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India PM congratulates Russian people on 60th anniversary of Victory

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  • India PM congratulates Russian people on 60th anniversary of Victory

    India PM congratulates Russian people on 60th anniversary of Victory
    By Yuri Sidorov

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    May 4, 2005 Wednesday 3:05 PM Eastern Time

    NEW DELHI, May 4 -- A solemn meeting devoted to the 60th anniversary
    of the Victory in World War II was held at the Russian Science and
    Culture Centre in New Delhi on Wednesday.

    An address by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was read out at the
    meeting. Mr Singh expressed best wishes to the Russians in connection
    with this remarkable event.

    Everybody knows very well about heroism, courage and sacrifices of the
    Russian people during the World War II, the prime minister said in the
    address, adding that India had also made a due share of contribution
    to the defeat of fascism.

    An exhibition of photographs entitled The People Who Won the War
    opened in the lobby of the Centre. It showed episodes from the key
    battles and phases of the War.

    Russia's victory over Nazi Germany marked a pivotal point in world
    history and brought forward the moment of national liberation, the
    president of the Indian-Russian Friendship Society, Bali Ram Bhagat,
    told Itar-Tass.

    The 60th anniversary of Victory became a noticeable event in the
    Indian memorial dates calendar, Mr Bali Ram Bhagat said.

    The forthcoming trip of the country's prime minister to Russia
    for joining festivities on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of
    the Great Victory will promote further strengthening of strategic
    partnership between the two countries, he said.

    Russian ambassador to India Vyacheslav Trubnikov took part in the

    The list of invitees included Indian government officials, members
    of national parliament, heads of Armenian, Belarussian, Bulgarian,
    Ukrainian, Uzbekistan diplomatic missions, and others.