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Lebanese parliamentary polls open in Beirut

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  • Lebanese parliamentary polls open in Beirut

    Lebanese parliamentary polls open in Beirut

    AP Worldstream
    May 29, 2005


    Voting began in Beirut on Sunday in Lebanon's first free parliamentary
    polls without heavy-handed Syrian meddling. The balloting was clearly
    a show of loyalty for Rafik Hariri, the former premier whose
    assassination catalyzed the political turmoil that drove Syrian forces

    To encourage voters, two of Hariri's children, Fahd and Ayman, were
    among the first to cast their ballots in a Ras Beirut polling station
    near the American University, some 30 minutes after polls
    opened. Their mother, Nazek, and sister Hind, voted at another polling
    station in the Verdun neighborhood.

    "I have high hopes today that we will uncover the truth of who planned
    and carried out the crime against my beloved husband, who in life
    built this country and in his martyrdom achieved national unity,"
    Nazek Hariri told reporters after casting her ballot before she headed
    to downtown Beirut to pray at her slain husband's grave.

    Many observers expect the polls to sweep the anti-Syrian opposition to
    power and install a new parliament, removing the last of Syria's
    political control. Syrian forces withdrew in April, ending a 29-year
    military dominance, after mass demonstrations in Lebanon and
    relentless international pressure sparked by the February

    Polls opened at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT) in three districts in the Muslim and
    Christian sectors of the Lebanese capital, which votes first in the
    staggered elections, and eligible voters _ Beiruti men and women over
    the age of 21 _ began arriving at polling stations across the city
    under a bright warm sun.

    Polls close at 6 p.m. (1500 GMT) and returns are expected Monday at
    the earliest. Others regions vote on the next consecutive Sundays.

    More than 400,000 people are eligible to vote in Beirut. At stake in
    the city are 19 seats, out of the legislature's 128 seats, which are
    divided equally among Muslims and Christians. In Beirut, seats are
    allocated according to Lebanon's power-sharing political system to six
    Sunni Muslims, three Armenian Orthodox, two Greek Orthodox, two Shiite
    Muslims, one Druse, one Maronite Catholic, one Armenian Catholic, one
    Greek Catholic, one Protestant and one for minorities.

    Free of Syrian control, the Lebanese government promised to hold "free
    and fair" elections. More than 100 foreign observers from the European
    Union and the United Nations will be watching the vote for
    irregularities, the first time Lebanon has permitted foreign
    scrutiny. The organization of French-speaking countries also sent a

    There were concerns about a low turnout amid calls for a boycott, and
    complaints that the ticket of Saad Hariri, Rafik's son and political
    heir, lacked representation of political factions and that nine of his
    19 candidates had won by default because there were no challengers.

    Saad Hariri, who did not vote because he was registered in his
    family's southern hometown of Sidon, urged voters to go to the polls.

    "I have said that the vote today is against the criminals. Many people
    are try ing to say today that people will not turn out. We say to
    people go out and vote to show gratitude to that person (Rafik Hariri)
    who sacrificed his blood and life for this country," he said after
    visiting a polling station. He stressed that his priorities were
    national unity and uncovering the truth behind the assassination of
    his father, one of Lebanon's internationally known politicians.

    Saad Hariri took over his father's political mantle in April, two
    months after his father and 20 others were killed in a powerful bomb
    on a Beirut street. Saad Hariri has staked the election as a show of
    loyalty for his father, who held the premiership for 10 of the last 15
    years and was credited with rebuilding Lebanon from the destruction of
    the 1975-90 civil war.

    The opposition has blamed Syria and its Lebanese security
    allies. Damascus and the previous Beirut government have denied any

    Across the country, pre-election machinations have been marked by
    withdrawals of candidates amid changing public sentiment. Disputes
    within the opposition have also affected the race. A total of 17 of
    the 128 legislative seats have already been won uncontested, including
    one in the south by Rafik Hariri's sister, Bahiya.

    Hariri's assassination plunged Lebanon into the worst political crisis
    since the end of civil war, forced the resignation of the pro-Syrian
    government and brought international pressure to bear on Damascus to
    withdraw its army from Lebanon. Syrian forces completed the pullout
    April 26.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress