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CENN: CENN Electronic Bulletin - 03/2005

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  • CENN: CENN Electronic Bulletin - 03/2005

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network

    78 Electronic Bulletin:
    Caucasus Environmental News
    Dear Colleagues! Dear Reader (DR)!

    Welcome to the March issue of the Caucasus Environmental News electronic
    bulletin prepared by participants of the Caucasus Environmental NGO
    Network (CENN).

    You are welcomed to share with us your opinions about the CENN bulletin.
    If you have any comments or questions, we will be happy to consider and

    Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation.
    ************************************************** *************************
    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) and the production of our
    electronic bulletin - Caucasus Environmental News have been funded by
    the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
    We are happy to inform you that current number of CENN members
    constitutes of 6982!
    Thanks for your interest in CENN!
    ************************************************** *************************



    1. Announcements

    1.1. Competition Announcement

    1.2. Small grants available from the Global Transparency Initiative

    1.3. EIA Reports

    1.4. EIA Reports

    1.5. EIA Reports

    2. News from Georgia

    2.1 US unhappy at prospect of Gazprom buying pipeline

    2.2 Energy ministry offers TELASI to purchase the whole
    output of 9TH power block

    2.3 Kulevi oil terminal to be put into operation by fall

    2.4 Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan oil pipeline will ease traffic
    in Turkish straits

    2.5 Chief of Forestry Department flees Georgia, citing

    2.6 US pushes for Kazakh Exports via BTC

    2.7 Oil and gas projects prospects being considered in

    2.8 Mines found near Georgia pipeline

    2.9 GIOGIE looks at pipelines future, past and present

    2.10 Forestry Department head flees country, leaves trail of

    2.11 Prospects of Georgian oil

    2.12 BTC construction halted by protest

    3. News from Azerbaijan

    3.1. Azerbaijan: oil workers allege foreign discrimination

    3.2. Azerbaijani Deputy Premier warns of ecological

    3.3. Sangachal terminal employs 3500 people

    3.4. NGO's database is created

    3.5. Seminar on "Environment management for sustainable human
    development" held

    3.6. WB mission on poverty reduction to visit Baku

    3.7. Shah-Deniz to become one of the 10 world's largest
    oil&gas projects

    3.8. SCP construction to be over by third quarter of 2006

    3.9. Because of BTC, Russia's pipeline to become "dead asset"

    3.10. Azerbaijan takes part at Moscow international travel and
    tourism exhibition

    3.11. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline to be filled with oil

    4. News from Armenia

    4.1. Animals renamed to remove Kurd and Armenian references

    4.2. RAO UES of Russia takes control of South Caucasian
    energy system

    4.3. Winter water world: Jermuk hopes to revive year-round
    tourism reputation

    4.4. Armenian President discusses Iran-Armenian gas pipeline

    5. NGO News

    5.1. Presentation of the environmental assessment program

    6. International News

    6.1. Increasing aid effectiveness to achieve the MDGs - with
    or without the environment?

    6.2. BTC construction works in Turkey completed by 93%

    6.3. Youth to the front - two new WCPA scholarships for young
    professionals in protected area management

    6.4. NGO strategy meeting on the EU Environment and Health
    Action Plan: final report

    6.5. BTC a victory for Turkey

    7. Calendar (International)

    7.1. III International Conference Biodiversity and Role of
    Zoocenosis in Natural and Anthropogenic Ecosystems Dnipropetrovsk 2005

    7.2. Conference related to Public Health

    7.3. Tenth International Journalism Summer School on "Working
    of Journalists in the situation of crisis"



    1.1. Competition Announcement

    The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Georgia is launching a competition for
    small projects, contributing to the reshaping of Georgian society at a
    local level. The competition is aimed at projects that:

    · Combat poverty through development of sustainable activities
    such as job and income creation, which will benefit target groups from
    the local population as well as their environment, with emphasis on
    equal gender participation.

    Sustainability (i.e. the prolongation of the activities or their effect
    after implementation) will be an important selection criterion.

    The competition is open to local, duly registered, non-governmental,
    non-profit making organizations or institutions, with relevant
    experience and facilities. The Netherlands Embassy does not award grants
    to individuals, to profit making or state run organizations and
    institutions or to political parties.

    The project proposals, in English, must be submitted before the 29th of
    April 2005. The results will be made public by mind June. The maximum
    contribution per project comes to GEL 18.000 for maximum project
    duration of 12 months. Financial support will be provided for specific
    program activities only.

    Organizations willing to participate should demand the application form
    by email, by regular mail, or withdraw one at the embassy:

    The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Georgia

    Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel

    20, Telavi street, 0103, Tbilisi

    Tel: 995 32 77 45 04

    Fax: 995 32 77 45 24

    E-mail: [email protected]

    1.2. Small grants available from the Global Transparency Initiative

    Dear friends,

    The Global Transparency Initiative (GTI), a network of civil society
    organizations promoting transparency at the international financial
    institutions (IFIs), announces a Request for Proposals for small grants
    in the following categories:

    a.. Case studies/Audits regarding access to information and the IFIs:
    Small grants of US$500 to US$3,000 will be made to research and write
    case studies about the negative consequences of a lack of transparency
    by IFIs or the positive effects of transparency by such institutions, in
    specific instances.
    b.. Advocacy: up to US$5,000, will be available for key advocacy
    activities which promote broader issues of disclosure by the IFIs or are
    linked to other activities of the GTI. The GTI seeks to improve the
    transparency of IFI's by influencing the disclosure policies and
    standards of these institutions. This grant is available to individuals
    and civil society organizations involved in precedent setting
    transparency issues within the context of specific campaigns.
    c.. Translations: up to US$1,000, will be made to translate case
    studies, transparency audits and other relevant documents produced by
    civil society that discuss issues dealing with transparency within a
    country context or within the operations of the International Financial
    Institutions (IFIs).

    Organizations and individuals are eligible to apply. Only complete
    proposals will be considered. Proposals for case studies/audits and
    advocacy will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, while proposals for
    translations will be reviewed on a more expedited basis, wherever
    possible within two weeks after they have been received.

    Please find more information at:

    1.3. EIA ReportS

    Source: "Sakartvelos Respublica" ("Republic of Georgia"), March 1, 2005

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Georgian Railway" Ltd.
    submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain
    an environmental permit for the activity of first category -
    Reconstruction Works of the Railway Bridge on the River Mtkvari on the
    Ksani-Dzegvi 2472-km.

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Koromi" Ltd. submitted EIA
    report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain an
    environmental permit for the activity of second category - Development
    of the Mineral Materials Deposit in Aspindza Region.

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Mshenebeli II" Ltd.
    submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain
    an environmental permit for the activity of second category -
    Development of the Mineral Materials Deposit in Aspindza Region, Rustavi

    EIA reports are available at the Department of Environmental Permits and
    State Ecological Expertise (87, Paliashvili Str., Tel: 25 02 19).
    Interested stakeholders can analyze the document and present their
    comments and considerations until April 14, 2005.

    Public hearing will be held on April 14, 2005 at 12:00, at the
    conference hall of the Ministry of Environment (68 A, Kostava Str.,
    Tbilisi, VI Floor).

    1.4. EIA Reports

    Source: "Sakartvelos Respublica" ("Republic of Georgia"), March 1, 2005

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Nergebi" Ltd. submitted
    EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain an
    environmental permit for the activity of second category - Development
    of the Sand Gravel Deposit in Zemo Avchala.

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, entrepreneur Solomon
    Kvezereli submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia
    to obtain an environmental permit for the activity of first category -
    Liquid Gas Service Station in Tbilisi (Gldani I m/r).

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Sigma" Ltd. submitted EIA
    report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain an
    environmental permit for the activity of first category - Base and Black
    Metals Processing Enterprise in Gardabani Region, Village Saakadze.

    EIA reports are available at the Department of Environmental Permits and
    State Ecological Expertise (87, Paliashvili Str., Tel: 25 02 19).
    Interested stakeholders can analyze the document and present their
    comments and considerations until April 14, 2005.

    Public hearing will be held on April 14, 2005 at 12:00, at the
    conference hall of the Ministry of Environment (68 A, Kostava Str.,
    Tbilisi, VI Floor).

    1.5. EIA Reports

    Source: "Sakartvelos Respublica" ("Republic of Georgia"), March 11, 2005

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, "Georgian Railway" Ltd.
    submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain
    an environmental permit for the activity of first category -
    Construction of the Railway Bridge on Senaki-Samtredia Second Rail the

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, entrepreneur Shalva Khubua
    submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain
    an environmental permit for the activity of second category - Wood
    Processing Plant in Tbilisi, 14, Feikrebi str.

    EIA reports are available at the Department of Environmental Permits and
    State Ecological Expertise (15 A Tamarashvili Str., Tel: 39 91 81).
    Interested stakeholders can analyze the document and present their
    comments and considerations until April 26, 2005.

    Public hearing will be held on April 26, 2005 at 12:00, at the
    conference hall of the Ministry of Environment (68 A, Kostava Str.,
    Tbilisi, VI Floor).


    2.1. US Unhappy at Prospect of Gazprom buying Pipeline

    Source: The Messenger, February 28, 2005

    In comments printed yesterday, February 24, 2005 in Georgian newspaper
    "24 Saati" (24 Hours), the US Stated Department's Caspian Basin energy
    adviser, Steven Mann, warned Tbilisi to consider the pros and cons
    before deciding on privatizing its gas pipeline. "The US categorically
    opposes any step that could ruin its years-long efforts to secure
    Georgia's energy independence," state Mr. Mann.

    Spelling it out, the top US official added that the sale of the North
    South pipeline to Gazprom would be perceived in Washington as "hindering
    the realization of the Shah-Deniz project."

    As if he had anticipated the negative US reaction, Mr. Bendukidze
    suggested on February 22, 2005 that the international consortium that
    operates Shah-Deniz compete with Gazprom to acquire the North-South
    pipeline. But the consortium leader, BP, has rejected the officer


    Source: Sarke, March 4, 2005

    Andrei Rappoport, the deputy chairman of the RAO EES management board,
    will consider among other questions a new scheme of relations between
    TELASI, Tbilisi energy distributor, and LLC Mtkvari Energetika during
    his visit to Georgia scheduled for March 5. Mtkvari Energetika (9th and
    10th power blocks of the thermal power station), as well as TELASI, has
    been owned by RAO EES.


    Source: Sarke, March 4, 2005

    The construction of the oil terminal in Kulevi (the Black Sea coast of
    Georgia, North Poti) which is to be put into operation by fall 2006 will
    cost $150 million. The capacity of the terminal will make up 33 million
    t of oil and oil products a year

    2.4. Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan Oil Pipeline Will Ease Traffic In
    Turkish Straits

    Source: TurkishPress, March 16, 2005

    Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline will lower the traffic in Turkish straits,
    said a Turkish source.

    ''Aside from its economic benefits to Turkey, the oil pipeline will help
    ease traffic in the Turkish straits of Bosphorus and Canakkale. We
    estimate that at least 333 giant tankers will be eliminated per year
    thanks to the (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) pipeline.''

    According to information obtained by the A.A, the number of oil tankers
    passing through the Turkish straits has dramatically increased in the
    past decade. ''While the amount of oil carried by ships was
    approximately 60 million tons in 1996, this amount jumped to 143,5
    million tons in 2004.''

    Turkish energy officials expect a rapid increase in the amount of oil
    carried from Russia through the straits. ''When oil is transferred from
    the Caspian region to Russia and then to Turkey, the tanker traffic will
    likely show an increase. Each day at least 15 large oil tanker pass
    through the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul.''

    The Turkish straits have become an economic haven for thousands of ships
    from Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.

    One Turkish official told the A.A that on the average one ship carrying
    a foreign flag passes through the Turkish straits every 7 minutes.
    ''Every 50 minutes, a large oil carrier passes through the Turkish

    Asked about the importance of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, a
    Turkish Ministry of Energy official indicated that there are some
    economic benefits for the people of the region. ''However, the BTC oil
    pipeline will help bring the risk of accidents in Turkish straits to a
    minimum level possible. We are more interested in the safety of Turkish
    cities than the economic benefits the BTC may bring to us.''

    The BTC oil pipeline is approximately 1774 kilometers long. The portion
    of the oil pipeline in Turkey is about 1074 kilometers.

    2.5. Chief of Forestry Department Flees Georgia, Citing

    Source: Civil Georgia, March 17, 2005

    Chairman of the Forestry Department of Georgia Bidzina Giorgobiani fled
    Georgia citing pressure from the authorities, particularly from the
    officials of the Security Service, which is currently under the
    subordination of the Interior Ministry.

    Before his departure Giorgobiani recorded a short video tape and
    distributed it to the Georgian television stations. In the tape, which
    was broadcasted by the leading Georgian televisions on March 16,
    Giorgobiani claims that officials from the Security Service fabricated a
    criminal case against him after he unveiled a scheme of appropriation of
    funds by the Security Service officials from the illegal trade of logs.

    "Controversy [with the Security Service] started after I have cut all
    the channels of illegal distribution of shares [from trade of logs],"
    Giorgobiani said.

    Reports say that Giorgobiani was convened in the General Prosecutor's
    Office a month ago for interrogation. The law enforcers suspected him
    for alleged "negligence" while selling logs. He was released after
    handing over to the General Prosecutor's Office a written pledge not to
    leave the city.

    Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili declined to comment on this case and
    only said that the General Prosecutor's Office is in charge of

    In a video tape Giorgobiani said that he is going to Germany, "where I
    lived for 9 years."

    Giorgobiani fled Georgia first time in early 90s after ouster of late
    Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia in 1992. Georgian daily Rezonansi
    reported on March 17, that Giorgobiani returned to Georgia after the
    request of late Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania who offered him a
    position of Chief of Forestry Department last year

    2.6. US Pushes for Kazakh Exports Via BTC

    Source: The Messenger, March 17, 2005

    The United States would support a Chinese plan to build a major new
    pipeline to export natural gas from Kazakhstan, said the State
    Department's point man on Caspian energy issues.

    But Ambassador Steven Mann told a forum of regional business
    representatives last week that the United States has deep reservations
    about the sale of neighboring Georgia's main gas pipelines to Russia's
    state-controlled monopoly Gazprom, saying the deal could jeopardize
    Georgia's energy independence.

    US officials have been pushing for Kazakhstan to ship more of its energy
    reserves through the highly touted new pipeline that bypasses Russia by
    going through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline is expected to begin operations on May 25.


    Source: Sarke, March 17, 2005

    Around 150 delegates are taking part in a 2-day Georgian International
    Oil, Gas, Energy and Infrastructure Conference - GIOCIE 2005, run by
    British ITE Group, exhibition company, and its exclusive partner in the
    Caucasus Iteca Caspian Ltd.

    In his opening speech, Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli said how important
    the conference was for Georgia to be crossed by the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline and the South Caucasian gas pipeline.


    Source: EINNews, March 18, 2005

    According to the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, sappers have
    defused 10 anti-tank mines found close to a building site for a
    strategic oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan currently under construction
    in this country.

    The devices were armed and ready for use when they were found around 100
    meters from the site in the village of Kide in southern Georgia where a
    part of the BTC pipeline was under construction, the ministry said in a

    There was started an investigation, said Georgian mass media.

    2.9. GIOGIE Looks at Pipelines Future, Past and Present

    Source: The Messenger, March 18, 2005

    Participants at energy conference address needs for future gas pipeline,
    importance of btc project and risks of privatization central gas

    Specialists in the oil and gas industry gathered in Tbilisi on Thursday,
    March 17, 2005 to discuss recent energy issues in the Caucasus, mindful
    of the fact that the much anticipated BTC pipeline will soon begin
    operation and another pipeline will begin construction.

    Also on officials' minds was the possibility of privatizing Georgia's
    central gas pipeline, a move strongly unadvised according to the US
    Ambassador to Georgia.

    Industry and government officials had gathered at the Sheraton Metechi
    Palace for the first day of the 4th Georgian International Oil, Gas,
    Energy and Infrastructure Conference - GIOGIE 2005.

    A main consensus was that the next two years are significant for
    Georgia's energy sustainability as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil
    pipeline construction is to begin functioning by summer 2005 and the
    Shah-Deniz South Caucasian Gas Pipeline (SCP) is now under construction.

    Opening the conference, Georgia's Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli
    highlighted the reforms going on in Georgia. He named strong micro
    financial performance as one of the positive results of the government's

    "We have been able to address social problems," the prime minister said.
    Economic and business reforms, Mr. Nogaideli thinks, will "open doors
    for investments in Georgia."

    The prime minister added that one positive reform already undertaken by
    the government is the tax reform that Mr. Nogaideli said is
    characterized by "radical changes."

    Referring to the government's current priorities, he named the energy
    sector as a leading item. the construction of roads and other
    infrastructure is the second priority according to Mr. Nogaideli.

    Speaking at the morning panel discussion, the US Ambassador in Georgia
    HE Richard Miles praised the upcoming completion of BTC construction as
    "a major milestone for the region and for each individual."

    The BTC pipeline will be able to transport up to one million barrels of
    crude oil per day and Ambassador Miles said the investments in the
    energy sector are a key to success in the region.

    HE Miles also addressed the possible privatization of the strategic
    energy infrastructure such as the central gas pipeline coming from
    Russia. "I should reiterate (US Senior Advisor on Caspian Basin Energy
    Diplomacy) Steven Mann," he said warning that the privatization of such
    infrastructure will create a monopoly and therefore, "it is not in
    Georgia's interests." However, HE Miles added, "it's Georgia's decision
    to make."

    Conference speakers noted the significance of East-West energy projects
    like BTC and SCP pipelines for the development of the region. "We must
    be able to convince international investors that Georgia is able to
    protect investors," said Nikoloz Vashadze, the President of the Georgian
    International Oil Corporation (GIOC). He added that the SCP gas pipeline
    when constructed would become Georgia's alternative source of gas.

    The South Caucasus Gas Pipeline (SCP) will carry gas from the Shah-Deniz
    filed to customers in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and other countries.
    Spanning 690 km, it will be capable of carrying up to seven million
    cubic meters of gas each year by 2006, with the possibility of doubling,
    this capacity in the future.

    The final pipe joint for the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) was unloaded
    at Poti port in Georgia en route for Azerbaijan back in February.

    Mr. Vashakidze noted on Thursday that Kazakhstan might participate in
    the BTC pipeline operation since Kazakh oil can be carried through the
    pipeline. He also says Turkey may construct an additional pipeline with
    Greece to carry Shah-Deniz oil to Europe.

    Nikoloz Natbiladze from the Economy Security Department of the Georgian
    National Security Council outlined issues the government plans to
    address in the near future in the energy sector. He said energy
    facilities must be modernized and the energy reserve capacity must be
    created in Georgia. "We must have such an energy sector that would not
    be dependent on state subsides or donation from financial institutions,"
    he said.

    Nikoloz Natbiladze also added that there should be diversification of
    energy sources so that the sector is not dependent on just one monopoly
    and has a minimum of at least one alternative source of energy.

    Georgian Deputy Minister of Energy and Fuel Alexander Khetaguri praised
    the GIOGIE conference saying, "a previous conferences highly contributed
    to the development of Georgia's energy sector."

    He agreed with Mr. Nogaideli that the energy sector is a priority.
    Alexander Khetaguri said currently his ministry plans to address two
    issues in the sector to ensure self-sustainability of energy sources and
    security of energy infrastructure. "The sector needs substantial
    financial injections," the deputy minister added.

    The GIOGIE conference is one in a serious of energy exhibitions in
    Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia and the former Soviet Asian countries. The
    conference is organized by ITE Group Plc and its partner in Georgia
    ITECA Kavkasia. President Mikheil Saakashvili sponsored the event.

    The final day of GIOGIE 2005 is Friday and will include panel
    discussions of electricity officials.

    2.10. Forestry Department head flees country, leaves trail of tapes

    Source: The Messenger, March 18, 2005

    International affairs alleges he was involved in illegal logging, but
    Mr. Giorgobiani counters that ministry employees were ones involved, and
    that is why he faced intimidation

    Following accusations that he was involved in Georgia's illegal logging
    industry, the head of the Forestry Department Bidzina Giorgobiani fled
    Georgia sometime in the past week.

    "It was impossible for me to stay in the country as the ministry of
    security was intensively pursuing me. They achieved what they want -- to
    force me to leave the country. But I will not leave everything this way
    and I will make them pay," an angry Mr. Giorgobiani told Rustavi-2 by
    telephone from Germany.

    Before leaving the country Mr. Giorgobiani made a video recording
    addressed to President Mikheil Saakashvili in which he explained how
    employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took timber to South
    Ossetia and then sent it to different countries.

    "Mr. President I want to ask you to end this unfair game and this
    business," Mr. Giorgobiani said in the tape, copies of which were copied
    to the local television stations. "My relations with the Ministry of
    Internal Affairs has become so strained after I stopped this dirty way
    of making money in July August 2004 (while head of the forester
    department)," reported Mr. Giorgobiani. He added that ministry employees
    responded by falsifying documents to make it seem that he was involved
    in this "dirty business."

    In the video recording that was first shown by Imedi TV late on March
    16, 2005 Mr. Giorgobiani states that the ministry of internal affairs
    was putting pressure on him because of the involvement of its employees
    in illegal logging and money laundering.

    In particular, Mr. Giorgobiani named head of the ministry's
    constitutional department David Akhalaia as being involved in shady
    timber selling enterprises which in turn laundered money.

    However, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Bidzina Bregadze said that
    by leaving the country Mr. Giorgobiani had committed an illegal act, "as
    he would have been imprisoned had he stayed at home."

    Mr. Giorgobiani implicated Minister of Internal Affairs Vano
    Merabishvili in his accusations, saying that he had spoken with him by
    telephone and that the minister had stated he was unaware of the
    pressure being put on him. "But Vano Merabishvili knew everything - how
    over the years money was made through machinations in the Forestry
    Department," said Mr. Giorgobiani.

    Speaking with journalists on Thursday, on March 17, 2005 Vano
    Merabishvili refuted the accusation and stated that Mr. Giorgobiani had
    not cooperated with the prosecutor's office, "By running away to another
    country, Mr. Giorgobiani avoided cooperation with the law enforcement
    officers. Now the case is in the prosecutor's hands, and I can say
    nothing, he said.

    Mr. Giorgobiani also leveled other accusations against the ministry of
    internal affairs, saying that one of its employees, Gogita Papashvili,
    was specially sent to the Ministry of Environment to lobby several firms
    that had paid "fees" to the South Ossetian budget when they were suppose
    to pay to the Georgian budget.

    "I opposed their action, but as it became clear later, Akhalaia and
    other officials who control this department were also involved in money
    laundering," said Mr. Giorgobiani.

    Following Mr. Giorgobiani's departure for Germany, the ministry of
    internal affairs questioned Deputy Head of the Forestry Department
    Mzevinar Ansiani, who told Mze that the ministry was interested in why
    Mr. Giorgobiani had decided to leave Georgia.

    "I did not have any information about it until Mr. Giorgobiani himself
    contacted me from Berlin. Before leaving, Mr. Giorgobiani told me to
    held hold a press conference and I do not understand why he made such an
    unexpected decision," said Mzevinar Ansiani.

    According to Mzevinar Ansiani the ministry of internal affairs was also
    interested whether he had any information or video recording that Mr.
    Giorgobiani has not shown yet. Mzevinar Ansiani answered that Mr.
    Giorgobiani had not given him anything.

    "Giorgobiani had already been questioned a month ago regarding the
    possible illegal sale of timber in Samtskhe-Javakheti," Deputy
    Prosecutor General Kakha Koberidze told Rustavi-2.

    Mr. Giorgobiani originally emigrated to Germany thirteen years ago.
    According to Mr. Giorgobiani the main reason for leaving the country at
    the time was because of pressure from the Shevardnadze's government.

    After the Rose Revaluation, however he returned to Georgia and according
    to press reports, was appointed to the post of forestry department head
    by late Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania.

    2.11. Prospects of Georgian Oil

    Source: The Messenger, March 21, 2005

    The oil exploration company CanArgo has emphasized that it is using some
    of the most modern equipment to drill for oil in Georgia, and according
    to the company's GEO Dr. David Robinson, they plan to drill a further
    fifteen wells at cost of USD 40-50 million.

    The first well using a horizontal bore drill has already been drilled
    and drilling the next one will begin at the end of March. The horizontal
    bore technique is designed to cut diagonally across an oil deposit
    instead of straight down in order to access a larger section of deposit.

    The CanArgo president believes the new oil fields in Georgia have huge
    potential, although the oil is very deep. He also enthused that Georgian
    oil is the best in the world - both light and pure as reported by
    newspaper Khvalindeli Dge.

    Georgia has an eighty year history oil exploration. During the soviet
    era Georgia was producing 3,3 million tones per year, but after the
    collapse of the Soviet Union financing of this sphere stopped. Currently
    Georgia produces annually 82,000 tones, according to newspaper
    Sakartvelis Respublika.

    Mr. Robinson notes that the company is also working in Kazakhstan, but
    that its biggest investments are in Georgia as the oil fields here have
    excellent prospects. CanArgo will continue drilling horizontally to
    increase the volume of exploration.

    Horizontal drilling is the best way to exploit old wells, and Mr.
    Robinson reports that this technique has already led to increased oil
    production, with out put at the Manavi well in Kakheti now equaling
    2,000 barrels a day.

    The CanArgo president thinks that pretty soon Georgia will be producing
    enough oil and natural gas to satisfy its needs and will be able to
    export as well. in his opinion, Georgia will need to produce 40,000
    barrels a day to become an exporter.

    The company estimates that there are 190 million barrels of oil reserves
    in Georgia - with reserves in Ninotsminda, Samgori, Kumisi, Teleti,
    Varketili, Norio and in the southern part of the country. Mr. hopes to
    construct an oil refinery as well, and also says that natural gas
    production could activated in the country.

    The company is not the only oil explorer in Georgia. Frontera and
    Anadarko are both conducting exploration activities, with Anadarko
    exploring off shore reserves in the Black Sea.

    2.12. BTC Construction Halted by Protest

    Source: The Messenger, March 25, 2005

    Building of the BTC oil pipeline was suspended for five hours on
    Tuesday, March 22, 2005 because of a village demonstration in
    Akhaltsikhe region. According to Black Sea Press, villagers' blame
    consortium leader BP of damage to a 10-km irrigation channel and damage


    3.1. Azerbaijan: Oil Workers Allege Foreign Discrimination

    Source: Institute for war and peace reporting, February, 2005

    A growing litany of complaints from Azerbaijanis employed by
    international companies in Baku

    The new Azerbaijani oil boom has brought a flood of foreign investment
    to Baku, but many local Azerbaijani employees are complaining they are
    working hard in poor conditions and reaping none of the rewards.

    Twenty-four international companies are now exploiting the huge wealth
    of the oil and gas fields of the Caspian Sea and forging ahead with the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, currently the largest
    construction project in the world, due for completion later this year.

    Most of the workforce in these companies consists of local Azerbaijanis.
    80% of the 15,000 people employed by the Azerbaijan International
    Operating Company's so-called "Early Oil" project, which sends oil to
    the Georgian Black Sea coast, for example are locals.

    However, many of the employees say they are being exploited as cheap
    labour and denied elementary rights. "Forty-five people use one toilet
    and one bathroom. They make us work like horses and pay us 100 times
    less than the foreigners," said a 43-year-old employee of the
    Consolidated Contractors International Corporation, CCIC, the main
    contractor in the construction of BTC, who preferred not to be named.

    Mirvari Gahramanly, chairman of the Committee of Oil Industry Workers'
    Rights Protection, told IWPR that contracts signed by CCIC were not in
    keeping with Azerbaijani employment practices.

    Under the contracts, said Mirvari Gahramanly, workers could be required
    to do any work asked of them - although the working week is formally
    fixed at 40 hours, the company has the right to ask workers to complete
    their work in non-working time.

    Sahib Suleimanov, CICC public affairs officer, refused to comment on
    these allegations, referring IWPR to British Petroleum, BP, the company
    that contracted out the work to CCIC.

    Tamam Bayatly, head of BP's press service in Baku, did not deny the
    points Gahramanly raised, but said the contracts had been drawn up in
    consultation with lawyers from the Azerbaijani state oil company SOCAR.
    She countered, "In the first place, if they did not like these
    conditions, they should not have signed the contract. Secondly, overtime
    is well paid. If our employees work 10 hours a day they receive twice as
    much as usual."

    Another complaint of Azerbaijani employees is that they are made to work
    on public and religious holidays and days of mourning. But Bayatly
    rejected these claims, "In BP and its contractors, our employees can
    decide for themselves whether to work on holidays or days of mourning.
    If someone wants to earn more money they come to work. If they don't,
    they don't."

    Akif Alizade, an independent lawyer, said that BP was technically in the
    right. "The employees signed these contracts voluntarily and they are
    obliged to honor the terms."

    "Maybe many of them did not even read what they signed," said economist
    Gubad Ibagogly. "And that's not surprising in a country where there is
    massive unemployment and minuscule salaries. Who will think twice, when
    they are being offered [several hundred] dollars a month?"

    Local CCIC workers receive salaries of between 200 and 1500 dollars a
    month, which are higher than the local average. However, there is a big
    discrepancy between what locals are paid and what foreigners receive for
    the same work.

    According to Gahramanly, BOS Shelf - another contractor working for BP
    on offshore construction projects - has a four-tier pay scale with
    locals placed at the bottom, irrespective of their skill-levels.

    Aliniyaz Mamiev, who formerly worked as a mechanic for BOS Shelf, told
    IWPR he was a victim of pay discrimination. He said he had been paid 328
    dollars a month for his labour, while his colleague from the Philippines
    had received between 2500 and 3000 dollars for doing the same job.


    Source: RFE/ RL Newletter, March 8, 2005

    Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Abid Sharifov, who is also chairman of
    the State Committee for Emergency Situations, stated at the seminar
    organized by the French Embassy in Baku on March 7, 2005 that Azerbaijan
    is vulnerable to earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. He explained
    that the entire country is part of a seismically active zone, while 50%
    of its territory is threatened by floods. Mr. Sharifov later told
    journalists that Azerbaijan cannot at present afford to create a
    separate ministry to deal with emergency situations.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 17, 2005

    According to Mr. Rob Kelly, President of Azerbaijan Int'l Operating
    Company's (AIOC) 'Shahdeniz' project, construction works on 'Sanghachal'
    terminal, which is the part of the project, outstripped the schedule by
    6 %.

    There were put in order Rolls-Royce generator and air compressors,
    condensate measuring set, stabilizing panel, was completed construction
    of reservoir bases as well as the exchange and heating systems. Body of
    the oil heater at the height of 25-floor building, convection oven,
    inside pipes and preventor block have already been built. Construction
    of tank and commutation hall is in progress.

    The terminal currently employs 3500 people.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 17, 2005

    The National Non-governmental organization's Forum is carried out a
    project on building a electronic database and recreation of directory
    for NGO.

    Within the projects framework, which is carried out with a financial
    support of the Eurasian Fund of the United States Agency for
    International Development, in the database will collecting over 1000
    NGO's informations and directory to be placed in web-site in Azerbaijani
    and English.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 17, 2005

    A seminar dealing with a new curriculum entitled "Environment Management
    for Sustainable Human Development" has been held by the Western
    University and Mississippi Valley State University.

    The seminar attended by famous scholars and specialists and
    representatives of the Ministries of Education and Ecology and Natural
    Resources as well as the Mississippi Valley State University focused on
    the necessity to train new skilled specialists specializing in
    environmental issues in order to implement economic, social programs and
    projects, which meet the requirements of the sustainable human
    development conception.

    The seminar participants heard the reports on "Human Development
    Conception and Sustainable Natural and Social Environment Management".

    3.6. WB mission on poverty reduction to visit Baku

    Source: AssA-Irada, March 19, 2005

    A mission led by the World Bank (WB) senior economist on the South
    Caucasus region Christian Peterson will visit Baku on March 21.

    The goal of the visit is to hold talks over a credit agreement within
    the State Program on Poverty Reduction and Economic Development, the WB
    Baku office told AssA-Irada.

    During the visit to last till April 2 Peterson will hold meetings at
    several government bodies. The Draft credit agreement will be submitted
    to the WB Board of Directors for approval after the talks.

    The first portion of a loan amounting to $20 million may be allocated
    early in April if all activities are carried out on schedule.

    Issues relating to the budget of the Caspian Shipping Company and
    approval of rules for registration of legal entities with the Ministry
    of Justice were discussed and agreed upon during the last visit by
    Peterson to Baku in January.

    The Bank is expected to allot a total of $60 million for the State
    Program in three equal portions. The WB loans are allocated for 35
    years, with a 10-year grace period and 0.75% annual interest rate.

    The program, which started in 2003 to complete in 2005, requires a total
    of $3 billion, of which $1.7 billion is to be provided from foreign
    sources and the rest from local sources.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 20, 2005

    According to the Azerbaijan International Operating Company, drilling of
    3 exploration wells at Shahdeniz field located 40 km offshore in the
    Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian has allowed to estimate gas and
    condensate reserves at 38 trillion cubic feet and 2,1 million tons

    First gas from the field is planned to be pumped by the South Caucasus
    Pipeline through Georgia to Turkey and further to Europe by the end of
    2006. The total cost of the project is US $4,1 billion. Started in
    November 2003, it is so far more than 51 percent completed.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 20, 2005

    Constriction of the 690 km long South Caucasus (SCP) gas pipeline to
    pump the "blue fuel" from Shahdeniz field in the Azerbaijan sector of
    the Caspian Sea to Turkey and further to Europe is reported to finished
    in the 3rd quarter of 2006. To date, 220 km long canal has been dug in
    the 443 kilometers long Azerbaijan section of the pipeline, 188 km of
    pipes have been welded together, and auxiliary objects have constructed,
    with 5 million man-hours worked without a lost-time accident. The
    construction involves 2 thousand employees, 1500 of which are locals.

    3.9. Because of BTC, Russia's pipeline to become "dead asset"

    Source: UPI Energy Watch, March 22, 2005

    The State Oil Company of Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) and the Azeri
    International Operating Company (AMOK), operator to the
    Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipeline, intent to cease exporting oil through
    the pipeline by mid April. The BTC pipeline meanwhile will begin
    exporting oil this autum andf is expected to pump more than 50 million
    tones of oil annually. Azerbaijan intends to reroute oil from the
    Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipeline to the BTC as the country looks to find
    technical oil with which to fill the BTC. For every ton of oil Baku
    pumps to Novorossiysk and it pays $15.67. Azeri First vice Premier Abbas
    Abbassov announced that because Baku high quality oil is getting mixed
    with Russian low quality oil, the price of the oil has fallen at the
    Russian port by $4-5. Abbas Abbassov said that SOCAR's annual losses
    could amount to $50-100 million.

    Troika Dialog investment company expert Valeriy Nestorov said: "What we
    are saying is that in the future oil will not be going into the
    Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipeline thus this pipeline will become a dead
    asset. This is bad for Russia, of course, since Rosneft will lose very
    important income from the transportation of Azerbaijan oil." Russian
    Federation Ministry of Industry and Energy officials stated: "So far no
    official documents have been received from the Azerbaijani side
    regarding this matter. The pipe is not going to stay dry."


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 26, 2005

    The 12th Moscow International Exhibition "Travel and Tourism / MITT
    2005" opened in the 'Expocenter' at Krasnaya Presnya on March 23.

    There were tourist's companies from 150 countries those had been
    represented their services. It is fourth time that the Ministry of
    Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic taking part at this
    prestigious event.

    Tourist opportunities of the Azerbaijan Republic were presented at 3th
    pavilion. According to Mr. Zakir Aliyev, Head of the Department of the
    Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Tourism, Azerbaijani exposition drew an
    attention of many foreign tourist companies and visitors. 'We have hold
    business talks with an official representatives of more than 100 tourist
    companies of Russia and other countries', he stressed.

    Among the Azerbaijan exhibitors has been a well-known tourist companies
    as Improtex Travel, Sevgun Travel, AIT Agency, Azari, STI, Christens
    Beach, Grand Hotel Europe. Along with exhibiting companies, exhibition
    hosts about 10 visiting tourist companies.

    Azerbaijani exposition also features promotional materials, brochures
    with full information of Azerbaijani recreation areas and resorts, as
    well as 'Panorama of Azerbaijan' magazine, 'Welcome to Azerbaijan'
    Guidebook and other materials.

    The exhibition will complete its work on March 26.

    3.11. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline to be filled with oil

    Source: RBC, March 25, 2005

    The process of filling the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline with oil
    will begin in May 2005, Natik Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan's National
    Oil Company, has told reporters. He noted that the process of filling
    Azerbaijan's section of the pipeline with oil would start in May, and
    the corresponding process for Georgia's section of the pipeline would
    begin in July. The pipeline construction work in Turkey is to be
    finished by June 30 of this year, Aliyev remarked. "All our indicators
    and estimates are showing that we will fulfill the existing schedule,
    which envisages that the first tanker with Azerbaijani oil will be
    loaded in Ceyhan in September 2005," he added.

    As reported earlier, the length of this pipeline is 1,767 km, including
    443 km in Azerbaijan, 248 km in Georgia and 1,076 km in Turkey. The
    pipeline's capacity is 50m tons of oil a year. The pipeline construction
    started in April 2003. Shares in the project are distributed between: BP
    (30.1 percent of shares), Azerbaijan's National Oil Company (25
    percent), Unocal (8.9 percent), Statoil (8.71 percent), TPAO (6.53
    percent), ENI (5 percent), Itochu (3.4 percent), ConocoPhillips (2.5
    percent), Inpex (2.5 percent), TotalFinaElf (5 percent) and Amerada Hess
    (2.36 percent).


    4.1. Animals renamed to remove Kurd and Armenian references

    Source: UAE, March 6, 2005

    Turkey is renaming three indigenous animals to eliminate references to
    Kurdistan and Armenia, the Environment and Forestry Ministry announced.

    The old names were given by foreigners with designs on the country's
    unity, it said.

    A species of red fox known as Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica will now be
    known as just Vulpes Vulpes, a species of wild sheep called Ovis
    Armeniana was changed to Ovis Orientalis Anatolicus, and a type of deer
    known as Capreolus Capreolus Armenus was renamed Capreolus Cuprelus
    Capreolus, a ministry statement said.

    "Foreign scientists, who for years researched Turkey's flora and fauna,
    named species they had never come across with a prejudiced mind," it

    4.2. RAO UES of Russia takes control of South Caucasian Energy

    Source: PanARMENIAN.Net, March 7, 2005

    During the recent two months it became quite obvious that the RAO UES of
    Russia is going to take the energy system of Armenia under control, IA
    Regnum reports. According to President Anatoly Chubays, the energy
    holding "is thinking of the expansion of the export of the Armenian
    processing capacities and of more complicated export constructions such
    as export of the Armenian electrical power to Georgia and Iran." In
    future the RAO UES is going to take the control of the whole energy
    system of the South Caucasus. To note the company already owns a part of
    Georgian and Azeri power grids. As for Armenia, the Russian giant has
    purchased the complex of the Sevan-Hrazdan cascade of hydroelectric
    power stations, the Hrazdan HPP and presently manages the financial
    flows of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant. In May 2003 the RAO UES of
    Russia founded the International Energy Corporation CJSC for
    administering the Sevan-Hrazdan cascade of hydroelectric power stations
    conveyed to Russia to pay off the debt for the nuclear fuel delivered
    for the Armenian NPP.

    4.3. Winter Water World: Jermuk hopes to revive year-round tourism

    Source: ArmeniaNow Reporter, March 10, 2005

    While mild weather has been welcomed in the capital, about 170
    kilometers south-east of Yerevan, the forested resort town of Jermuk is
    still deep in winter. Here on the plateau, 2070 meters high above sea
    level, the thick snow layer of Jermuk glows under sun rays as if
    shedding light of diamond grit. The only noise-maker of the local
    nature, still enjoying winter sleep, is the waterfall, which from 60
    meters height flow into Arpa River running through the town.

    Once famous for its curing complex and water treatment, today Jermuk is
    trying to again attract winter guests by restoring heating systems in
    health resorts.

    In comparison with Tsaghkadzor known for providing active winter rest in
    Armenia, the main advantage of Jermuk with its typical mountainous
    climate is the curable mineral water.

    The curing complex of seven resorts of the town includes inner and outer
    usage of thermal waters, diet therapy, gymnastics, walk therapy in the
    open air, climatic and physiotherapeutic procedures.

    "In the past our curing complex was dealing with visitors arriving from
    all the former Soviet republics the whole year round," says Stepan
    Avagyan, the head of Jermuk Business and Tourism Association "Fifteen
    years have passed, and today our main goal is to return that very
    contingent to Jermuk."

    In the city, founded in 1935 on the basis of mineral waters, today the
    visiting card is still the mineral water gallery, where one can enjoy
    several natural springs free of charge. The lowest temperature of the
    waters is 30C, with 65C the highest.

    In 1951 the first factory of mineral waters was established in the town.
    During Soviet times its production, that is mineral water Jermuk, was
    exported into 50 countries. Today the leading companies here, producing
    mineral waters, are "Jermuk Group" and Jermuk Parent Enterprise.

    Here patients with diagnosis of the alimentary canal, liver,
    gall-bladder diseases, diabetes and gynecological illnesses pass courses
    of water treatment.

    The flow of visitors to Jermuk, mainly from the regions of Armenia,
    begins in May and last till September. During Soviet times, however, all
    the year round the town with 2,000 resort beds received 20,000 visitors
    annually from Russia only.

    The first step of fame rehabilitation of Jermuk among CIS countries took
    place last week, when local businessmen invited ambassadors of Russia,
    the Ukraine and Belarus in Armenia to acquaint themselves with the
    opportunities of the resort winter rest in Jermuk.

    The weekend getaway was supported by Urban Institute financed by USAID.
    Last year the Urban Institute helped finance and organize Jermuk's new
    tourism association, as part of similar involvement in 12 towns
    throughout Armenia.

    According to the specialists Jermuk business and tourism center is among
    the most successful ones, where the powers and businessmen are already

    "It is so pleasant that all the businessmen involved in Jermuk tourism
    business take part in the development of the economic association. That
    means that in all the projects related to Jermuk they will be present
    with an associated team," says Ara Petrosyan, the Deputy Minister of the
    Trade and Economy Development of Armenia.

    Two years ago the previous state health-resort complex in Jermuk was
    actively privatized by businessmen.

    "Today problems put in front of us are changed. The private owners
    understand that they should repair the resorts to return their visitors.
    Today the customer pays and demands up-to-date service: he is not
    satisfied with the former conditions," says Stepan Avagyan.

    In Jermuk's health-resorts depending on quality of service, one-day rest
    ranges from $18-80. Businessmen assure that during the first five years
    all the city's medical and rest buildings will meet contemporary

    "Today increase of 'nostalgic' tourism is registered in CIS countries:
    that is the tourists visit the places they have been during Soviet
    times. It is conditioned on the likeness of the mentality and customs,
    as well as on the absence of language obstacles," says Deputy Minister

    According to him Armenia has a great potential of tourism development,
    the proof of this is the statistics in the mid of 80s, when the number
    of visitors into Armenia surpassed 600,000.

    4.4. Armenian President Discusses Iran-Armenian Gas Pipeline

    Source: The Messenger, March 18, 2005

    The president of Armenia Robert Kocharian discussed issues relating to
    the construction of a gas pipeline linking Armenia with Iran with the
    directors of the Russian companies Gazprom and RAO UES Alexander
    Ryazanov and Andrei Rapport in Yerevan on Wednesday, March 16, 2005.

    According to Prime News, the prospects of cooperation in the energy
    systems of the region were also discussed at the meeting.

    5. NGO NEWS

    5.1. presentation of the Environmental Assessment Program

    On March 17, 2005 Caucasus Environmental NGOs Network (CENN) organized
    presentation of its Environmental Assessment Program. Presentation was
    conducted in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural
    Resources of Georgia.

    The main objectives of the seminar were:

    · Presentation of recommendations resulted from the study
    ,,Assessment of effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
    system in Georgia''- conducted by CENN in 2003-2004 years;

    · Sharing international experience on Environmental Impact
    Assessment (EIA) system;

    · Introduction of two projects of the Environmental Assessment
    Program. (,,Strengthening of Environmental Assessment (EIA/SEA) System
    in the South Caucasus Countries" supported by the Bank Netherlands
    Partnership Program (BNPP) and the World Bank, and "Improvement of
    Environmental Assessment (EA) Practice in Georgia through Development of
    EA Implementation Tools" supported by the Government of the

    · Identification of priority sectors for preparation of EIA

    Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia
    Giorgi Papuashvili, Representative of Netherlands Commission for
    Environmental Impact Assessment A.Kolhoff, employees of various
    departments of the Ministry and representatives of Caucasus
    Environmental NGOs Network (CENN) attended the presentation.

    The presentation invoked a great interest among the participants. As a
    result of the seminar MoE staff members received information about CENN
    Environmental Assessment Program. Participants expressed their readiness
    in active cooperation with CENN and willingness to support organization
    in project realization.

    During the last part of the presentation participants identified
    priority sectors for preparation of EIA instructions.

    Prepared by CENN



    Source: IUCN March 3, 2005

    It is clear that the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
    requires the doubling of aid from the international community and
    substantial improvements in the way that aid is used - but the role of
    conservation and the environment seems to be less clear. "There is truly
    little recognition outside of the environment community that
    biodiversity loss affects the very basis on which poverty eradication
    and development more broadly depends. To put it in other terms, MDG 7 on
    environmental sustainability underpins the achievement of all the other
    MDGs", said Sebastian Winkler, Senior Policy Officer of The World
    Conservation Union.


    Source: State Telegraphic Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azertag,
    March 6, 2005

    Construction-assembly works in the Turkish part of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan MEP have been completed by 93 percent, the BOTAS
    Company that engaged in construction of the pipeline said. In 1074 km of
    the 1076 km pipeline the pipes have been welded, while 1037 km of pipes
    were covered.

    The Turkish part of the pipe will be pumped in early June.


    Source: IUCN March 15, 2005

    Junior Ranger Tshegofatso Monama challenged 3,000 participants at the V
    IUCN World Parks Congress when he said: "The problem I have about parks
    is that they do not offer opportunities. They should offer opportunities
    to the young because as I look out here I see only old people who are
    going to die!" Responding to the need to involve more young people in
    protected area management and conservation, IUCN's Programme on
    Protected Areas and the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
    launched a youth training scholarship programme at the 3rd IUCN World
    Conservation Congress (WCC, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004). The
    programme, developed and implemented in partnership with the Consortium
    for International Protected Area Management (CIPAM), will offer two
    scholarships for talented young professionals to attend a protected area
    management seminar and to develop an action plan implementing the new
    seminar skills and results. Graduates of the seminars will be offered
    professional mentoring subsequent to the course. The initiative is the
    first undertaking of a partnership focused on increasing protected area
    professional capacity amongst young protected area practitioners.

    6.4. NGO strategy meeting on the EU Environment and Health Action
    Plan: final report

    Dear Readers,

    We would like to draw your attention to the final report of the NGO
    strategy meeting on the EU Environment and Health Action Plan which took
    place in Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands) on 1 December 2004 and was
    co-organized by the European Public Health Alliance Environment Network
    (EEN) and the Dutch Platform for Environment and Health. The report is
    now available both in English and in Russian, please find both versions

    The meeting aimed to identify key actions proposed by WHO's Children's
    Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) and to recommend
    that they be taken forward within the EU Action Plan framework. It also
    looked at how the EU's Action Plan can be implemented by examining areas
    such as bio-monitoring, indicators, risk communication and indoor air
    quality. The results were presented to the EU member states and
    institutions at the Dutch Presidency conference on December 2-3.

    For further information please see our website at:

    EPHA Environment Network

    39-41 rue d'Arlon

    B-1000 Brussels

    Tel: +32 2 233 3875

    Fax: +32 2 233 3880

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Please visit our new website:

    6.5. BTC a Victory for Turkey

    Source: Washington Times, March 22, 2005

    The opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline in May has Turkish
    officials proclaiming victory in Ankara's 14 year long war with Russia
    over increased tanker traffic through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. A
    Turkish Ministry of Energy spokesman said: "Aside from its economic
    benefits to Turkey, the oil pipeline will help ease traffic in the
    Turkish straits of Bosphorus and Canakkale. We estimate that at least
    333 giant tankers will be eliminated per year thanks to the pipeline".
    Oil transit in 1996 was approximately 60 million tones; in 2004 it had
    leaped to 143.5 million tons.


    7.1. III International Conference Biodiversity and Role of
    Zoocenosis in Natural and Anthropogenic Ecosystems Dnipropetrovsk 2005


    4-6 October, 2005

    III International Conference Biodiversity and Role of Zoocenosis in
    Natural and Anthropogenic Ecosystems Dnipropetrovsk 2005

    Dnipropetrovsk 2005

    Conference Sections

    a.. Biodiversity and functional role of invertebrates in aquatic
    b.. Biodiversity and functional role of vertebrates in aquatic
    c.. Biodiversity and functional role of invertebrates in terrestrial
    ecosystems.. Biodiversity and functional role of vertebrates in
    terrestrial ecosystems.

    Conference Themes

    1.. Biodiversity (zoodiversity) as a functional basis of ecosystem
    2.. Functional structure of zoocenosis in various ecosystems and its
    change under conditions of transformation.
    3.. Population structure of zoocenosis in natural and transformed
    4.. Morphological and physiological adaptations of animals in
    transformed ecosystems.
    5.. Basic directions of animals' adaptive process to ecosystems
    transformation at different levels of organization (genetic,
    physiological, biochemical, organism, population, ecosystem).
    6.. Animals in conservation and formation of primary and secondary
    biological production.
    7.. Animals in geological and biological circulation of substances and
    in energy transformation.
    8.. Zoocenosis role in soil formation.
    9.. Animals in self-purification of aquatic and terrestrial systems
    under technogenic influence.
    10.. Animal populations in homeostasis of ecosystems sustainability
    under conditions of technogenesis.
    11.. Zoocenosis in conservation and rehabilitation of general
    12.. Zoocenosis in formation of biotic communications (consortium,
    biocenosis, ecosystem, biosphere).
    13.. Applied problems of studying zoocenosis as a functional component
    of ecosystems and biosphere.
    14.. Reserved and protected territories in conservation of a genofund
    of important functional elements of zoocenosis.
    15.. Mathematical modeling of a biodiversity, structure and functions
    of zoocenosis.

    Call for Abstracts:

    The Organization Committee invites you to submit an abstract. Official
    languages of the Conference: English, Russian, Ukrainian. Abstract
    format: up to 3 pages in MS Word (any version), Times New Roman, 14 pt.
    Line spacing and margins are undefined. After the first mention of
    scientific (Latin) name of a species it is necessary to specify a full
    surname of the description author and year. The quantity of
    abbreviations in the text should be minimal. Figures (diagrams) are not
    allowed. Please reduce number of references to a minimum since papers
    should be written without the list of literature.

    Abstract submission: please send your abstract by E-mail:
    [email protected]. Do not send printed abstracts. Deadline for abstract
    submission: 10 JULY 2005.

    Text should be carefully verified. Authors are responsible for quality
    of published materials.

    The organizing committee reserves the right to reject the materials
    which are not adequate to the program and conditions of the Conference
    on subjects, stylistics and the contents.

    The organizing committee plans to decrease registration fee as much as
    possible. So, information on the registration fee, meals, travel and
    accommodation will be noticed in the second circular. It will be placed
    on a site of conference in the beginning of September, 2005 or
    dispatched personally to contributors, who submit abstract and
    application form. Excursions to Prysamarsky International Biospheric
    stationl, Dniprovsko-Orelsky Nature Reserve, mining grounds of wood
    rehabilitation in Western Donbass are planned.

    Accepted abstracts will be also arranged on the Internet site of
    Department of Zoology and Ecology of Dnipropetrovsk National University
    ( Abstracts of I and
    II International Conferences (in 2001 and 2003) are placed at the same

    Conference secretary

    Dr. Viktor V. Brigadirenko

    Phone: +38 0562 469282,

    E-mail: [email protected]

    7.2. conference related to Public Health

    Dear colleagues,

    I am sharing with you this information about the conference related to
    Public Health that will be organized in Armenia on September 17-20,

    This is the Regional Public Health Conference and we expect to have lots
    of local and international public health specialists as participants.
    Your participation as well as sharing with this info with your
    colleagues and friends would be appreciated. For more info you are
    welcome to contact me.

    Please visit the website, where you can find all info about the

    Best Regards,

    Naira Gharakhanyan, MD, MPH

    Health Program Coordinator

    COAF Armenia

    13 Yervand Kochar, Yerevan

    Tel: (+374 1) 57 52 54

    Tel/fax: (+3741) 57 53 55



    Mass Media Center School of Journalism, St.Petersburg State University

    St.Petersburg, Russia

    28 June - 6 July 2005

    St.Petersburg, Russia

    The Mass Media Center of the School (Faculty) of Journalism at St.
    Petersburg State University (SPbGU) is inviting journalists, scholars,
    educators, students, and communication specialists from around the world
    to take part in the Tenth Annual International Journalism Summer School,
    beginning June 28, 2005. This is the excellent opportunity to widen the
    view on media studies studying Russian media and journalism in the
    political, social, economic, legal, ethnic, environmental and cultural

    Leading university professors and professional journalists will lead
    this course, which will include lectures and practical workshops devoted
    to several issues, questions and problems related to the development of
    the Mass Media. The main subject of the Tenth Summer course will be
    "Working of Journalists in the Situations of Crisises". Participants
    will have the opportunity to discuss this topic with professional
    journalists during the site visits to media outlets as well as during a
    roundtable scheduled for July 6. Courses are given by the best faculty
    and staff of the School of Journalism at St.Petersburg State University
    and experienced professionals from a wide variety of St.Petersburg

    The course also includes a cultural program, with sightseeing city bus
    tour, excursion to the State Hermitage Museum, and performance at the
    famous Marinsky (Kirov's) Theater.

    Working languages:

    English and Russian

    The programme will be conducted in Russian, with English interpretation.

    Registration until: June 1, 2005.

    Participants are responsible for the trip to St.Petersburg and for
    getting of the Russian visas. Visa support is not included to the
    tuition fee.

    For more information, including application materials, contact the Mass
    Media Center of the School of Journalism at

    St.Petersburg State University: 1-aya Liniya V.O. Building 26, Office
    602. 199004. St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Telephone / Fax: (7-812) 323-00-67, 321-01-72.

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Web sites: and

    Contact person: Dmitry A. Ruschin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director
    of the International Journalism Summer School and Winter School on
    Public Relations at St.Petersburg State University. E-Mail:
    [email protected] (main address) and [email protected] (additional


    School of Journalism, St.Petersburg State University

    1-aya Liniya V.O., # 26, office 606. St.Petersburg, 199004, Russia

    Tel/Fax: (7-812) 323-00-67, 321-01-72.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    ************************************************** *************************

    Subscribing Information

    This CENN lists are created to maintain e-mail discussions of Caucasus
    Environmental NGO Network members. By sending the letter on address
    [email protected], all subscribers will receive it.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe from CENN mailing list service, please send
    an email message to [email protected] and places the subscribe or
    unsubscribe command as the first line of the message body. For example,
    if a mailing list called CENN, one would subscribe or unsubscribe by
    placing the value: SUBSCRIBE CENN or UNSUBSCRIBE CENN as the first line
    of the message body. The message subject is irrelevant and can be left
    blank. For more information, please visit CENN web page at:

    CENN, on behalf of the Caucasus Environmental NGOs, would like to
    express gratitude to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
    (SDC) for provision of financial support for regional environmental
    networking program.

    For more information about the program, please visit CENN web-page:

    ************************************************** *************************
    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)
    E-mail: [email protected]
    ************************************************** *************************
    Editorial policy: CENN both solicits and accepts submissions for
    environmental information to the Caucasus Environmental News Bulletin.
    Although, CENN retains the right to edit all materials both for content
    and length. The information provided for the Bulletin does not
    necessarily represent the opinion of CENN and SDC.
    ************************************************** *************************
    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

    Tel: ++995 32 75 19 03/04
    Fax: ++995 32 75 19 05
    E-mail: [email protected]