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Formation of Ombudsman Institute in Armenia was premature

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  • Formation of Ombudsman Institute in Armenia was premature


    | 15:00:34 | 28-05-2005 | Politics |


    In Europe the institute of ombudsman is a parliamentary body, since human
    rights are violated by the executive power', chairman of the Helsinki
    Committee of Armenia Avetik Ishkhanyan noted. He is against the appointment
    of the Ombudsman by the President. `Actually the formation of the institute
    of ombudsman of Armenia was a mere formal step in order to demonstrate the
    fulfillment of commitments to the CE', he says. Aveti, Ishkhanyan considers
    that for real correspondence to the European standards the appointment of
    the human rights defender, guarantees of his independence and existence as a
    parliamentary body should be precisely fixed in the Constitution. `Otherwise
    we will not be able to say that the institute has been already formed in the
    RA', he notes.

    He also point out to the election of the human rights defender. `Taking into
    consideration the fact that the parliamentary majority depends on the
    executive power the election of the Ombudsman should not be conditioned by
    the NA majority only', he stressed. In his opinion the terms of the
    Ombudsman's office should be fixed in the Constitution and it should be no
    less that 3 and no more than 5 years. As for the re-election, it can take
    place only in case the correlation of forces has changed in the National
    Assembly, A. Ishkhanyan says.

    When commenting of the activities of the institute of ombudsman in Armenia,
    he said, `Even in winter 2004 I stated that the human rights defender will
    face serious challenges having in mind the opposition rallies. Everyone knew
    that human rights will be violated at that time, however the developments
    exceeded all the expectations. Unfortunately the newly appointed Ombudsman
    did not pass the trial. The formation of the institute of ombudsman in
    Armenia was premature, as the Ombudsman was appointed by the President', he

    Victoria Abrahamyan