambitions," the statement of the Boston Central Committee

    "Patriarch Mutafian refuses to answer our criticisms and sees the
    views of the ADLP as a bankrupt ideology. The ADLP's ideology that
    Mutafian says is bankrupt is based on the democratic system and stands
    for the recognition of the Armenian genocide and the independence of
    the historic homeland of the Armenians (Eastern Anatolia). Only a
    community that lives under the fearsome rule of the Turkish army could
    declare these ideals to be bankrupt."

    They Cannot Belittle Us

    In the meantime an article
    < amp;Id=3D216&DilId=3D1> penned by Murat Bebiroglu and published on the HyeTert
    Website <> says that the reason for
    these allegations is the international legal action Mutafian has taken
    to recover the funds and real estate that was bequeathed to the
    Patriarchate by Garabed Melkonian of Kayseri in 1921. The Bebiroglu
    article says: "The Armenians of Turkey are strong enough to defend the
    Patriarch. We cannot allow anyone to belittle us."

    The Melkonian Gift

    In 1921 Garabed Melkonian of Kayseri bequeathed his wealth of millions
    of dollars and real estate holdings to the Armenian Patriarchate of
    Turkey for the construction of an orphanage and school in his name.
    Because the conditions were more attractive [in Cyprus] the school and
    orphanage were built in Nicosia under the name Melkonian in 1924.
    However because of the uncertainty of the future of the Patriarchate,
    in 1926 all authority over the Melkonian school and its endowment was
    turned over to the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), which is
    an auxiliary organization of the ADLP, on condition that the AGBU
    comply with the terms of the Melkonian trust and that it pay a
    symbolic donation to the Patriarchate each year.

    Last year the AGBU decided to close the school without giving warning
    to anyone and to sell its properties for $60 million. On the surface,
    the goal of this action was to open a college in Armenia. Melkonian
    alumni and Armenians in all corners of the world oppose this decision
    vehemently. It has now been determined that the real estate that was
    said to be worth $60 million is actually valued at $150 million. In
    contrast the planned college in Armenia would cost only $3 million to
    $5 million. Lawyers researching the background of the dispute
    eventually knocked on the doors of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey
    which appears as the legal beneficiary in the trust deed. Mutafian
    had the issue examined by his own lawyers and filed a lawsuit against
    the AGBU. After the lawsuit was filed in Paris [as published],
    criticisms against Mutafian turned into an ugly attack.