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Gamsakhurdia supporters stage protest at US embassy in Georgia

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  • Gamsakhurdia supporters stage protest at US embassy in Georgia

    Gamsakhurdia supporters stage protest at US embassy in Georgia
    By Eka Mekhuzla

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    May 3, 2005 Tuesday 2:04 PM Eastern Time

    TBILISI, May 3 -- The widow of ex-Georgian president Zviad
    Gamsakhurdia, Manana Archvadze-Gamsakhurdia, 55, and about one hundred
    of her supporters held a rally outside the United States embassy
    in Tbilisi on Tuesday, proclaiming: "Mr Bush, you don't know what
    happens in Georgia."

    Gamsakhurdia's supporters stressed that George Bush who arrives on
    a visit in Tbilisi "must learn the truth" about what happens and
    happened in Georgia, specifically, that "the lawful president was
    overthrown in the country in the early 1992."

    In the protesters' opinion, George Bush, during his visit in Georgia
    on May 9-10, should meet not only the present leaders of the republic
    but also members of the opposition, among them Gamsakhurdia's widow.

    Gamsakhurdia left Georgia on January 6, 1992 after a fortnight of
    armed clashes between his opponents and supporters. He was for ten
    days in Armenia and then flew to Chechnya where he was staying till
    September 1993 under the patronage of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Gamsakhurdia
    returned to Georgia on September 24, 1993 and tried to regain power
    in October-November 1993 with the assistance of armed units loyal to
    him. Aster suffering a defeat, Gamsakhurdia was hiding in highland
    villages in West Georgia and died on December 31, 1993.