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Oh, Arsinee, come fly away with me: Why won't she just ditch...

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  • Oh, Arsinee, come fly away with me: Why won't she just ditch...

    National Post, Canada
    SECTION: TORONTO; Scene; Pg. TO6

    Oh, Arsinee, come fly away with me...: Why won't she just ditch that
    Atom guy?

    Shinan Govani, National Post

    A few weeks ago, I fell in love with Atom Egoyan's wife.

    Sitting across from Arsinee Khanjian as I was, at Patachou, watching
    her play a pastry like a piano, seeing her slip a strand of her hair
    behind her ear, thereby revealing a river of grey at her temples, I
    thought to myself: Why doesn't she just ditch that Armenian lensman?
    Come live with me in a hovel in ... I dunno ... Uruguay.

    (Inner Voice kicking in now) Be professional, Shinan. Mention her new
    movie. So, yes, Ms. Khanjian, Hogtown's Isabella Rossellini, is in a
    movie. And -- surprise! -- it ain't directed by her husband. It's a
    small Canadian film called Sabah, exactly the sort of small Canadian
    film we need more of. A compact romantic-sorta-comedy that transports
    you into a certain world and doesn't make a fuss. Directed by
    newcomer Ruba Nadda, the story revolves around a 40-year-old
    hijab-wearing Arab woman who falls in love with a "white guy" in
    Toronto. It's Romeo and Jihad! Sure, it follows the same plot as a
    million star-crossed lovers stories we've seen before, but it does so
    with assurance and pluck. And, besides, since when did stories of
    star-crossed lovers ever go out of style?

    So, as I sat chatting with Arsinee that fateful afternoon, I learned
    a few things. And I thought I would share them:

    1. Arsinee had to learn a whole Glad Bag of tricks for this movie.
    Her character bellydances! She plays basketball! She even spends time
    in a pool! The latter was perhaps the trickiest. She tells me that
    before the shoot, she trekked out to a YMCA near Bayview and York
    Mills three times a week to take diving lessons!

    2. Arsinee says she's shy and is positively spooked about making
    small talk. It's the "fear of banality" that gets her. (And, believe
    me, you haven't lived until you've heard Arsinee say the word
    "banality" in that sonorous, actressy voice of hers.)

    3. Arsinee, who's much more open and sunny than some of her on-screen
    work would make you think, did reveal something that's right in step
    with the serious thespian image we have of her and her famous
    husband. She tells me that she and Atom don't have a television in
    their house and haven't for about 15 years! (So, yes, it's not likely
    they caught the season finale of Lost this week -- too bad, because
    it was very good.)

    After a conversation that veered every which way and that I hoped
    would never end -- I'm sure my IQ went up a few notches just talking
    to Arsinee -- we got up from our table to leave. That's when we
    realized that the room was eerily silent. Everyone had been
    eavesdropping on us!

    Sabah, by the way, hit theatres yesterday.

    - - -

    Oh, and isn't the magazine world the bomb? Take Flare and Fashion,
    two of the big Toronto style books. Both of the mags, my yappers tell
    me, were vying to shoot a cover some months ago of a certain pop
    princess who likes to travel with her own bento box. We're talking
    Gwen Stefani. Long story shortish: Fashion thought they were going to
    get her, but Flare slithered its way in. "One of the editors at
    Fashion found out at a cocktail party that Flare had already shot
    Gwen," a source tells me.

    Not only that. But mehears Flare's newish editor Lisa Tant -- who
    some say is a much better publisher than editor and is obsessed about
    besting the competition with covers that'll sell on the newsstands --
    accomplished the Gwen grand-theft by trash-talking her rival
    magazine. "She basically goes to the people in L.A. and tells them
    that there is only one fashion magazine that matters in Canada," says
    the source.

    Quelle moxie! But you wanna know what else? After Fashion lost
    Stefani, they turned their sights on a lesser celeb. Or so they
    thought. They got Katie Holmes. Of course, they didn't know all those
    months ago that pretty soon she'd be embarking on some risky
    business. As the news broke about Katie and Tom Cruise, Fashion's
    cover with Katie was just hitting the stands. Sweet revenge, perhaps?

    Both Flare's cover with Gwen and Fashion's with Katie are out this
    month. The former looks great. The latter's got heat. And, for
    Fashion head girl Ceri Marsh, what a nice wedding present to herself!
    Word has it that the dark-haired editor is getting hitched in
    Vancouver this weekend, and that the sorority of Toronto fashion
    media babes will be on hand. Names like Viia Beaumanis, Tralee
    Pearce, Leah McLaren and Rebecca Eckler float to mind.

    - - -

    I see, I hear...

    That Jean Chretien was at Biff's on Tuesday night. No doubt, having
    the gloat special...

    That Chilean wordsmith Isabel Allende has given her two magic-realist
    thumbs up to a Toronto novel. Joseph Boyden's buzzed-about Three Day
    Road is her pick for the Today show's monthly book club....

    That it may be time to break out the crocodiles. Lacoste is throwing
    a party on Wednesday for those in-town fashionistas who've got a
    Michael J. Fox-in-Family Ties complex...

    - - -

    And how about this one?...

    Bruce Willis, here shooting 16 Blocks, walks into the bar at the Four
    Seasons last week. Not inconspicuous. Walks up and down, making
    die-hard eye contact with every lovely in the room. Including the
    chick at the centre of a bridal shower thingie at the back. When she
    sees him, and he sees her seeing him, she rips off the sash she has
    on over her dress. Necks crane. Snickering is heard. The words
    written on the now-abandoned sash? "Bride-to-Be"!

    - - -

    Oh, and....

    When I was in New York last week for the Daytime Emmys -- I love
    partying with soap stars, don't you? -- I had a quick pizza lunch
    with the divine Measha Brueggergosman. She's the Toronto opera-tor
    who's performing at Roy Thomson Hall this week. Debuted at Carnegie
    Hall not long ago. Is about to go big, I predict. You can see the
    hunger in her eyes. She wants to be a star.

    And, oh that hair! Her grand black diva mane is as much an instrument
    as her voice. And she let me in on a secret. It looks particularly
    good now because Measha stopped shampooing six months ago. "It
    changed my life," she told me dramatically, adding that shampoo was
    killing her hair. She now uses a special scalp product called No Poo
    and has a special dealer in New York for it!

    And now you know.

    - - -


    If you haven't yet, read Marci McDonald's cover story in the new
    Toronto Life about power-mates Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman.
    It's certainly dishy, and not entirely flattering. And despite
    murmurs to the contrary, the issue hasn't been banned from Reisman's
    Indigo/Chapters stores. In fact, we hear, when a buyer went into the
    Manulife Indigo asking if they had a copy, an eager sales type
    actually asked, "You mean the one about Heather?"

    Colour Photo: Mongrel Media; Arsinee Khanjian stars in Sabah, a sort
    of Romeo and Jihad movie.;
    Colour Photo: NO POO FOR HER DO: Measha Brueggergosman.;
    Colour Photo: (Katie Holmes)