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Youth find reconciliation through understanding

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  • Youth find reconciliation through understanding

    COE (Communiqués de presse), Switzerland
    May 10 2005

    Conseil oecuménique des Églises - Reportage
    Contact: + 41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363 [email protected]
    Pour publication immédiate: 10 mai 2005

    Youth find reconciliation through understanding

    By Heather Chappell (*)
    Free photos available at

    Understanding is the first step on the road to reconciliation. This
    is one of the convictions that Christian youth from diverse regions
    will carry home with them following a week of conversations and
    reflections on the themes of mission, reconciliation and healing.

    During the week of May 3-8, 2005, one week prior to the 13th
    Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, 49 participants gathered
    at the Agios Andreas Recreational Centre near Athens, Greece. The
    event was designed as an opportunity for young people to join in
    community before attending the main conference. According to Vahagn
    Azizyan, a youth delegate from Armenia, the pre-conference experience
    was a "marvellous opportunity to discover Christian riches from all
    over the world."

    Monica Coll Gonzáles from Cuba found that the diversity of
    participants made for interesting discussions on key issues facing
    the church in the world. "Views and opinions were certainly rich,"
    she said. Yet, while backgrounds, denominations and opinions varied
    widely, similarities were also discovered. When discussing the
    problems associated with reconciliation in various political,
    theological and social contexts, Gonzáles reported that many
    participants shared similar experiences. "It seems that the problems
    are the same all over the world," she said.

    Bringing the conference back home

    The pre-conference also provided the young people with practical
    knowledge and tools that will be useful to them once they go back to
    their local communities. Bertram Granville Swarts will return to
    South Africa, where he acknowledges that racism still exists despite
    ten years of democracy. He found that the youth conference has
    challenged him to discover personal reconciliation and healing within
    this context. "I will go home with a lot of experience," he said.

    Participants included both stewards and youth delegates. Half of the
    stewards were Greek. Of these, some were Orthodox, some Evangelical.
    Greek participant Anastasia Gkitsi discovered that by sharing their
    experiences, participants were able to gain a growing understanding
    of one another. Stewards and delegates travelled to a downtown Greek
    Orthodox church, where they were given the opportunity to ask
    questions. For many, this was their first exposure to Orthodoxy.
    Natalie Maxson, Youth Programme Executive for the World Council of
    Churches (WCC), reports that it was an extremely positive experience.
    Through learning and sharing together, youth from widely varying
    backgrounds began to appreciate one another as members of "healing
    and reconciling communities", in the words of the conference theme.
    They also developed good relationships that will most likely last
    throughout their lives.

    During the pre-conference, stewards began developing ecumenical
    projects that will be implemented when they return home. These
    projects will focus on issues such as HIV/AIDS and globalization, and
    will include youth workshops and exchanges between churches. The
    Greek stewards, both Orthodox and Evangelical, are working together
    on one of these ecumenical projects. They are excited and hopeful
    about this unprecedented partnership, and they ask for the prayers of
    conference participants over the coming weeks and months.

    Planting seeds

    Although it is the goal of the World Council of Churches (WCC) to
    have 25% youth involvement in any activity, under 10% of the main
    conference delegates are young people. Maxson worries that the
    perspectives of youth could be marginalized as a result. "As a young
    person working with youth, I find that it is a constant battle to
    make space for the voices of youth to be heard," she says. However,
    the strong connections and friendships that were built at the
    pre-conference event will enable those attending the conference to
    have a much stronger voice than if they were to attend individually.
    Together, they will share in two plenaries, through drama and art.

    Maxson stresses that the stewards participating in the main
    conference are not merely volunteers. They are participants in an
    ecumenical learning experience. They are very much involved in their
    home churches, and they are at the conference to build connections.
    She believes that it is "the responsibility of older delegates to get
    to know these young people, and to support them in their work."

    When asked if the goals for the pre-conference event were met, Maxson
    responds that she doesn't like to think in terms of "goals" when
    people are involved. Rather, she sees the event as a chance to plant
    seeds. "You don't necessarily see the fruit that develops
    immediately," she says. She goes on to say that the connections that
    were made, the co-operation of Orthodox and non-Orthodox Greek
    Christians, the understanding that was achieved - all of these can be
    considered the fruits of this process. "It is an ecumenical process
    that continues long past this conference," she says.

    The youth event was sponsored by the World Council of Churches, in
    co-operation with ecumenical partners.

    (*) Heather Chappell is a writer from Toronto, Ontario. She works as
    Programme Assistant for The Presbyterian Church in Canada in the
    areas of Stewardship and Mission Education.