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Poor Azerbaijan prepares to get rich

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  • Poor Azerbaijan prepares to get rich

    Poor Azerbaijan prepares to get rich
    By Kieran Cooke

    In Baku, Azerbaijan

    2005/05/03 21:16:10 GMT

    This poverty stricken former Soviet republic on the shores of the
    Caspian Sea is set to become rich. Very rich.

    Industry specialists say the Caspian Sea holds some of the world's
    largest remaining untapped deposits of oil and gas.

    Exactly how large the energy reserves are is a matter of considerable

    But already the international companies that have begun exploiting
    the resources contribute more than $200m to Azerbaijan's finances
    each year.

    And that, say the oil majors, is little more than a trickle compared
    with the wealth to come.

    Benefit or curse

    By 2007 it's estimated that Azerbaijan - a country of eight million,
    where people earn on average a little over $1000 per year - will
    be receiving at least $7bn in oil revenues annually from Caspian
    energy deposits.

    "Azerbaijan is a country in transition," according to Ilham Aliyev,
    the country's 44 year old president.

    "We have considerable resources, but money earned from them must be
    spent wisely."

    How Azerbaijan will deal with its bonanza in oil revenues is a
    topic that occupies the minds of both senior government figures and
    international financial institutions like the World Bank and the
    International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    "Oil wealth can be a big benefit or a curse," says Ahmed Jehani,
    the World Bank's representative in Azerbaijan.

    "If the benefits of rich resources are not shared, then this can lead
    to ethnic and other tensions.

    "Let us hope the temptation to divert money away from long term
    investment does not prove to be too strong."

    Desperate plight

    Like many former Soviet republics, Azerbaijan was in dire economic
    straits following the collapse of the old USSR.

    If the country relies just on oil revenues than other industries will
    simply wither away Ahmed Jehani The World Bank

    After independence was declared in 1991, the country suddenly found
    itself without its traditional Soviet market for industrial and
    agricultural exports.

    Investment in the oil industry dried up. Hundreds of thousands lost
    their jobs.

    In addition, Azerbaijan has had to cope with the aftermath of a war in
    the early 1990s, with neighbouring Armenia over the disputed enclave
    of Nagorny Karabakh.

    In the war, Azerbaijan lost more than 14% of territory and over
    700,000 refugees were created.

    According to a United Nations estimates, more than 50% of Azerbaijan's
    population live below the poverty line.

    Much of the country's infrastructure is in serious need of repair.
    Since independence, more than a million have left the country in
    search of jobs.

    Job creation

    Azerbaijan's leaders have seen oil as the solution to the country's

    In 1994, Azerbaijan signed what was described as the "contract of
    the century" - a $7.4bn production sharing agreement with a number of
    leading western oil companies for the exploitation of the country's
    Caspian oil resources.

    Since that time, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested
    by the oil majors in oil platforms and other facilities, with the
    first oil flowing from the newly opened up Caspian fields in 1999.

    Basil Zavoico, the IMF's representative in Azerbaijan, says the great
    challenge is to ensure that the large inflow of oil revenues does
    not lead to a surge in inflation and undermine the development of
    the critical non oil sector.

    "The oil sector does not create many jobs," Mr Zavoico says.

    "The government's job creation targets can only be met through
    developing other economic sectors."

    Choppy waters

    Early indications of how Azerbaijan is dealing with the sudden upturn
    in its financial fortunes are mixed.

    The country's oil reserves are expected to be largely exhausted
    by 2020: Azerbaijan's financial planners have won international
    plaudits for setting up the State Oil Fund, where a large portion
    of oil revenues is placed to be invested for the benefit of future

    Yet there are danger signals.

    Inflation has entered double figures.

    A building boom and the opening of upmarket shops and boutiques in
    Baku, the capital, plus the presence of large numbers of new cars on
    city streets are seen as evidence of economic overheating.

    A recent assessment by Transparency International, a body which
    monitors levels of corruption around the globe, placed Azerbaijan
    140th out of 146 of the world's most corrupt countries.

    Dangerous reliance

    This is not the first oil boom to hit Azerbaijan.

    The country claims to be the site of the world's first commercially
    exploited oil fields: by 1900 the Caspian area was producing more
    than 50% of the globe's oil.

    Business tycoons like the Rothschild's and the Swedish Nobel family
    rushed to control the Caspian's resources and built lavish mansions
    in a part of Baku still known as "Boom Town".

    The rise of communism and a series of bloody ethnic clashes with
    Armenians brought that oil boom to an end in the early years of the
    20th century.

    The prospect of more fighting with Armenia is never far away.
    President Aliyev insists his country must regain lands taken by
    its neighbour.

    Oil is looked on as the cure for Azerbaijan's economic woes but the
    future is uncertain.

    "If the country relies just on oil revenues than other industries
    will simply wither away," says the World Bank's Mr Jehani.

    Story from BBC NEWS: