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Ombudsman Institute should be constitutional category

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  • Ombudsman Institute should be constitutional category


    | 15:01:39 | 28-05-2005 | Politics |


    'Today due to adopted or not adopted laws and under law acts not only
    individuals' rights but also the rights of groups of people are violated in
    Armenia', Human Rights Defender Larisa Alaverdyan stated.

    She cannot contest the correspondence of these laws and under law acts that
    caused human rights violations to the Constitution. `At one time
    international experts unanimously stated that nothing prevents the Ombudsman
    from such possibility via legislative amendments before the conduction of a
    referendum', Larisa Alevardyan says. In her opinion, the society has not yes
    come to realize the importance of institute of ombudsman, which should
    become a signal for constitutional changes.

    She says that the level of the protectability should be raised. The RA
    Ombudsman considers that her mission is the revealing of outrageous
    violations of human rights. `My mission is to make protection, recognition,
    respect and encouragement of human rights a priority task for the
    authorities', she says.

    She mentioned of the countries where the institute of ombudsman is system of
    quite another kind. For example, in Russia the law of the human rights
    defender is called a constitutional law, what proves the serious attitude of
    the state towards the institute.

    It is not a secret that a great number of violations take place in Armenia
    presently. Larisa Alaverdyan does not deny this fact. `According to the
    declaration all have equal rights, however it is not so. The rights of a
    rural resident and the head of the village administration or the rights of
    city-dweller and deputy or minister cannot be equal', she says.

    'When the law was being elaborated we demonstrated our adherence to the
    Paris principles. Today we should either abandon these principles or follow
    them. It is an issue of honor and not a political problem', she notes.

    She holds the opinion that the human rights defender should be elected by
    the parliament. Candidatures can be proposed by many people, including the
    President, however it is the parliament that should take the final decision.

    Diana Markosyan