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Interview With Albert Voskanian

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  • Interview With Albert Voskanian


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    04 May 05

    Several days ago a seminar was held in London Royal Institute
    of International Affairs on the topic "Political Development and
    Calls for Security in South Caucasian Conflicts". Representatives
    of international and non-governmental organizations, politicians and
    diplomats from different countries took part in the seminar. Nagorno
    Karabakh was represented by the director of the Center for Civil
    Undertakings Albert Voskanian who reported on the impact of "frozen"
    conflicts on the development of democracy. According to Albert
    Voskanian, the seminar was highly organized, the participants were
    given an opportunity to present the current situation in their
    countries, discuss different political developments and challenges
    threatening the security of the region and express their viewpoints
    on the ways of resolution of the conflicts. "In Nagorno Karabakh
    we are highly conscious that the international community considers
    the democratic state built on social justice to be the cornerstone
    of the present world system of values," said Mr. Voskanian in his
    address. "In this respect we are highly conscious of the fact that
    we shall attract the attention of the international community only
    when we build a truly democratic society in our country. We are
    also aware that we have not achieved this aim yet. At the same time
    we are convinced that the rapid resolution of "frozen" conflicts
    through peace talks with direct participation of the conflict
    parties will greatly favour this process, for every nation has its
    idea of its future. At the same time we recognize that being left
    behind in the modern processes of development, particularly having
    no opportunity of receiving aid from international organizations,
    Nagorno Karabakh needs to rely on its own resources and the aid of
    the Armenian Diaspora, as well as look for non-standard ways and
    methods of using the potential of the region. The Diaspora and,
    of course, Armenia help Karabakh to improve economic management,
    efficiency of different governmental organizations and agencies,
    develop democratic institutions and the mass media in the republic,
    and other matters. However, we realize that at present these are merely
    auxiliary factors for our republic." Evika Babayan: "Mr. Voskanian,
    would you tell about the human rights organization Center for Civil
    Undertakings?" A.V.: "I would like to mention that the organization
    contributes to the creation of a civil society, development of the
    public sector and democratic institutions in Nagorno Karabakh. One
    of the main directions in the activities of the organization is the
    monitoring of the prisons of Nagorno Karabakh held since April 2003
    with the permission of the authorities of the republic, which is an
    unprecedented step in our region. Why unprecedented? It is the first
    time that a non-governmental organization fulfills such an activity
    on a regular basis in Karabakh. The motto of our organization in
    this work is the phrase of Winston Churchill "prison is the mirror
    of the society". On the basis of the information and observations
    gathered during the visits to the prisons the Center prepares reports
    and extends them to the Council of Europe, OSCE, the UN Commissar on
    Human Rights, Alert International, Amnesty International, Penal Reform
    International, Committee Against Torture and other international
    and human rights organizations, as well as the corresponding
    organizations of Nagorno Karabakh. We report both the positive and
    negative sides, gives instructions to the administrations of prisons
    for the improvement of the situation. In practice we see that the
    administrations of the prisons take into account our opinion. The
    aforementioned organizations also respond to our reports. We got
    a letter from the Council of Europe asking to inform them about
    the activities of our organization. If necessary we give practical
    advice to international and other organizations dealing with the same
    problem. I would like to state not without pride that our activity
    carried out on a charity basis has its contribution to the process
    of democratization of the society in Karabakh. Our organization
    consistently acts in favour of transferring the prisons of Nagorno
    Karabakh from the Police under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of
    Justice, for we think this will favour maintaining international
    standards in this sphere more rapidly, as well as the effective and
    many-sided solution of the current problems." E.B.: "Mr. Voskanian, we
    know that the human rights organization was among the first to respond
    to the idea of abolishing capital punishment." A.V.: "Yes, in fact,
    we were among the first to propose abolition of capital punishment in
    our republic too. By the way I would like to mention that in Nagorno
    Karabakh capital punishment was abolished (de facto) in 1997, which
    was included in the OSCE report. The last capital punishment in NKR
    was executed before 1997. In Nagorno Karabakh capital punishment was
    abolished since August 1, 2003 after the enactment of the corresponding
    law. According to the law capital punishment as the ultimate form of
    punishment is replaced by life imprisonment in Nagorno Karabakh." A.V.:
    "Presently more than a hundred non-governmental organizations are
    registered in the republic of which only a small number operates due
    to the lack of local and international donors. The humanitarian sphere
    is politicized for the reason that the republic is not recognized,
    which, actually, hinders setting up relationships abroad." E.B.:
    "Did the seminar correspond to your expectations?" E.B.: "On the
    whole yes, especially that the discussion of the questions raised
    at the seminar will resume in Tbilisi this July. The final document
    containing instructions for the governments and the public sector will
    be presented. The document will be aimed at establishing constant
    dialogue between the government and the society, which will in the
    long run have a positive impact on the regional processes."

    EVIKA BABAYAN. 04-05-2005