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Who grabs state money?

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  • Who grabs state money?

    AZG Armenian Daily #081, 05/05/2005



    $79 Million 559 Thousand Returned to State Budget

    The report of the chairman of the Control Chamber of RA National
    Assembly was sent to the Chief Prosecutor's Office last May. This was
    the first time that the Control Chamber's report was presented to the
    Prosecutor's Office and high-ranking officials are warned or punished
    based on the report. On May 3, chairman of the National Assembly,
    Artur Baghdasarian, presented an official notification signed by RA
    chief prosecutor and dealing with minor and major violations in the
    spheres of credit projects, mining industry, tax collection, local
    self-governance and others.

    Prosecutor's Office has warned 63 officials, 7 officials have
    been brought to managerial responsibility and 7 others will stand
    trial. Laws were violated by officials in Transport and Communication
    Ministry (3 people), Ecology Ministry (13 people) RA Government's
    Water Committee (4 people) and Social Department (3 officials).

    In order to cut short the violations, the Prosecutor's Office has sent
    35 letters of request to 5 ministers, 22 to prefects and a letter to RA
    President. Court actions were instituted against executive director of
    Agrinex CJSC, president of Anest Ltd. for major expenses and deception.
    Director of Ayrum Lernagorts OJSC has been convicted.

    By Karine Danielian