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Mamedyarov: Sides negotiate opening of Nakhijevan-Meghri railroad

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  • Mamedyarov: Sides negotiate opening of Nakhijevan-Meghri railroad


    Yerevan Calls the Statement 'False'

    Azeri foreign minister said in the interview to ANS TV that definite details
    of peaceful settlement have been discussed, in particular, "the issue of
    transportation and communication was one of the main points of the
    discussion." Mamediarov said that they discussed the issue of using the
    Lachin corridor as a security belt, as well as the opening of
    Nakhijevan-Meghri railroad and the roads.

    The official Yerevan stated that Baku again makes false statements. A
    high-ranking official of RA Foreign Ministry told Azg that such statements
    of Baku hinder achieving the real agreement in the Nagorno Karabakh issue.
    The diplomat opined that such statements are directed to the inner
    auditorium, "the Azeri authorities seem to have inner problems."

    The diplomat also said that by making such statements Baku creates
    additional problems for the very inner auditorium, as when the details of
    the negotiations are published or the sides are about to sign the settlement
    agreement, the same authorities will have to find excuses in front of their
    own people.

    "Making false statements is Baku's tactics," he said. After the meeting of
    the presidents, Mamediarov said that Armenia is ready to return "the 7
    occupied regions of Azerbaijan. He also added that "the terms for returning
    the occupied territories" are being specified.

    Official Yerevan denied statements by Mamediarov, while the Baku-based
    newspapers sneered at the statements of the Azeri foreign minister. In fact,
    Yuri Merzliakov, OSCE Russian co-chair, also denied the statements by
    Merzliakov. "What does it mean, Armenia is ready? The issue of withdrawal of
    the armed forces is being discussed. Armenia doesn't doubt about the
    principle of withdrawing the Armenian forces from the neighboring regions of
    NKR. But we haven't achieved any agreement concerning the terms, the order
    and the deadline for the withdrawal of the forces." Merzliakov added that
    the withdrawal of the forces "is no issue of tomorrow or the day after

    NKR foreign minister stated yesterday that "the NKR authorities should
    control the regions." Mediamax agency informed that Arman Melikian said that
    "today it's senseless to speak of the territories or the relocation of the
    forces," as "no agreement has been achieved over this issue." Melikian said
    that the false statements on the territories and the withdrawal of NKR
    forces "are in the interests of Azerbaijan."

    The Armenian diplomat stated that they haven't specified the terms and the
    deadline for the coming meeting between RA foreign minister and the
    mediators. A separate meeting between the mediators with the Azeri and the
    Armenian foreign ministers are envisaged to take place. Afterwards, it is
    possible that Oskanian and Mamediarov will meet. It is supposed that after
    these meetings only the mediators will arrive in the region.

    "There is already a necessity for the meeting between the ministers, as a
    new filed has opened for us after the meeting of the presidents in Warsaw.
    We have many things to discuss and work out," Vartan Oskanian said in the
    interview to RA Public TV on May 19. The minister emphasized that sooner or
    later they should touch upon all the details of the resolution package,
    specifying four groups of issues -- the status, territories, refugees and
    the security issues.

    Oskanian stated in the same interview that, indeed, "a certain positive
    progress" has been fixed in the issue of the status after the negotiations
    between the presidents in Warsaw.

    By Tatoul Hakobian