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<<Burnash, is it enough for you?>>

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  • <<Burnash, is it enough for you?>>


    | 16:40:31 | 04-05-2005 | Social |

    Today the workers of the Yerevan Hrazdan fair have gone on strike. They
    have not informed the trade unions about it, and went directly to
    the Government building early in the morning. In the afternoon the
    delegation of the strikers was received.

    After the 1.5-hour meeting the members of the delegation came out if
    the building and said only one sentence, "They said apply in written
    form so that we can find out whom the land belongs to and if he has
    the right to raise the fee for the sites".

    By the decision of the government the "Hrazdan" stadium has recently
    been privatized by the NA delegate Ashot Aghababyan with the nickname
    "Burnash". His subordinates have approaches the people earning their
    living in the fair and informed them that the fee for the sites is
    being raised from $400 to $500. As a sign of protest the workers have
    not opened their sites today.

    Discontent with the Government the strikers decided to go the NA. Let
    us remind you that the oligarch delegate Ashot Aghababyan is member of
    the Armenian Republican Party and relative of Galoust Sahakyan. Almost
    all the workers of the fair know about this.

    Coming out of the Government the delegation was upset. They did
    not even want to answer the questions of the journalists. After the
    meeting with the executive authorities they were convinced in they
    suppositions, «We were made to understand that we are like worms to
    the authorities whom they can trample if they want. »
