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International Crisis Group in Karabakh

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  • International Crisis Group in Karabakh



    | 20:19:47 | 16-05-2005 | Official |

    NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian received leader of the Caucasian
    Project of the International Crisis Group (ICG) Sabina Freizer and
    the organization's analyst on Caucasus Levon Zourabian.

    In the course of the meeting, Mrs. Freizer informed that the visit to
    Nagorno Karabakh pursued the aim to get more detailed information on
    the republic's activity, get acquainted with the opinion of Nagorno
    Karabakh leadership and population on the current situation of
    the settlement of the conflict with Azerbaijan and the ways of its
    resolution. She expressed her wish to meet representatives of state
    structures, political parties and common citizens.

    According to her, a report will be worked out on the results of the
    visit, containing information on the processes taking place here and
    practical recommendations to the international structures which deal
    with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.

    Introducing the position of the official Stepanakert on the principles
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, Arkady Ghoukassian
    stressed the inadmissibility of military activities' resumption and the
    necessity of the problem's solution only by peaceful means, as well as
    the formation of an atmosphere of confidence between the parties. At
    the same time, the head of the Republic noted that the achievement of
    the final and mutually acceptable settlement would become possible
    only in condition of Nagorno Karabakh's equal participation in the
    negotiation process.