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UN Ozone Action Program Wins U.S. Government Prize

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  • UN Ozone Action Program Wins U.S. Government Prize

    United Nations Ozone Action Program Wins U.S. Government Prize

    Environment News Service
    May 4 2005

    WASHINGTON, DC, May 4, 2005 (ENS) - A United Nations program has
    won the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Stratospheric
    Ozone Protection Award for the first time in the 14 year history of
    the prize.

    The award will be presented tonight at a ceremony in Washington to a
    specialized branch of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    that helps enable governments and industry in developing countries
    comply with the Montreal Protocol by phasing out substances that
    deplete the ozone layer.

    The OzonAction Branch of UNEP~Rs Division of Technology, Industry and
    Economics based in Paris is the award winning UNEP branch honored by
    the EPA prize.

    Announcing the award, the EPA praised the ~Sleadership and innovation"
    of the OzonAction Programme and said it has benefited more than 140
    countries "through its unique regional networks of National Ozone
    Units and global information clearinghouse.~T

    Rajendra Shende, head of the OzonAction branch said, ~SThe award
    reminds us of what can be achieved when the commitment of the poorest
    nations to protect the Earth for future generations is combined with
    the resolve of the richest countries to do their part for peace,
    prosperity and environmental health."

    "What you get are amazing global success stories that go beyond
    conventional thoughts and immensely benefit humanity,~T Shende said.

    Head of OzonAction Rajendra Shende at the 15th Meeting of the Parties
    to the Montreal Protocol in Nairobi, Kenya. November 2003. (Photo
    courtesy Earth Negotiations Bulletin) The ozone layer, which absorbs
    ultraviolet radiation harmful to living organisms and human health,
    is in danger from several chemicals currently used in industry and
    agriculture such as refrigerant chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); fire
    suppressent halons; the cleaning and degreasing chemicals carbon
    tetrachloride and methyl chloroform; and the soil fumigant methyl
    bromide. Governments establish national ozone units, usually within
    the environment or other natural resources ministry, to coordinate a
    plan for phasing out these and other ozone depleting substances. The
    national ozone units also serve as nodes for communication with the
    implementing agencies and the Ozone and Multilateral Fund Secretariats.

    Recognizing that developing countries require special technical and
    financial assistance in order to meet their commitments, the Parties
    to the Montreal Protocol established the Multilateral Fund. UNEP, the
    UN Development Programme, the UN Industrial Development Organization,
    and the World Bank are the Fund's implementing agencies. Over 12 years,
    nearly US$2 billion has been disbursed to 145 developing countries
    to enable them to comply with the protocol.

    Klaus Toepfer, UNEP executive director, said, ~SThe appreciation of
    the award panel highlighting UNEP~Rs leadership and innovation is
    not only rewarding but also encouraging for our further work."

    ~SThe Montreal Protocol is succeeding in its objective of phasing out
    the global production and consumption of ozone depleting substances,"
    he said, "but there is still much work left to be done, particularly
    in developing countries."

    The OzonAction branch works closely with developing countries to
    help them meet their obligations under the protocol and make informed
    decisions about alternative technologies.

    In February, India's Air Force decided to phase out ozone-depleting
    halons used for fire fighting. The OzonAction Programme staff helped
    the Air Force to find alternative fire suppression substances where
    they are available and establish a halon management system where
    there are no alternatives.

    Late last year Armenia's phaseout plan took effect,
    and the OzonAction Programme assembled a Contact Group
    "Armenia-Georgia-Kyrgyzstan-UNEP-UNDP" which gathered in Yerevan to
    help Armenia prepare for the challenges ahead. Funded by the Global
    Environment Facility, Armenia will now establish a national ozone
    unit and launch the approved projects while complying with control
    measures for ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol.

    The OzonAction Information Clearinghouse service provides technical,
    policy and scientific information on a wide range of phaseout issues

    alternative technologies, products and services for each industrial
    use sector directories of experts, consultants and key ozone protection
    focal points worldwide technical literature abstracts and information
    for ordering documents descriptions of national policies, legislation,
    regulations and programs to phase out ozone depleting substances
    listings of ozone protection events such as workshops, conferences
    and meetings news on the latest phaseout initiatives public awareness
    materials, including videos and posters Handheld fire extinguishers
    containing halocarbon streaming agents that can replace ozone-depleting
    halon are now commercially available. But there are concerns about
    the effects of halon replacements and their toxic by-products on human
    health. (Photo courtesy National Research Council Canada) In declaring
    this award, the EPA said OzonAction's "innovative mechanisms" like
    the first business-to-business web portal to trade banked halons,
    and leveraging the expertise of nongovernmental organizations to
    raise public awareness have enabled "cost-effective elimination" of
    ozone depleters. In addition, OzonAction has established the only
    international program to educate and support customs officers and
    border police to prevent illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.

    ~SThe treaty is bearing fruits,~T said Shende. ~SAccording to the best
    scientific knowledge the chemicals that have been destroying the ozone
    layer are now at or near peak, and could begin to dissipate slowly -
    if nations stay the course.~T

    Participation in the effort is almost universal with 189 countries
    having ratified the Montreal Protocol, and the treaty is being
    recognized as a rare multilateral success story. In his recent report
    entitled, ~SIn Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and
    Human Rights for All,~T UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, described
    the Montreal Protocol as an ~Sencouraging example showing how global
    solutions can be found.~T

    "A key factor in the success to date has been financial resources
    provided to help implement the protocol," said Toepfer. "In this
    regard, it is important that one of the key mechanisms underpinning
    the treaty, the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), is adequately
    replenished this year. This will help ensure that we finish the job,
    not only for ozone, but also for other global environmental treaties,"
    he said

    In 1990, EPA established the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards to
    recognize exceptional leadership, personal dedication, and technical
    achievements in protecting the Earth~Rs stratospheric ozone layer. In
    the first 14 years, The Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award has
    been presented to 477 individuals, organizations and teams from
    40 countries.

    The award will be presented tonight at the Hotel Washington
    in conjunction with the EPA Climate Protection Awards, given to
    corporations, governments and individuals to recognize exceptional
    leadership, personal dedication, and technical achievements in
    protecting the Earth's climate.