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Hotel Rwanda

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  • Hotel Rwanda (satire)
    May 20 2005

    Hotel Rwanda

    Posted by Richard Williams on May 20, 2005 12:35 PM (See all posts by
    Richard Williams)

    Hotel Rwanda
    DVD from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
    Release date: 12 April, 2005

    Movies like this leave my mind reeling with questions. Not just
    the usual ones brought on by the horror of mankind's actions, those
    questions made pointedly by bodies on the road as far as he can see,
    speedbumps on a 'cleared road' (cleared of the living). How could
    anyone do this, to be so consumed by hatred or anger that the normal
    restraints are completely absent.

    Or the big questions like what makes people so different in their
    response to horror that some risk their lives repeatedly to help while
    others give in to what looks like mass hysteria and hack up their
    neighbors? And of course the personalization of that question in:
    given the same situation how would i react?

    We have seen the main pieces over and over again since the British
    concentration camps for the Boer women and children in 1899, the
    Armenia genocide with its thousands perishing in the desert or lost in
    harem sexual exploitation for a lifetime. The destruction of Yugoslavia
    in an orgasm of violence, rape hotels and the eventual partitioning of
    history and geography back 50 years. It has happened so many times,
    in so many places that we get emotional callouses over our hearts to
    protect us from the immediate horror of it all. But the survivors,
    they will never heal, will never have the luxury of developing a
    hard heart to the evils of mankind. They will never close their eyes
    without reliving the nightmare.

    But after all these questions have settled down to a dull aching roar,
    i am left with the idea that to honor, to remember these dead is to
    strive to keep it from happening again. To understand how such things
    erupt in our midst, to think about the warning signs and to struggle
    to push the powers that rule to build strike forces or international
    police forces or what ever it takes so that this evil leaves our midst
    forever. The radio in the background, urging violence, dehumanizing
    "The Other" into cockroaches, making great divisions where there were
    little to none before (nose width???) certainly is significant. Mob
    violence, herd mentality explains part, but what about that man on the
    radio, or more importantly the few leaders behind the masks of evil,
    who are they and how did society create them. And more importantly,
    how do we keep trash thought from rising to the surface of society
    and causing this? I see the same kind of racism, the same kind of
    demonization of others, of the cockroachizition in the decline of
    dialogue into nothing more than utter polarization and namecalling
    around me.

    As a Christian i worry that the Church which is to be the warning
    voice against hidden evil, to be that prophetic voice that is
    heard over the screams of victims and the shouted commands of the
    evildoers does not seem to be awake and watching over the walls
    of our civilization as it ought to be. I am glad to see churches
    looked upon as places of refuge and doubly horrified when that refuge
    turns into a cemetary when no one cares from outside, and God Himself
    doesn't seem to intervene to protect the innocent within the walls of
    His house of worship. The glib answer that they are in heaven today
    waiting their confrontation with their killers seems little comfort,
    i wonder how the survivors handle what looks like betrayal not just
    by their countrymen but from their God to whom they prayed in their
    last hours of absolute madness. Can we who only have read books or
    seen movies understand this? No, their stories of faith after the
    storm are hidden, at least from my view. The stories of faith need
    to be heard and motivate other Christians to help. but it seems that
    the rich American church is not just silent but deaf and blind as well.

    That brings up the complicity of the West, not just in the remnants
    of a colonization that drew national boundaries that divided tribal
    loyalities, that created Hutu and Tutsi, that left an economy based
    more on exploitation of natural resources for the use of the west and
    the personal wealth of a few indigenous military and/or political
    rulers in control, then any democratic sharing for the use of all
    citizens. More than a failure of nerve, of a long lasting deeply
    embedded racism that divides black from white nuns and saves only the
    european from the horror. But of a legacy of mentality, or a worldview
    of exploitation, of the use of others for your own personal gain. For
    this is the great intellectual evil leftover from colonization, now
    the colonizers are black and speak the same language and act just
    like the British or Belgium or French or ? that left, for when the
    West left Africa it left behind ideas and a nucleus of people that
    pursued policies that created the conditions ripe for exploitation
    by demogues intent on becoming the next wave of internal colonizers,
    the wolves feeding upon the fatten calf for themselves.

    i am sorry. but even if i were to speak out for the unnumbered dead,
    there appears to be no one listening to their cries at the moment
    of their deaths, why should my voice matter, when compared to their
    sacrifice? besides it appears that only God hears their cries.

    Rev 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the
    book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast
    redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue,
    and people, and nation;