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Antelias: HH Aram I considers unity and democracy top priorities

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  • Antelias: HH Aram I considers unity and democracy top priorities

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
    Fax: (04) 419724
    E- mail: [email protected]

    PO Box 70 317

    Armenian version:


    In a statement made to the media on May 11 His Holiness spoke about the
    current political situation in Lebanon and assured that unity and democracy
    are priorities that should be considered above anything else.

    "Lebanon faces one of the most sensitive and critical times of its
    contemporary history. This transitory period is full of both positive and
    negative aspects, as well as both new hopes and new dangers," said His
    Holiness, just before departing for Iran on an official trip.

    Speaking about people's power, His Holiness said: "The Lebanese took to the
    streets with slogans such as freedom, sovereignty, unity and truth. The
    people want a different Lebanon; a Lebanon with a new political culture,
    democratic principles, moral values and a Lebanon governed by new political
    leaders. If all this is not accomplished in the near future, all the
    embraces, statements, visits and meetings become temporary and superficial

    His Holiness emphasized the importance of internal unity as a priority above
    anything else. "Lebanon's internal unity should be strengthened before
    anything else. Today Lebanon is set to fix itself. One should steer clear of
    all personal, party-related and one sided interests, and firmly hold on to
    Lebanon's collective and supreme interests. The Lebanese should reaffirm
    their loyalty to those basic values and principles that constitute Lebanon's
    firm basis and its unique identity. Therefore, it is not acceptable for
    political leaders to chase personal interests; it is not acceptable that
    they exploit the feelings of the people as well as those of the country's
    communities. Lebanon's unity should become a principal priority for all of
    us," he said.

    The Catholicos also spoke about the upcoming elections and underlined the
    importance of strengthening democracy in Lebanon. "Besides unity, it's
    imperative to strengthen democracy in Lebanon. Lebanon has its own
    understanding of democracy that is based on its internal system. True
    democracy should be responsive to the society's realities and internal
    system. Lebanon is proud that it remains the best example of democracy in
    the Arab World. But it's essential for Lebanon's democracy to transform into
    a more people-oriented democracy," said His Holiness.

    "The first principle of democracy is the participation of the people and the
    direct election of its representatives. We had already stated in 2000 that
    the current electoral law does not meet all the requirements of democracy.
    It creates unjust and sensitive situation. Driven by these same principles
    and out of concern for strengthening internal unity, we have considered and
    still consider the review of the 2000 law as essential," continued His

    His Holiness concluded his statement by calling for "the development of a
    new political culture."

    "The political culture that has been inherited from past decades is fake,
    corrupt and has developed around "zaim"s. It has been a culture, where the
    people have been absent. The Lebanese people and particularly the youth
    should develop a new political culture; one which would be based on people's
    power, one that will be governed not by individuals or political parties or
    by the interests of this or that community, one that would be driven by the
    interests of Lebanon as a whole; a culture that would be based on basic
    moral values, and on the principles of responsibility and particularly
    accountability. Lastly, the Lebanese should develop such a political culture
    that contributes to further deepening and developing Lebanon's internal
    cohesion and cohabitation. In order to develop such a culture, we need new
    political figures, new voices, and new leaders with clear vision" concluded
    His Holiness Aram I.


    The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
    the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
    the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
    the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
    administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.