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ANKARA: Switzerland vs. Turkish Academician: 'No Freedom of Speech i

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  • ANKARA: Switzerland vs. Turkish Academician: 'No Freedom of Speech i

    Switzerland vs. Turkish Academician: 'No Freedom of Speech in Switzerland'
    View: Dr. Nilgun GULCAN

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    May 4 2005

    Turkey and Armenia has serious historical disputes regarding the
    1915 Relocation Laws, ethnic conflicts, border issues and Armenian
    occupation in Azerbaijan. Turkish Prime Minister has called the
    Armenian President to establish a joint commission to discuss the
    historical disputes. Not only Turkish PM, but also many other Turkish
    politicians and diplomats have called the Armenians for a more peaceful
    methods to find solutions. However Armenian side has frequently
    rejected the Turkish offers. Armenian Foreign Minister Oskanian
    repeatedly said "no need to discuss anything. Because everything
    is clear and need nothing to discuss". The Armenian diaspora, the
    Tashnaks in particular, is totally against any dialogue with the
    Turks. They consider dialogue between Turks and Armenians would be
    betraying to the 'Armenian national case'.

    Turkey has experiencing a hot debate on the Armenian historical
    claims. Though their number is very little, there are pro-Armenian
    academicians and authors in Turkey. In addition, 100,000 Turkish
    Armenians have also joined the debates. Almost all pro-Armenian
    books have been published by the Turkish publishers, and Turkish TV
    and radio channels opened their programs to Armenian politicians and
    experts. Turkish national parliament made many sessions to discuss
    the Armenian allegations. Turkish official archives including the
    Army Archives were opened to researchers and historians from all
    nationalities with no limitations. Turkish Government allowed the
    Armenian planes to flight Turkish cities and took all possible steps
    to normalize relations with Armenia. However not only Armenia, but also
    'Europeans' do not help enough to the Turkish efforts:

    First French parliament took a decision which officially accepted
    the Armenian historical claims as truth. According to the French
    decision the 1915 Relocation Operations was genocide. The French
    parliamentarians did not touch how many Turks were killed by the armed
    Armenians and simply ignored the Turkish approach. According to Turkish
    side 1915 relocation decision was taken after the Armenian riots
    and when Armenians in the eastern province joined the Russian Army
    against the Ottoman State. Turks argue that most of the Armenians
    died due to epidemic and famine. Turkey does not deny that many
    Armenians were killed by the Turks and Kurds, however Turkey says
    the reason is not racism as experienced in Germany, France and many
    more European states, but ethnic clashes. Both sides were armed,
    and the reason in many clashes was not only ethnic hatred but also
    economic gains. The Kurdish gangs in particular attacked the Armenian
    villages and looted the Armenian houses. The Ottoman soldiers could not
    protect many Armenian families. However nobody could accuse the Ottoman
    Army. The country was under attack: The French and British attacked
    the Gallipoli, the Russians were occupying the Eastern provinces and
    the British again attacking from the south. Worst of all the Armenian
    citizens were joining the Russians in the east. Thus the Istanbul
    Government decided to relocate the Armenians from East to Southern
    provinces which is far away from the war theatres. Armenians call this
    decision as a "start of genocide campaign". As a matter of fact that
    they never used 'genocide' term until the 1965 demonstrations. They
    simply arguing during the First World war that they were part of
    the war and they deserved a separate state. Sevres Treaty granted
    them a independent state, but the Lausanne Treaty they lost all the
    gaining. The Armenian Delegation in the Lausanne Negotiations argued
    that "the Armenians fought against the Turks. We are part of this war
    and we should be included the negotiations". In brief the Armenians
    confessed that they fought against the Ottoman State. Their demand
    was refused but the Armenian militants started a terrorism campaign
    and killed most significant former Ottoman ministers. In 19165
    the Armenian ultranationalists re-fabricated Armenian nationalism
    on anti-Turkish ideas. They produced a 'genocide legacy'. They
    followed Jewish example. They thought the Armenians could gain more
    territories, billion-dollars-compensations and of course an independent
    state. The new Armenian campaign was established on 'genocide legacy'
    and the legacy became a reality in the next generations. The legacy
    created its own industry. New Armenian diaspora institutions were
    established for the legacy, and the legacy became the single most
    important cementing the Armenians in diaspora. In the post-1965 the
    diaspora did not want to find a solution, but the problem was itself
    a solution for the diaspora. During the Armenian terrorism of 1970s
    and 80s more than 40 Turkish diplomats and many more civilians were
    killed by the Armenian terrorists. French Government saw the Armenian
    terrorists as freedom-fighter and showed a great tolerance. Almost
    no terrorists were captured by the French security forces. Similarly
    Armenian terrorism found a secure home in Greece and in Russia. Turkish
    Government protested all these countries for their clear support to
    terrorism. When the Armenian terrorists targeted the French and other
    Western institutions Armenian terrorism was ended immediately. The
    Armenian lobbying campaigns in the national parliaments replaced
    the terrorism. Armenian parliamentarians with their supporters tried
    to prevent any co-operation with Turkish Government and any aid to
    Turkey. The diaspora saw any harm they gave to Turkey was an Armenian
    gain. The 2001 French Decision to recognize Armenian allegations as
    truth was a result of this campaign.

    Switzerland cantons and Canada followed the French. In the latest
    step in this process, Switzerland authorities opened a legal
    procedure against Turkish Institute of History (TTK) Chairman Prof.
    Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu about his statement on Armenian allegations.
    Prof. Halacoglu, like me, does not accept the Armenian claims.
    According to Halacoglu not Turks but the Armenians committed massacres
    and genocide-like attacks against civilian Turkish and other Muslim
    population during the Ottoman period. The Swiss Government and
    Parliement were criticizing Turkey for its attitude regarding the
    freedom of speech. Swiss politicians in the past were arguing that all
    could say anything they think. But now, they even cannot bear different
    ideas. They even try to stop Turkish academicians to speak. Halacoglu
    cannot understand the so-called European measures to silence him:

    "They tried Galileo, but the world continued to turn... It is
    not possible to understand how countries like France, Belgium, and
    Switzerland could have moves to forbid the expression of rejection of
    the Armenian genocide. What sort of democracy, what sort of freedom
    of thought is this?" Halacoglu says.

    The game is getting dirtier. Armenian diaspora manipulates the Western
    public opinion and the racist and anti-Turks of the European countries
    abuse the Armenian issue. However they do not know that they undermine
    the European ideas and their own national interests. All know that
    neither Armenians nor the 'pro-Armenian anti-Turkish politicians'
    are sincere. None of them seeks a real solution but continuity of
    the problem. On the other hand Armenia and Turkey pay the bill.