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Athens: New claims raise pressure on patriarch

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  • Athens: New claims raise pressure on patriarch

    EKathimerini, Greece
    International Herald Tribube
    May 3 2005

    New claims raise pressure on patriarch

    Irenaios 'tried to appease Israelis'

    The embattled Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem leased Church
    property in the holy city to Jewish groups to prove to Israeli
    authorities that he does not sympathize with the Palestinians, the
    Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Sunday, citing Irenaios's fugitive
    former financial manager, Nikos Papadimas.

    The report came just two days after the Israeli newspaper that first
    carried claims of the land deal, Maariv, published excerpts of what
    it said was the eight-page lease agreement between the Patriarchate
    and unidentified foreign Jewish investors.

    The alleged deal has infuriated Palestinians who fear it would expand
    Israeli control of Arab east Jerusalem, which they want as the capital
    of a future Palestinian state. Israel claims the whole city as its
    indivisible capital.

    Greek and Palestinian officials at the Patriarchate have called for
    Irenaios's resignation, while the Greek Foreign Ministry has strongly
    hinted the patriarch should step down.

    Irenaios has denied the allegations and accused Papadimas of embezzling
    church funds. Speaking to Greek pilgrims yesterday, he once again
    maintained his innocence.

    "May my hands be cut off if I have stolen," he said. "Fresh mud sticks,
    but once it has dried it falls away... We have betrayed nobody, and
    our last breath will be drawn for the Holy Sepulcher... Unfortunately,
    there are worms and pieces of rubbish... even among our brotherhood."

    For two years, the Israeli government had refused to approve Irenaios's
    election as patriarch, suspecting him of being anti-Israel and of
    having close ties to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who died in
    November. But in January 2004 - following considerable pressure from
    Athens - Israel suddenly confirmed Irenaios in his post and shortly
    afterward, the church leader signed over two Palestinian-inhabited
    buildings in Jerusalem's Old City to a Jewish lessee working through
    a company in the Bahamas, Papadimas was quoted as telling Haaretz.

    Papadimas, who vanished three months ago, is wanted in Greece after
    Church officials in Athens accused him of absconding with 600,000
    euros in church funds. His wife is wanted on separate charges of
    money laundering. The newspaper claimed Papadimas is hiding in the
    United States.

    Opponents of Irenaios had threatened to disrupt Orthodox Christian
    Easter rituals in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Saturday but
    were kept away by hundreds of Israeli police, who set up barricades
    in the alleys leading to the Jerusalem holy site. This followed
    protests by Palestinians on Friday outside the Church of the Holy
    Sepulcher. Meanwhile, in a fight over precedence inside the church
    on Saturday afternoon, Armenian priests attacked Irenaios and his
    retinue ahead of the flame-lighting ceremony on the spot Christians
    identify as Christ's grave. (Combined reports)