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Living in community amidst diversity

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  • Living in community amidst diversity

    Conseil oecuménique des Églises - Reportage
    Contact: + 41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363 [email protected]
    Pour publication immédiate: 14 mai 2005

    Living in community amidst diversity

    By Heather Chappell (*)

    Free photos available at

    Women in brightly coloured saris eat breakfast with bearded men in
    flowing black robes. Lutherans compare ideas with Catholics. Orthodox
    exchange greetings of peace with Evangelicals. Participants in the
    Athens World Mission Conference have experienced the formation of a
    peaceful and accepting community.

    In a divisive and increasingly violent world, the need for community
    is great, and lack of close relationships can lead to intolerance,
    discrimination, isolation and fear. The over 650 participants
    attending the World Council of Churches 13th Conference on World
    Mission and Evangelism have spent a week living out the Christian
    call to be in close community with one another, providing a working
    example of peace and tolerance.

    The sub-theme of the May 9-16 conference, "Called in Christ to be
    healing and reconciling communities," is brought to life in a very
    real way. Daily workshops point to peace, trust, love, understanding,
    and unity as means of creating healing and reconciliation in today's
    world. Participants from over 100 countries and representing almost
    every Christian tradition consider what it means to live in
    community, and share stories from within their own particular

    Quiet, intimate spaces

    Amidst the busyness of workshops and presentations, there is a need
    for more quiet, intimate spaces. Small "home groups" help to
    strengthen the feeling of community that encompasses the conference.
    "It is important to have this kind of bonding on an individual level
    with other participants," says Paula Devejian, a delegate from the
    Holy See of Etchmiadzin (Armenian Apostolic Church).

    Each morning, groups come together for Lectio Divina (Latin for
    "sacred reading"). These meditative Bible studies are a good way for
    delegates to prepare spiritually for the day ahead. Evening meetings
    are less structured, and provide an opportunity to reflect and to
    share stories and experiences of the day's events. Group members are
    encouraged to share their joys and disappointments in a
    non-judgemental and supportive environment.

    Ron Wallace, associate secretary of international ministries for The
    Presbyterian Church in Canada, finds there to be a good balance of
    culture, gender and tradition within his group. He enjoys the
    opportunity to discuss world views with those from a variety of
    backgrounds and contexts. "In my group there are Catholics,
    Protestants and Coptic Orthodox from Europe, North America, and
    Africa. Everyone is very open-minded," he says. "By the second day,
    we were comfortable in accepting one another's diversity, and were
    able to discuss our wide variety of perceptions." Devejian adds that
    the bringing together of diverse cultures and denominations through
    biblical discussion gives her important insight into the thought
    processes and belief systems of others in her group.

    The church is like a prism

    Participants, who have seen their home groups evolve into small
    communities, can take their experience back to their own churches and
    apply it to small group meetings within their own contexts.

    Home group leader Fleur Dorrell, a Catholic working for the Church of
    England and a member of the Anglican Communion's lay organization
    Mothers' Union, feels that home groups facilitate the act of
    listening to one another, ensuring that the unique voice of each
    person is both expressed and heard.

    "The church is like a prism," she says. "Each colour represents a
    different expression of faith. The beauty is in reflecting as many
    colours as possible." She goes on to say, "None of us understands God
    perfectly on our own. We need each other to help us understand and
    nourish our own faith."

    In just one week, conference participants have come together in
    community, creating a space where cultural, denominational, and
    spiritual differences unite rather than divide. In this way, they
    provide an important model to churches world-wide, and confirm that
    it is possible to live together as one people - a diverse family
    centred in the community of God's love. [682 words]

    (*) Heather Chappell is a writer from Toronto, Ontario. She works as
    programme assistant for The Presbyterian Church in Canada in the
    areas of stewardship and mission education.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress