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UC's Int'l House Has Fostered Friendships for 75 Years

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  • UC's Int'l House Has Fostered Friendships for 75 Years

    UC's International House Has Fostered Friendships for 75 Years

    Berkeley Daily Planet, CA
    April 3 2005

    Special to the Planet (05-03-05)

    "The plain fact is that we are members one of another and that we
    are not living in accordance with the nature of things-That is, we
    are not living in accordance with the facts, if we think only our own
    thoughts, and sit nowhere ever except upon the lonesome throne of our
    own outlook," University of California President Benjamin Ide Wheeler,
    told Berkeley students in 1907.

    "Hatred between men, hatred between classes, hatred between peoples,
    represents always this stubborn unwillingness to get over onto the
    other hilltop and see how the plain looks from there." Although he
    would not have known it at the time, Wheeler's remarks now seem most
    expressive of a Berkeley institution, International House, founded not
    long after his death. International House was one of three programs
    at American universities-Columbia, Berkeley, and Chicago-funded by
    Rockefeller gifts in the 1920s in an effort to bring American and
    foreign students together in the same residences and thus build
    international understanding and friendship.

    This is the 75th year since the August, 1930, opening of Berkeley's
    "I House" building, which rises in an impressive and eclectically
    appropriate mixture of Spanish, Moorish, and Indian architectural
    influences at the peak of Bancroft Way, just beyond the southeast
    corner of the Berkeley campus. It stands as a substantive secular
    temple to human understanding, physically and programmatically
    multitudinous and splendid, an institution among institutions.

    Today, I House is so much a familiar part of Berkeley's physical and
    cultural landscape that many people take it for granted, perhaps
    thinking of it in the same detached way they might regard some
    distinguished but only distantly acquainted relative-with a general
    sense of approval and goodwill, but with little interest in greater

    That is a shame, since International House and its programs were
    radical for much of Berkeley in the 1930s and have since been witness
    to, or catalyst for, so much of what changed city, nation, and world
    in the 20th century. The questioning and removal of legal and social
    barriers based on racial prejudice. National and international
    conflicts, and their resolutions, whether tragic or inspiring.
    Efforts, still only part finished, to create campuses and communities
    of durable and harmonious diversity. I House continues to be of vital
    necessity in the 21st century.

    As part of an effort to make this remarkable Berkeley institution more
    understandable to both residents and the general public, I House, in
    2004, produced a slim but powerful community memoir. Close Encounters
    Of A Cross-Cultural Kind presents both historical sketches of the
    founding of I House and key eras in the institution's history, but
    is primarily a set of personal testimonials drawn from decades of
    speeches, letters, and statements from former residents staff, and
    visitors. Most of the recollections are Reader's Digest short-the
    voices of more than 40 individuals are represented in about 100
    pages-but they convey a powerful message. I House changes people for
    the better. The experience of living there, or even just visiting,
    opens eyes and minds, often in spite of the most daunting backdrops
    of age-old national and racial prejudices and stereotypes.

    Excerpts from the book provide ample evidence of personal change.
    Here, for example, is the account of an Armenian visitor whose parents
    were killed by Turks, becoming friends with the Turkish student who
    poured coffee in the dining room. A former American G.I. and a student
    from Japan, also an ex-soldier, are assigned as roommates immediately
    after World War II and learn to re-examine their stereotypes. An
    Iranian woman writes that "before September 11, some of my closest
    friends and spiritual soul mates were Americans, and after Sept. 11
    they turned on me...Because I thought Americans hated me, I hated all
    Americans back with passion." She rethinks these feelings only after
    she moves into I House and is assigned an American roommate from the
    deep South who proves different from all her negative expectations.

    An African-American resident describes how the open-minded attitudes
    of a roommate with mixed Caribbean and British ancestry change his
    own perspectives on issues "black and white." "I discovered that when
    I refuse intercultural discourse, when I expect the worst from people,
    and when I limit myself and expect the same from others...then I become
    the racist." A former student from Israel describes finds himself,
    in 1972, eating his first meal at I-House with residents from Saudi
    Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Egypt, as well as a Palestinian.

    "I had never before met an Arab, only seen them from afar through
    the hostile barbed-wire fence of a frontier," he wrote. "I began
    to understand that the hatreds on which we had grown up were left
    far behind us, and that here at I House we could see one another
    as individuals, as people, as warm and caring human beings." And a
    resident in the late 1980s recalls, "I remember students from round
    the world watching as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. I looked
    around me and realized how many of us at I House had taken down the
    walls within ourselves...Living there taught me more about politics
    than my graduate classes in political science."

    While many of the writers in the Close Encounters anthology describe
    important transformations in their lives because of I House, their
    stories are rarely preachy or pontificating, and several contain wry
    humor. One American from New York writes of his Russian roommate,
    "the poetic drama of East and West together was tested at two o'clock
    in the morning, when Sergei would snore..." Other writers regretfully
    describe tensions with roommates and acquaintances early in their
    residency, missed opportunities for friendship, differences that they
    only later realized they could have avoided.

    But most of the accounts are uplifting. By the simple act of putting
    people with different backgrounds together in ordinary daily life,
    I House reshapes its residents. The cumulative impact cannot be
    inconsiderable. Since 1930, some 60,000 "I House alumni" have gone
    out into, or returned to, the world beyond Berkeley. They include
    seven Nobel Laureates, a U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, two
    former Governors of California and thousands of others who have,
    in their individual way, spread I House ideals around the world.

    Many of those are Californians and others from the United States,
    since International House has, since its beginnings, intentionally
    mixed both domestic and foreign students. it's not simply a residence
    and place for "others", but for all of us.

    Close Encounters Of A Cross-Cultural Kind can be purchased through
    the International House Development Office for $11.95 plus $2
    shipping. Proceeds go to the Annual Scholarship Fund.

    Send a check drawn on a U.S. bank payable to International House to
    International House Development Office, 2299 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley,
    CA 94720, or call 642-5128. If ordering by mail, be sure to include
    the address to which the book should be sent.

    I-House is in the midst of a series of events to celebrate the
    building's 75th anniversary.

    Next up, this Thursday, May 5, is the annual Awards Gala, an evening
    event honoring actress Rita Moreno and Sybase CEO John Chen, and
    featuring foods selected by local restauranteur Narsai David. For
    further information on attending the Gala, call 642-4128.

    A 75th anniversary reunion follows in early June, and other events
    are planned for the Fall.

    For more information on I House and programs there, visit