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Draft Constitution of the Republic of Armenia: Part 1

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  • Draft Constitution of the Republic of Armenia: Part 1



    | 11:49:58 | 07-05-2005 | Politics | DRAFT AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION |



    The Armenian People, recognizing as a basis the fundamental principles of
    Armenian statehood and the national aspirations engraved in the Declaration
    of Independence of Armenia, having fulfilled the sacred message of its
    freedom-loving ancestors for the restoration of the sovereign state,
    committed to the strengthening and prosperity of the fatherland, in order to
    ensure the freedom, general well being and civic harmony of future
    generations, declaring their faithfulness to universal values, hereby adopts
    the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.

    CHAPTER 1.


    Article 1.

    The Republic of Armenia is a sovereign, democratic and social state, based
    on the rule of law.

    Article 2.

    In the Republic of Armenia power is vested in the people.

    The people exercise its power through free elections and referenda, as well
    as through state and local self-government bodies and officials provided by
    the Constitution.

    The usurpation of power by any organization or individual constitutes a

    Article 3. Human being, his fundamental rights and freedoms as an ultimate

    1. The human being, his or her dignity and fundamental rights and freedoms
    are an ultimate value.

    2. The main task of the state shall be the ensuring of the implementation of
    the fundamental human rights and freedoms. The fundamental human and civil
    rights and freedoms shall bind the public authorities as directly applicable

    3. The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms shall be protected in
    accordance with the norms and principles of international law.

    Article 4. Principles of suffrage

    The elections of the National Assembly, President of the Republic and the
    self-government bodies of the communities, as well as referendum, shall be
    held based on the right to universal, equal, free and direct suffrage by
    secret ballot.

    Article 5. Political order

    1. Political pluralism and multipartyism shall be the basis for the
    political order of the Republic of Armenia.

    2. No ideology may be recognized as state or mandatory.

    3. The parties shall be formed and act freely. They shall contribute to the
    formation, expression and implementation of the political will of the

    4. Equal conditions for free activity shall be guaranteed for the parties.

    Article 6. Principle of the separation of the powers

    State power shall be exercised based on the principle of the separation of
    the legislative, executive and judicial powers in accordance with the
    Constitution and laws.

    Article 7. Hierarchy of legal norms and principle of legality

    1. The Constitution shall have supreme legal force and its norms shall be
    applicable directly. Laws must comply with the Constitution. Other legal
    acts must comply with the Constitution and laws.

    2. Universally recognized norms and principles of international law shall
    have supremacy over the laws. If international treaties on human rights and
    freedoms ratified by the National Assembly stipulate norms other than
    stipulated by laws then the norms of treaties shall be applied, save where
    the laws comprise more favourable norms.

    3. State and local self-government bodies and officials shall be competent
    to perform only such acts, for which they are authorized by the Constitution
    and laws.

    4. State and local self-government bodies and officials shall act in
    accordance with the Constitution and laws.

    5. The bodies authorized by the Constitution may adopt normative legal acts
    on the basis of the Constitution and laws and for the purpose of the
    ensuring the implementation of the Constitution and laws. The law shall
    predetermine the meaning and content of the given normative legal act. The
    relevant normative legal act shall contain a reference to its legal basis.

    6. Laws and other normative legal acts shall enter into force only after
    their official promulgation.

    Article 8. Economic order

    Freedom of economic activity and the economic competition shall be the basis
    of the economic order of the Republic of Armenia.

    Article 9. Local self-government

    Local self-government shall be guaranteed as one of the foundations of the

    Article 10. Basic principles of foreign policy and linkages with Diaspora

    1. The foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia shall be conducted in
    accordance with the norms and principles of international law, with the aim
    of establishing good neighbourly and mutually beneficial relations with all

    2. The Republic of Armenia shall run a policy for the developing and
    strengthening of comprehensive linkages with the Diaspora, the main
    objective of which is the preservation of the Armenian identity.

    CHAPTER 2.


    Article 11. The state language of the Republic of Armenia

    The Armenian language is the official language of the Republic of Armenia.

    Article 12. Symbols of the Republic of Armenia

    1. The national colours of the Republic of Armenia are red, blue and orange
    with equal horizontal stripes.

    2. The coat of arms and the national anthem of the Republic of Armenia shall
    be determined by law.

    Article 13. The Capital of the Republic of Armenia

    The capital of the Republic of Armenia is Yerevan.

    CHAPTER 3.


    Article 14. Human dignity

    The dignity of the person, as a source of his or her rights and freedoms, is
    inviolable. The state is obliged to respect and protect it.

    Article 15. Right to life

    1. Everyone has the right to life.

    2. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty or executed.

    Article 16. Right to integrity of the persons

    1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental

    2. No one may be subjected to scientific, including medical,
    experimentations against his or her will and against his or her will and
    without his or her consent. The person shall be informed on the probable
    consequences of such experimentations in advance.

    3. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in

    1) the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular those aiming at the
    selection of persons;

    2) the prohibition on making the human body and its parts as such a source
    of financial gain;

    3) the prohibition of the reproductive cloning of human beings.

    Article 17. Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or

    1. No one shall be subjected to torture or to other inhuman or degrading
    treatment or punishment.

    2. The corporeal punishments are prohibited.

    Article 18. Equality before the law

    Everyone is equal before the law.

    Article 19. Non-discrimination

    Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or
    social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or
    any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth,
    disability, age or other personal and social circumstances shall be

    Article 20. Equality between women and men

    Men and women are legally equal.

    Article 21. Right to act free

    1. A human being is free to do anything not prohibited by the Constitution
    and the laws corresponding to it.

    2. The exercise of human rights and freedoms shall not violate the rights
    and freedoms of the other persons.

    Article 22. Right to liberty and security

    1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.

    2. The person may be deprived of his or her liberty only in accordance with
    the procedure prescribed by law and in the following cases, if:

    1) he has been condemned to imprisonment by a Court sentence;

    2) he is arrested or detained because of non-compliance with the order of a
    Court or in order to secure the fulfilment of an obligation prescribed by
    the law;

    3) the person is arrested or detained on suspicion of having committed a
    crime, or in order to prevent the commission of a crime or his or her

    4) the minor is arrested or detained for the purpose of the educational
    supervision or for bringing him before the competent authority;

    5) a person is arrested or detained for the reason of representing danger to
    himself or surroundings;

    6) it is necessary to prevent the unlawful entry of a person into the
    Republic of Armenia, to expel him from the Republic or extradite him to
    another state.

    3. The arrested person shall be immediately informed in a language
    understandable to him or her about the grounds of his or her arrest and at
    least 24 hours later, also the written substantiation of the arrest shall be
    provided to him or her. The family or the persons mentioned by the arrested
    shall be immediately informed about the arrest.

    4. The person may not be arrested more than 48 hours. The arrested has the
    right to appeal the decision of his or her arrest, which the Court shall
    examine immediately.

    5. A person may be detained only by the Court decision. The person may not
    be under the detention in pre-trial process for the period not exceeding 6
    months. In cases stipulated by law the term of the detention in pre-trial
    process may be prolonged by a decision of the Court composed of several

    Article 23. Right to integrity of private and family life

    1. Everyone has the right to integrity of his private and family life,
    honour and good reputation.

    2. Restrictions of these rights shall be allowed only in cases stipulated by
    law if that is necessary for the purpose of prevention or detection of

    Article 24. Right to inviolability of home

    1. Everyone has the right to inviolability of the home. It is prohibited to
    enter or search the home against the will of the person.

    2. In the cases and procedure prescribed by law, the authorized bodies may,
    without the decision of the Court and against the will of the residents,
    without witnesses, enter the home and carry out a search, if it is necessary
    to capture the offender, as well as to protect the other persons or their
    property. The Court shall decide the appropriateness of entering the home or
    searching it in cases and in an order prescribed by law.

    3. The home may be searched only by the Court decision in an order
    prescribed by the law.

    4. Everyone has the right to be present at the search of his or her home,
    which shall be conducted in the presence of at least 2 witnesses.

    Article 25. Right to inviolability of correspondence

    1. Everyone has the right to inviolability of the confidentiality of
    correspondence, telephone conversations, mail, telegram and other

    2. Restrictions of this right shall be allowed only by Court decision in
    cases stipulated by law, if that is necessary for the defence of state
    security, the prevention or detection of severe crimes.

    Article 26. Right to protection of personal data

    1. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him
    or her. The collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information
    about him or her without the person's consent shall be prohibited. The use
    of information relating to the person for purposes contravening the aims of
    their collection is prohibited. Everyone has the right to become acquainted
    with the data concerning him or her available in the state and local
    self-government bodies.

    2. This right may be limited only by law, if it is necessary for the
    protection of an overriding public interest.

    3. Everyone may demand correction of non-verified information and
    elimination of the illegally received information about him or her.

    Article 27. Right to marry and right to found a family. Rights and
    obligations of the parents

    1. Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and found a
    family according to their free will.

    2. The family as a unit of a man and woman shall enjoy the special
    protection and patronage of the state. Dismissal for a reason connected with
    maternity is prohibited. Everyone has the right to paid maternity leave and
    parental leave following the birth or adoption of a child.

    3. The care and upbringing of children are the right and duty of parents.
    Children have the right to freely express their opinion, which shall be
    taken into account in cases concerning them, accounting for the child's age
    and degree of his or her maturity.

    4. The restriction of parental rights or their deprivation shall take place
    only in cases stipulated by law, by Court decision.

    Article 28. Right to free movement

    1. Everyone legally residing in the territory of the Republic Armenia has
    the right to freedom of movement, choice of residence and to leave the

    2. Every citizen and everyone legally residing in the Republic of Armenia
    have the right to enter the Republic of Armenia.

    3. The right to free movement may be restricted only by law, if it is
    necessary for the purpose of the protection of state security, public order,
    prevention or detection of crimes, protection of health or morality or
    protection of the rights and freedoms of the other persons.

    4. Those territories, the entry of which is forbidden or limited, shall be
    prescribed by law.

    Article 29. Freedom of expression and information

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include
    the freedom to hold his own opinions, as well as to receive and impart
    information and ideas through any medium of information without interference
    by state and local self-government authorities and regardless of state

    2. The freedom of the press, radio, TV and other mass media means shall be
    guaranteed. The diversity of informative, educational, cultural and
    entertainment programs, the reflection of the opinions existing in the
    society in the public TV and radio shall be guaranteed.

    3. The right to freedom of expression may be restricted only by law, if it
    is necessary for the protection of state security, morality or the rights
    and freedoms of the others.

    Article 30. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
    This right includes freedom to change his or her religion or belief and
    freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private,
    to manifest his or her religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice
    and observance.

    2. The exercise of this right may be restricted only by law, if it is
    necessary for the protection of health, morality or the rights and freedoms
    of others.

    3. Every citizen who refuses military service involving armed combat on
    grounds of conscience or belief shall be assigned to alternative service.

    Article 31. Freedom of associations

    1. Everyone has the right to create associations with other persons,
    including the right to form trade unions for the purpose of maintenance and
    improvement of the working and economic conditions and also the right to
    join them.

    2. No one can be forced to join any association.

    3. The activity of associations may be suspended or prohibited only by Court

    Article 32. Freedom of Assembly

    1. Everyone has the right without prior notification to participate in
    peaceful assemblies and hold them. In cases stipulated by law the peaceful
    assemblies shall be held based on the notification submitted during a
    reasonable time.

    2. The exercise of this right may be limited only in the cases stipulated by
    law, if that is necessary for the preventing mass disorder and crimes,
    protection of the health, morality or rights and freedoms of others.

    3. The holding of peaceful assemblies in covered buildings shall be free.

    Article 33. The right to preservation and development of national
    minorities' traditions, religion, language and culture

    1. Everyone has the right to preserve his or her national and ethnic

    2. The persons belonging to national minorities have the right to
    preservation and development of their traditions, religion, language and

    Article 34. Right to asylum. Prohibition of expulsion or extradition

    1. Persons persecuted on political grounds have the right to asylum in an
    order prescribed by law.

    2. No one may be expelled or extradited to a foreign state if in that case
    there is a serious threat that the given person would be subjected to death
    penalty, torture, or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

    3. The citizens of the Republic of Armenia may be extradited to a foreign
    state only in cases stipulated by the international treaty of the Republic
    of Armenia.

    Article 35. Right to citizenship of the Republic of Armenia

    1. The child whose 2 parents are the citizens of the Republic of Armenia,
    has the right to Armenian citizenship. Every child with one parent, who is a
    citizen of the Republic of Armenia, has the right to citizenship of the
    Republic of Armenia. Everyone of Armenian ethnicity has the right to
    citizenship of the Republic of Armenia from the moment of residing in the
    Republic of Armenia. The other grounds and the procedure of the acquisition
    of the citizenship of Republic of Armenia shall be prescribed by law.

    2. A citizen of the Republic of Armenia may not be deprived of citizenship.

    3. The grounds and procedure for the recovery and termination of Armenian
    citizenship shall be prescribed by law.

    Article 36. Right to vote

    1. The citizens of the Republic of Armenia having attained the age of 18 on
    the day of the election or referendum have the right to vote, and the right
    to participate in referendums. Foreigners and stateless persons permanently
    residing in the Republic of Armenia and having attained the age of 18 have
    also the right to vote during the elections of the local self-government
    bodies and the right to participate in local referendum.

    2. Persons found to be legally incapable by a Court ruling as well as those
    persons condemned by a final Court sentence to imprisonment and serving a
    sentence, shall not have the right to vote or stand as a candidate or to
    participate in referendum.

    Article 37. Right to create and join a party

    1. Every citizen has the right to create a party with other citizens and to
    join any party.

    2. The judge and the member of the Constitutional Court may not be a member
    of a party. The right to create and join a party of the servants of forced
    arms, national security, police and procuracy may be limited by law.

    3. The parties shall submit annual reports on their sources of finances and

    4. The objectives and activity of the parties may not contradict the
    Constitution and laws, nor may their structure and practice contradict the
    principles of democracy.

    5. The activity of the parties may be suspended or prohibited by the
    decision of the Constitutional Court.

    Article 38. Eligibility for public office

    1. Every citizen is eligible for any public office according to his or her
    qualifications and professional ability. The citizens are eligible for
    public office on a competitive basis, except for the cases stipulated by

    2. Public servants serve the whole people. They are obliged to perform their
    duties in an impartial and politically neutral manner, based on exclusively
    professional considerations.

    Article 39. Right to information

    1. The citizens have the right to information on the activities of the state
    and local self-government bodies and the officials, including the right to
    become acquainted with documents.

    2. This right may be restricted only by law, if it is necessary for the
    protection of the state security or rights and freedoms of the others.

    Article 40. Right to good administration

    1. Every person has the right to have his or her affairs handled fairly and
    within a reasonable time by state and local self-government bodies and

    2. This right, particularly, includes the right of every person to have
    access to his or her file, while respecting the legitimate interests of
    confidentiality and of professional and business secrecy, as well as obliges
    the state and local self-government bodies and the officials to hear him or
    her before the adoption of any individual act which involves a burden and to
    give reasons for the adopted act.

    Article 41. Right to apply to the Defender of Human Rights

    Everyone has the right to apply individually or jointly with others to the
    Defender of Human Rights in case of the violation of his or her rights by
    state and local self-government bodies and officials.

    Article 42. Right to petition

    1. Everyone has individually or jointly with others the right to petition
    the state and local self-government bodies and officials.

    2. The state and local self-government bodies and officials are obliged in
    due time to give an argued reply to petitions, and in cases of necessity to
    undertake corresponding measures.

    Article 43. Right to property and inheritance

    1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her
    lawfully acquired possessions. The use of property may be restricted by law
    insofar as is necessary for the protection of the general interests.

    2. No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public
    interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law,
    subject to advance and equivalent compensation.

    3. The right of acquisition of land ownership of foreigners and stateless
    persons may be restricted by law.

    4. Intellectual property shall be protected.

    Article 44. Occupational freedom. Prohibition of forced labour

    1. Everyone has the right to free choice of work.

    2. Everyone has the right of access to a free placement service.

    3. No one may be unjustified dismissed. The grounds for dismissal shall be
    prescribed by law.

    4. It is prohibited to engage the persons not having attained the age of 16
    in permanent work.

    5. Forced work is prohibited.

    Article 45. Freedom to conduct a business

    1. Everyone has the right to engage in economic activity not prohibited by
    law, including the entrepreneurial activity.

    2. Abuse of monopoly or dominant position in the market and bad-faith
    competition are prohibited.

    3. The restriction of the competition, forms of possible monopolies and
    their permitted sizes may be prescribed by law.

    Article 46. Fair and just working conditions

    1. Every worker has the right to working conditions which respect his or her
    health, safety and dignity. Every worker has the right to restriction of
    maximum working hours, to daily and weekly rest periods and to an annual
    period of paid leave. The volume of these rights shall be prescribed by law.

    2. Minors having a secondary education, but not having attained the age of
    18, shall have the right to working conditions consistent with their age,
    devoid of economic exploitation as well as not impeding their security,
    health, physical, psychic, moral and social development and upbringing, the
    terms of the implementation of which shall be prescribed by law.

    3. Workers or their representatives must, at the appropriate levels, be
    guaranteed information on the financial and economic state of their
    enterprise and consultation before the adoption of the decisions essentially
    affecting their interests in good time.

    4. Every worker has the right to minimal remuneration stipulated by law.

    Article 47. Right to strike

    1. Workers have the right to strike for the protection of their economic,
    social and working interests.

    2. This right may be restricted only by law, if that is necessary for the
    protection of state security or the rights and freedoms of the others.

    Article 48. Right to social security

    1. Everyone has the right to social security in the cases such as maternity,
    having many children, illness, industrial accidents, dependency, loss of an
    income earner, old age, unemployment and in the other cases of loss of

    2. The extent and the forms of social security shall be prescribed by law.

    Article 49. Right to health care

    1. Everyone has the right to benefit from medical aid and service under the
    conditions prescribed by law.

    2. Everyone has the right to benefit from basic medical aid and services
    free of charge. The list and the procedure of the services shall be
    prescribed by law.

    3. In the cases stipulated by law the medical aid and service presented to
    several groups of citizens is free of charge

    Article 50. Right to information on the state of the nature and environment,
    the quality of food and household goods

    Everyone has the right to receive the information on the state of the nature
    and environment, the quality of food and household goods.

    Article 51. Right to education

    1. Everyone has the right to education. Secondary education shall be
    mandatory. The minimal duration of the secondary education shall be 10
    years. The secondary education shall be free in the state educational

    2. Every citizen has the right to receive higher and other professional
    secondary education in state educational institutions on a competitive

    3. The higher educational institutions have the right to self-government
    within the scopes of the law.

    Article 52. Right to creation and academic freedom

    Everyone is entitled to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical
    creation. Academic freedom shall be respected.

    Article 53. Recourse to Courts

    1. Everyone is entitled to defend in Court the rights and freedoms engraved
    in the Constitution and the laws.

    2. Everyone has the right to apply for international protection of his or
    her rights and freedoms, according to the procedure prescribed by the
    international treaties of the Republic of Armenia if all internal legal
    means of protection are finished.

    Article 54. Right to a fair trial

    1. Everyone has the right to public hearing of his or her case within a
    reasonable and fair time by the Court.

    2. The trial or its part may be held in closed sitting by the Court decision
    if it is necessary for the interests of the protection of private life of
    parties, public order or state security.

    3. The Court act solving the case in essence shall be pronounced publicly.
    It may be pronounced in closed Court sitting if that concerns the interests
    of minors, matrimonial disputes or child guardianship.

    Article 55. Right to have a defender

    1. Everyone at his or her own choice has the right to have a defender from
    the moment of arrest, detention or presentation of an accusation against him
    or her. Everyone who is arrested, detained or presented an accusation must
    immediately be informed on the right to have a defender at his or her own
    choice and the right to refuse to give any testimony.

    2. Every witness has the right to be examined at the presence of his or her

    Article 56. Presumption of innocence

    1. One accused of a crime is considered innocent, as long as his guilt is
    not proven by the Court sentence that has taken legal effect.

    2. The accused is not obliged to prove his or her innocence. The suspicions
    not proven are interpreted in favour of the accused.

    Article 57. Other judicial guarantees

    1. No one shall be obligated to testify against himself, his or her spouse
    and close relatives.

    2. It is prohibited to use evidence obtained in violation of the law.

    3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following rights:

    1) to be informed promptly in a language which he understands and in
    details, of the nature and cause of the accusation against him;

    2) to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his or her

    3) in cases stipulated by law as well as if he has no possibility to protect
    his or her rights and freedoms, to receive guaranteed free of charge and
    qualified advocacy assistance;

    4) to examine the witnesses against him or her;

    5) to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she cannot
    understand the Armenian language.

    Article 58. No liability without law. No deprivation of liberty in cases of
    administrative liability or failure to fulfil contractual obligation

    1. The human being may not be condemned in no other way than by the law in
    affect at the moment of the committing the crime.

    2. The severity of means of liability must be proportionate to the criminal
    offence. The failure to fulfil the contractual obligation, as well as the
    administrative liability may not lead to the deprivation of the liberty of a
    human being.

    3. Laws defining or increasing punishments for the action shall not have
    retroactive force. Laws defining or increasing a liability, as well as laws
    and other legal acts that worsen the legal status of a person shall not have
    retroactive force.

    4. Laws abolishing or mitigating punishment for the action shall have
    retroactive force. Legal acts that improve the legal status of a person,
    remove or mitigate his or her liability shall have retroactive force, if
    that is provided by those acts.

    Article 59. Right not to be punished twice

    1. No one shall be punished again in criminal proceedings for an offence for
    which he or she has already been finally acquitted or convicted in
    accordance with the law.

    2. The provisions of the first part of this article shall not prevent the
    reopening of the case in accordance with the law if there is evidence of new
    or newly discovered facts or if there has been a fundamental defect in the
    previous proceedings, which could affect the outcome of the case.

    Article 60. Right to appeal in criminal matters

    Every convicted of a criminal offence by Court and every injured person has
    the right to have the Court sentence reviewed issued in relation to his or
    her case.

    Article 61. Right to request a pardon and mitigation of the punishment

    Every convicted person has the right to request a pardon or mitigation of
    the assigned punishment.

    Article 62. Right to apply to the Constitutional Court

    Everyone has the right to apply to the Constitutional Court, if all the
    other judicial means for the protection of his or her fundamental rights
    have been exhausted and if he or she considers that the law or other
    normative legal act lying at the basis of the judicial act contradicts the

    Article 63. Right to compensation

    Everyone has the right to compensation for damage caused by the illegal,
    also in cases, prescribed by law, legal decisions, actions or inaction of
    the state and local self government authorities and officials while
    realizing their powers. The sizes of the compensation shall be prescribed by

    Article 64. Other rights and freedoms

    The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms shall not exclude the
    other rights and freedoms prescribed by laws and international treaties.

    Article 65. Fundamental rights and freedoms of legal persons

    The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms shall apply to legal
    persons to the extent that those fundamental rights and freedoms permit.

    Article 66. Temporary restriction of the fundamental rights and freedoms

    The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms, except for those
    prescribed in articles 14-23, 25, 26, 27, part 1 of article 30, 33, 35, 38,
    40-43, part 1 of article 49, 53-62 of the Constitution, may be temporarily
    restricted during a state of emergency or martial law in the cases and
    procedure prescribed by law only insofar as it is subject to the situation.

    Article 67. Aims of the restrictions, broadening of the fundamental rights
    and freedoms and the procedure of their implementation

    1. In cases stipulated by the constitution the law may provide only such
    restrictions of fundamental human and civil rights, which pursue a purpose
    corresponding to the Constitution and are apt, necessary and moderate to
    achieve that purpose.

    2. The restrictions of the fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms
    may not exceed the restrictions prescribed by the international treaties of
    the Republic of Armenia.

    3. In case of necessity the law may broaden the several fundamental rights
    and freedoms. In case of necessity the law may define the procedure of
    implementation of several fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms.

    Article 68. Inviolability of the fundamental human and civil rights and

    The meaning and essence of the provisions fixed in this chapter on the
    fundamental rights of the human and citizen shall be inviolable.

    CHAPTER 4.


    Article 69. Duty to respect the Constitution and the laws, others' rights,
    freedoms and dignity

    1. Everyone shall uphold the Constitution and the laws, and respect the
    rights and freedoms of others.

    2. The exercise of rights and freedoms shall not serve toward the violent
    overthrow of the Constitutional order, for the instigation of national,
    racial, or religious hatred or for the incitement to violence and war.

    Article 70. Duty to pay taxes, duties and other mandatory payments

    Everyone is obliged, in the procedure and the amount prescribed by law, to
    pay taxes and duties and make other mandatory payments.

    Article 71. Duty to participate in the defence of the Republic of Armenia

    Every citizen is obliged to participate in the defence of the Republic of
    Armenia in an order prescribed by law.

    Article 72. Duty to preserve the environment

    Everyone is obliged to preserve the environment and shall be liable in the
    manner prescribed by law for the damage caused to it.

    CHAPTER 5.



    Article 73. Basic tasks of the state in the social, cultural and nature
    protection spheres

    The basic tasks of the state in the social, cultural and nature protection
    spheres are:

    1) to support the employment for the population and the improvement of
    working conditions;

    2) to foster housing construction;

    3) to support preservation of the health of the population, to create
    conditions for effective and affordable medical service for the population;

    4) development of physical training and sports;

    5) to support development of free of charge higher education;

    6) to support development of science and culture;

    7) to ensure the preservation and reproduction of an environment safe for
    the life and health of people, to implement measures to preserve nature and
    the environment from harmful effects, to ensure the rational utilization and
    reproduction of the natural resources;

    8) to ensure the protection of the interests of the consumers, foster the
    improvement of the quality of the goods, services and works;

    9) to promote the protection of Armenian historical and cultural values
    located in other countries, and shall support the development of Armenian
    educational and cultural life within the framework of principles and norms
    of international law;

    10) to provide for each person free access to national and universal values.

    Article 74. Obligations of the state in economic, social and cultural

    1. The state is obliged, within the scope of its possibilities to undertake
    necessary measurements for the fulfilment of the purposes prescribed in the
    Article 73. The Government shall submit annual reports to the National
    Assembly, and the Community leaders - to the Community Council of Elders on
    the fulfilment of the undertaken measurements.

    2. The state is obliged to preserve the historical and cultural monuments,
    as well as other cultural values.

    Article 75. Obligatory teaching of fundamentals of the Constitution

    The state is obliged to ensure the teaching of the fundamentals of the
    Constitution at the secondary educational institutions.

    CHAPTER 6.


    Article 76. Functions, powers and acts of the National Assembly

    1. Legislative power in the Republic of Armenia shall be exercised by the
    National Assembly.

    2. The National Assembly shall exercise control over the executive power,
    adopt the State Budget and perform other functions and powers prescribed by
    the Constitutions and laws.

    3. The National Assembly shall operate in accordance with its Rules of

    4. National Assembly shall adopt decisions in cases stipulated by the
    Constitution and laws.

    5. The National Assembly may adopt statements and messages of no normative
    essence in cases stipulated by its Rules of Procedure.

    6. The decisions, statements and messages shall be signed and promulgated by
    the President of the National Assembly.

    Article 77. Composition and the order of the election of the National

    1. The National Assembly shall be composed of 101 Deputies.

    2. The Deputies shall be elected on the basis of proportional electoral

    3. The procedure for election of the National Assembly shall be prescribed
    by law.

    Article 78. Term of office of the National Assembly

    1. The National Assembly is elected for a term of 4 years. Its term of
    office shall begin at the moment when newly-elected National Assembly
    assembles for its first sitting. The term of office of the National Assembly
    shall expire at the moment of opening of the first sitting of the newly
    elected National Assembly.

    2. The regular election of the National Assembly shall be held 50 days prior
    to the expiration of the term of office of the National Assembly.

    3. The election of the National Assembly shall not be held during a state of
    emergency or martial law. After the state of emergency or martial law is
    abolished the election of the National Assembly shall be held during not
    soon, than 40 and not late than 60 days.

    Article 79. Shortening the term of office of the National Assembly

    1. The term of office of the National Assembly may be shortened in cases
    stipulated in the Constitution.

    2. The National Assembly after the shortening of its term of office shall
    continue realization of its powers until the first sitting of newly-elected
    National Assembly.

    3. After the shortening of its term of office the National Assembly shall
    not have the right to express a vote of no confidence against the
    Government, to form Government, to initiate the procedure of the removing of
    the President of the Republic, to remove at its own initiative the
    Prosecutor General, the chairman of the Audit Chamber, the Defender of the
    human rights, the members of the TV and Radio commission and the chairman of
    the Central Bank.

    4. The extraordinary elections of the National Assembly shall be held during
    not soon than 30 and not late than 40 days after the shortening of the term
    of office of the National Assembly. After the extraordinary election the
    newly elected National Assembly sitting shall be convened on the tenth day
    after the promulgation of the election results.

    Article 80. Requirements concerning the Deputy

    Any person having attained the age of 25 on the day of the election, having
    a citizenship of the Republic of Armenia and permanently residing in the
    Republic of Armenia for the last 5 years, and having the right to vote, may
    be elected a Deputy of the National Assembly.

    Article 81. Incompatibility

    A Deputy may not hold any other office or carry out any other work, except
    for scientific, educational and creative work.

    Article 82. Payment of the Deputy and the guaranties of his activity

    The payment of the Deputy and the guaranties of his or her activity shall be
    prescribed by law.

    Article 83. Prohibition of imperative mandate

    Deputy represents the whole nation. He or she shall not be bound by any
    compulsory mandate and shall be guided only by his or her convictions.

    Article 84. Immunity of the Deputy

    1. A Deputy may not be prosecuted or held liable at any time for actions
    arising from his or her status, including voting, as well as his or her
    opinion expressed in the National Assembly, if it is not slanderous or

    2. A Deputy may not be arrested, detained or subject to any other
    restriction of liberty without the consent of the National Assembly, with
    the exception of the moment of committing a crime. The President of the
    National Assembly is informed about that immediately.

    Article 85. Cessation and termination of powers of a Deputy

    1. The powers of the Deputy shall cease in cases if the term of office of
    the National Assembly is over, the Deputy loses the citizenship of the
    Republic of Armenia, is condemned to imprisonment by legally effective Court
    sentence, is found to be legally incapable or having limited capacity or
    unknown absentee or dead by a legally effective Court ruling, as well as in
    case of resignation.

    2. The powers of the Deputy may be terminated in case if the provisions of
    the Article 81 of the Constitution are breached, the Deputy fails to take
    part in at least half of the voting during the regular session without
    respectful reasons, by the majority vote of the total number of Deputies.

    Article 86. Regular sessions and sittings of the National Assembly

    1. Regular sessions of the National Assembly shall be convened from the 1st
    of February to the 30th June and from the 1st of September to 30th of

    2. The sittings of the National Assembly shall be convened each 2 weeks from
    Monday until Wednesday or the Thursday.

    Article 87. The extraordinary session and sitting of the National Assembly

    1. The President of the National Assembly shall convene an extraordinary
    session, upon the demand of at least one quarter of the total number of
    Deputies or the Government.

    2. The President of the National Assembly shall convene an extraordinary
    sitting upon the demand of at least one fifth of the total number of
    Deputies or the Government.

    3. In case of a state of emergency or martial law an extraordinary sitting
    of the National Assembly shall be convened by right.

    Article 88. Publicity of sitting of the National Assembly

    1. The sittings of the National Assembly shall be public. They shall be
    broadcast by public radio. Upon the demand of at least one third of the
    total number of the Deputies the sittings of the National Assembly shall be
    broadcast by public TV.

    2. Upon the proposal of at least one fifth of the total number of Deputies
    or the Government closed door sittings may be convened by the National
    Assembly by the vote of two thirds of its total number of Deputies.

    Article 89. Adoption of the laws, decisions, statements and messages of the
    National Assembly

    The laws, and decisions, statements and messages of the National Assembly
    shall be adopted by the majority vote of the Deputies present at a given
    sitting, if more than half of the total number of Deputies has participated
    in the voting, with the exception of cases stipulated by the Constitution.

    Article 90. President of the National Assembly, his Deputies and the Council
    of the National Assembly

    1. The National Assembly shall elect a President and his 2 Deputies from its
    composition and for the full term of its office.

    2. For organizing the works of the National Assembly shall be formed a
    Council of the National Assembly composed of the President of the National
    Assembly, his or her deputies, one representative from each faction and
    chairmen of standing committees.

    Article 91. Standing Committees

    1. The National Assembly shall create standing committees for the discussion
    and preparation of the matters relating to its jurisdiction, as well as for
    the parliamentary control on behalf of the National Assembly.

    2. In the standing committees seats shall be appropriated to the factions of
    the Deputies according to the proportion of their number.

    3. The positions of the chairmen of the standing committees shall be
    distributed between the factions of the Deputies by the proportion of their

    4. Upon the demand of one third of the total number of the members of a
    standing committee executive power and local self-government bodies and
    officials, are obliged to submit necessary documents and information to the
    committee and assist the works of the committee.

    5. A standing committee, by the majority vote of the total number of its
    members, has the right to require the participation of ministers and other
    officials dealing with the issue in its sittings.

    Article 92. Temporary committees

    1. Temporary committees may be established by the decision of the National
    Assembly for the preliminary discussion of draft laws and other matters and
    submitting conclusions or information to the National Assembly.

    2. The provisions concerning the standing committees shall be applicable
    accordingly in relation to the temporary committees.

    Article 93. Investigative Committees

    1. Upon the demand of at least one quarter of the total number of Deputies,
    an investigative committee is established for the purpose of clarifying
    facts of public interest.

    2. The investigative committee shall be composed of at least one
    representative from each of the factions and the party submitting the

    3. The investigative committee shall, upon the demand of the party
    submitting the demand in the public sittings or at least one fifth of the
    total number of its members, collect necessary information. In case of
    necessity the closed sittings may be held.

    4. The provisions stipulated for the standing committees shall be applicable
    in regard to the investigative committee correspondingly.

    Article 94. Right to initiate laws

    The right to initiate laws rests with the Deputies and the Government, as
    well as at least 20.000 citizens having the right to vote.

    Article 95. Discussion of the initiative

    1. The legislative initiative must be discussed in the sitting of the
    National Assembly within not late than 6 months.

    2. If pursuant to the conclusion of the Government the draft law decreases
    the state incomes or increases the state expenses, the National Assembly may
    adopt that draft law upon the demand of the government only by the majority
    of the total number of Deputies.

    Article 96. Confidence to Government

    1. The Government may during the regular session bring up the issue of a
    vote of confidence to the Government in connection with adoption of the
    draft law represented by it or other matters. If the National Assembly does
    not adopt that draft and does not elect a new Prime minister within 14 days,
    the President of the Republic shall immediately shorten the term of office
    of the National Assembly. If during the prescribed period the National
    Assembly elects a new Prime Minister, the new Government shall be formed in
    an order prescribed in the second part of the Article 130 of the

    2. The Government may not bring up the issue of a vote of confidence to the
    Government more than once during the same session.

    Article 97. State budget

    1. The National Assembly shall adopt the State Budget upon its presentation
    by the Government.

    2. The Government shall submit the draft of the State Budget to the National
    Assembly for discussion at least 90 days before the start of the new fiscal

    3. If the State Budget is not adopted, then before the approval of the state
    budget of the given year, the expenditures of the new fiscal year shall be
    incurred in the same proportions as in the previous year's budget.

    Article 98. Participation of the Prime Minister and Ministers in the
    sittings of National Assembly

    1. The Prime Minister shall be obligated to participate in the sittings of
    the National Assembly upon the demand of the one third of the total number
    of Deputies. The ministers, heads of the independent Commissions, the
    chairman of the Central Bank and Prosecutor General dealing with the issue
    shall be obligated to participate in the National Assembly's sittings upon
    the demand of at least one fifth of the total number of Deputies.

    2. Members of the Government and their deputies shall have the right to
    participate in the sittings of the National Assembly and make out of turn
    speeches in relation to their matters.

    Article 99. Oral and written questions of the Deputies

    1. During the regular session for at least one sitting of the National
    Assembly each week the members of the Government shall answer oral questions
    raised by Deputies.

    2. Deputies shall have the right to address written questions to the members
    of the Government. The members of the Government shall answer those
    questions within 14 days. The answers to the written questions shall not be
    read in the sitting of the National Assembly.

    Article 100. Interpellation

    1. The fractions of the National Assembly may apply with one written
    interpellation to the Government during each session. The Prime Minister and
    the Ministers shall answer the interpellation during the regular session
    within not late than 30 days after the receipt of the interpellation, and if
    the regular session has already closed - during the first sitting of the
    next session.

    2. The Answers to the interpellations shall be submitted during the sitting
    of the National Assembly. Upon the proposal of at least one fifth of total
    number of the Deputies the interpellation is discussed. If in the result of
    the discussion the draft decision is submitted on the no confidence to the
    Government, then the provisions of the Article 102 shall be applied.