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Crusade and jihad

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  • Crusade and jihad, UK
    May 24 2005

    Crusade and jihad

    photo: The Crusader kingdoms of Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli and
    Jerusalem around 1140

    Neil Faulkner examines the medieval precursor of imperialism in the
    Middle East

    On 15 July 1099 Jerusalem was stormed by soldiers of the First
    Crusade. For the attackers, who had set out from western Europe three
    years before, this was the culmination of their efforts - the
    `liberation' of the Holy City from Muslim `infidels'.

    The campaign had been punctuated by massacre and mayhem. Pogroms had
    been launched against the Jews of Germany. The people of the Balkans
    had been plundered on the army's line of march. There had been
    clashes with the Greeks of Constantinople (Istanbul), whom the
    Crusaders were supposed to be defending. Edessa had been seized not
    from `infidels' but from Armenian Christians. And there had been
    wholesale slaughter at Antioch and other captured cities.

    Now it was the turn of Jerusalem. For two days after the walls were
    breached the Crusaders killed and pillaged. Jews and Muslims were cut
    down where they stood or herded into buildings and burnt alive. The
    few who survived were sold as slaves.

    In the days following, rotting corpses having filled the city with
    stench, bodies were gathered up and piled in great heaps outside the
    walls. Meantime the Crusaders plundered the city of every scrap of
    wealth. Western civilisation had reached the Middle East.

    The Crusade had been launched by Pope Urban II in 1095. The church,
    with estates spread across the whole of western Europe, was a vast
    feudal corporation. Now the popes aimed to turn wealth into power.

    But they clashed repeatedly with the competing claims of secular
    rulers in the West, and their authority was challenged by a rival
    Christian hierarchy in the East. So Urban II's aim in launching the
    Crusade was to increase the ideological, military and political power
    of the church.

    It was also a way of diverting social discontent. Flood and plague in
    1094 followed by drought and famine in 1095 had left millions
    destitute. Instead of anger being turned on the rich it was targeted
    at the Jews, while despair was transformed into the mysticism of a
    `people's crusade' in which thousands set out on a pilgrimage to the
    Holy Land.

    Above all, the Crusade was an outlet for the brutal imperialism
    inherent in the feudal order. Much of 11th century Europe was divided
    into landed estates (or `fiefs') designed to support a heavy
    cavalryman, providing enough to pay for his armour, equipment,
    horses, and the luxury and trappings of a knight.

    In return for their estates, knights owed allegiance to the great
    lords who owned the land. These lords in turn had obligations to the
    rulers of the feudal states. Norman feudalism was an extreme example.
    The Normans were descended from 10th century Viking settlers in
    Normandy. The native peasantry was heavily exploited to maintain a
    large force of heavy cavalry.

    But to avoid fiefs being subdivided and becoming non-viable, the rule
    of primogeniture prevailed, whereby the eldest son inherited the
    entire estate. Younger sons therefore had to fight to keep their
    place in the world.

    Denied an inheritance, they had to survive through mercenary service
    or by winning for themselves a new fiefdom. This was true of knights,
    nobles and princes - all ranks of the feudal aristocracy produced
    younger sons prepared to maintain rank through military force.

    Opportunities were numerous. Civil wars were frequent. Competition
    for land and power kept the feudal aristocracy divided. The rulers of
    feudal states tried to control and channel these energies in wars of
    conquest - exporting the violence inherent in the system.

    Bloody logic
    The dynamic of feudal imperialism was the drive to find booty and
    fiefdoms for a warrior caste otherwise liable to tear itself apart in
    fratricidal slaughter. It was this bloody logic that powered the

    `This land you inhabit is overcrowded by your numbers,' explained the
    pope. `This is why you devour and fight one another, make war and
    even kill one another. Let all dissensions be settled. Take the road
    to the Holy Sepulchre. Rescue that land from a dreadful race and rule
    over it yourselves.'

    The war was sustained by lies. The Holy Land was supposedly
    desecrated with the blood of Christian pilgrims. Muslims were accused
    of revolting atrocities. Racist stereotypes appeared in contemporary
    art. In fact, Muslims, Jews and Christians had lived side by side in
    the Holy Land for centuries, and Jerusalem welcomed pilgrims from all
    three faiths. The truth was that the Crusades were an exercise in
    feudal violence and pillage. Most Crusaders returned home after the
    war. But they left behind four Crusader states - Edessa, Antioch,
    Tripoli and Jerusalem - and these, each guarded by just a few
    thousand men, had to be brutal to survive.

    Living on stolen land and surrounded by potential enemies, the
    Crusaders were too few ever to feel safe. They needed wealth to
    recruit and maintain soldiers, and they grabbed it any way they could
    - attacking desert caravans, raiding their neighbours, and screwing
    the local peasantry. They were true robber barons.

    The Arab response was slow. This seems at first surprising. The
    Crusaders were massively outnumbered, and Middle Eastern civilisation
    was greatly in advance of that of Europe. The Arabs boasted rich
    irrigation agriculture, sophisticated urban crafts, a dynamic banking
    system, and a strong tradition of scholarship, literature and art.

    These were the fruits of the Islamic revolutions of the 7th to 9th
    centuries. Merchants and nomads from Arabia had united under the
    banner of Islam to create a vast Middle Eastern empire in which towns
    and traders could flourish.

    But the urban classes did not control the Arab states - mosque and
    medina were subordinate to palace. Arab rulers siphoned surpluses
    into luxury consumption, political corruption and military

    The unitary empire of the early Islamic period had fragmented into
    numerous regional and local states. Economically stagnant and
    politically divided, much of the Middle East had recently fallen to
    Seljuk Turk invaders from central Asia. The Crusaders were battering
    at a crumbling edifice.

    Few Arab rulers had the strength or will to resist. Many feared the
    upheaval and risks of all-out war. Some made alliances with Crusader
    states against their Muslim enemies.

    It was the Second Crusade (1146-1148) that transformed localised
    resistance into full scale insurgency. The crusade ended in disaster
    and led to a decisive shift of power in favour of the architects of
    Muslim victory.

    By 1154 Syria had been united under a regime openly preaching jihad -
    a holy war to destroy the Crusader states. By 1169 the jihadists had
    secured control of Egypt. And by 1183 the whole of Syria and Egypt
    had been united under the leadership of the famous Saladin.

    Saladin has become a romantic and heroic figure, both in Europe and
    the Middle East. In fact he was a ruthless aristocratic politician as
    capable of lies and atrocities as any other. His famed magnanimity
    was carefully calculated.

    Saladin placed himself at the head of the Muslim masses and raised a
    holy war against the Crusaders - he became the leader of a national
    liberation struggle fought under the banner of religion.

    The tide was turned at the Battle of Hattin in 1187. Saladin
    assembled the greatest Arab army ever to face the Crusaders - 30,000
    men, including heavy cavalry, swarms of light horse-archers, and
    thousands of jihadist volunteers.

    The Crusaders were led in the ferocious July heat through a landscape
    in which the wells had run dry. Only when they were dying of thirst
    did Saladin engage. His huge host surrounded the Crusaders and
    plagued them with clouds of arrows.

    Again and again the Crusaders charged, attempting to break out, only
    to be swamped by the huge numbers of their opponents. At the end of
    the day the survivors surrendered. The entire army of the Crusader
    Kingdom of Jerusalem had been destroyed.

    Saladin - in contrast to the Crusaders - spared most of his
    prisoners. The exceptions were understandable. With his own sword he
    slew Reynald de Chatillon, a notorious robber baron who had turned
    the caravan road beneath his castle at Kerak into a slaughterhouse.

    And he ordered the mass execution of Templar and Hospitaller knights.
    These were the Waffen SS of the Crusades - warrior monks who waged a
    war of bigotry, hatred and genocide.

    Jerusalem fell soon afterwards. The Third Crusade (1189-1192) was
    mounted in response. Led by King Richard I of England - a boorish and
    brutal man under whose leadership the usual carnage and pillage
    prevailed - the campaign eventually reached stalemate.

    The hardest punch
    Well handled, Crusader armies could hold ground and throw back even
    the strongest attacks - with their detachments of first class
    armoured cavalry, they packed the hardest punch.

    But the Crusaders were too few to garrison fortresses and hold ground
    in the great sea of opposition that now confronted them. Even had
    they retaken Jerusalem, they could not have held it.

    The Crusader states clung to patches of their territory into the late
    13th century. Though Saladin's empire collapsed on his death in 1193,
    the Crusader enclaves remained hemmed in by hostility and were unable
    to endure without external support. This never came.

    Later Crusades were diverted by easy pickings and commercial
    advantage - the Fourth Crusade, for example, ended with massacre and
    pillage in the streets of Christian Constantinople. The last of the
    Crusader-held fortresses fell in 1291, almost exactly 200 years since
    the first Crusader army had reached the Holy Land.

    In that time the Crusader states had contributed nothing - their
    rulers were backward robber barons who visited death, destruction and
    impoverishment on the people of the Middle East.