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ANKARA: German Chancellor sees no problems in EU accession talks

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  • ANKARA: German Chancellor sees no problems in EU accession talks

    German Chancellor sees no problems in EU accession talks

    NTV MSNBC, Turkey
    May 4 2005

    Schroeder said he hoped Turkey would sign the Ankara protocol
    extending the customs union deal to include the bloc's new members
    before October 3.

    May 4 - German's Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder says he does not foresee
    any difficulties in Turkey starting accession negotiations with the
    European Union on October 3 as scheduled.

    Schroeder, who arrived in Ankara for a two day working visit Tuesday
    evening, said he believed that both Turkey and the EU have been
    meeting their commitments in the lead up to the talks

    "The decision taken on December 17 is a contract, in my belief both
    sides have met their promises," he said.

    The German Chancellor also said he believed that Turkey would continue
    to implement reforms required as part of the accession process and
    ruled out any potential problems in starting the negotiation process.

    Speaking at a dinner with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    Schroeder expressed his support for a proposal put forward by Ankara
    to set up a joint committee with Armenian to research allegations that
    the Ottoman Empire committed acts of genocide against its Armenian
    citizens 90 years ago.

    While in Turkey Schroeder will hold talks with President Ahmet Necdet
    Sezer, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew and attend a meeting
    of gathering of the Turkish-German businessmen association.