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Oil over troubled waters

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  • Oil over troubled waters

    The Economist
    May 28, 2005
    U.S. Edition

    Oil over troubled waters;
    The Black Sea

    The opening of a new energy conduit does not signal peace and harmony
    in the Black Sea

    A great game unfolds between America and Russia

    IN CLASSICAL times, the Black Sea was perversely known as the
    Euxeinos Pontos, a sea friendly to strangers, even though its
    notoriously turbulent waters were nothing of the kind. The hope was
    that if you gave the place a nice name, the invisible powers who
    governed its towering waves might feel placated and behave more
    calmly. To this day, it remains a temperamental stretch of water that
    can generate sudden squalls and treat outsiders in unpredictable
    ways, even when efforts are being made to appease its restless

    In 1992, the late Turkish president, Turgut Ozal, thought he could
    assuage those spirits for ever and turn the sea into a zone of peace
    and co-operation, where ancient trade routes would thrive anew. The
    fruit of that post-cold war vision is the Istanbul-based organisation
    for Black Sea Economic Co-operation. For over a decade, its members
    (all the littoral states, plus near neighbours Greece, Moldova,
    Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, as of recently, Serbia) have
    trundled along to meetings without ever realising Mr Ozal's vision.
    The fact that Armenians and Azeris were locked in armed
    confrontation, backed respectively by Russia and Turkey, has hardly

    About a month ago, and entirely unnoticed by the world, BSEC suddenly
    did something rather unfriendly to a stranger. It flatly turned down
    a request from the United States for observer status. While the
    brush-off was explained in arcane procedural terms, it was an open
    secret that Russia had blocked the application - to the embarrassment
    of the group's other ex-communist members. In fact, eight of them
    issued a separate statement saying Uncle Sam's presence would have
    been a welcome boost, and they regretted his exclusion. (If NATO
    members Greece and Turkey had any feelings on the matter, they did
    not air them.)

    What America would have done if it had attained its lofty ambition
    may never be known. But to judge by the word on the think-tank
    circuit, there is a strong feeling in Washington that the Black Sea
    region is ripe for transformation into a new sort of security club,
    whose members co-operate to keep ports and pipelines safe from
    terrorists and other undesirables.

    As steadily increasing amounts of energy flow into, and out of, the
    Black Sea, the stakes are certainly high. This week saw the formal
    opening, in Azerbaijan, of one of the world's most important energy
    conduits, a 1,770-km (1,010-mile) oil pipeline linking Baku in
    Azerbaijan with the Turkish port of Ceyhan via the mountains of
    Georgia. Gas from Azerbaijan, Iran and possibly east of the Caspian
    will soon be flowing along a similar route into Turkey, and thence to
    south-eastern Europe. The pipeline promises to bring a bonanza for
    Azerbaijan, and a modest boost to the hard-pressed finances of

    While America has taken the lead in lobbying for the construction of
    pipelines which bypass Russia, and therefore deny the Russians any
    chance to use energy as a political weapon, it is the European
    consumer who will be most affected by these emerging routes. On
    present trends, Europe's reliance on Russian energy will increase
    sharply, whatever happens; the new pipelines will ease that

    But a complex pattern of interests is already emerging. A recently
    constructed gas pipeline has started bringing energy across the Black
    Sea from Russia to Turkey. That has reinforced a burgeoning economic
    relationship between those two historic competitors and made it
    harder for the Turks to side unequivocally with the Americans if the
    contest for influence in the Black Sea ever becomes a straight fight
    between America and Russia. Indeed one school of thought in
    Washington regards the "old NATO" partners, Turkey and Greece, as
    less reliable than the eagerly pro-American countries that have only
    recently emerged from the grip of communism, and are poor and
    vulnerable enough to be grateful for anything they get.

    One reason for heightened American attention to the region is the
    sense that the future of many countries is still a wide-open
    question: they could follow Central Europe into the warm embrace of
    western institutions or they could slide back into authoritarianism
    or stagnation. Bruce Jackson, an influential American lobbyist for
    NATO's expansion, put the point dramatically in some congressional
    testimony in March: "The democracies of the Black Sea lie on the
    knife-edge of history which separates the politics of 19th-century
    imperialism from European modernity."

    The very fact that some parts of the region are quite advanced on the
    road to "European modernity" could be a divisive factor. One of the
    BSEC's more effective bits is its financial arm, the Black Sea Trade
    and Development Bank, which issues credits for export finance and
    cross-border projects. Its strategy director, Panayotis Gavras, says
    much the biggest factor driving investment in the region is proximity
    to the European Union; investors look eagerly at Bulgaria and
    Romania, which stand on the Union's threshold, and view other places
    far more warily.

    As Britain prepares to take over the EU's rotating presidency, many
    people are expecting a fresh Black Sea initiative: something that
    would give heart to countries doing "well" in western eyes without
    dashing the hopes of the laggards and, if possible, without
    alienating Russia.

    As Foreign Office mandarins ponder their options, they can take heart
    from some of the region's pleasant surprises. On June 6th, BSEC
    members will gather in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, for a meeting
    of their affiliate bank. According to Turkish data, trade between
    Armenia and Turkey is precisely zero; the border is sealed, out of
    solidarity with Azerbaijan. As the delegates will observe, every shop
    in Yerevan brims with Turkish goods.