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ACNIS Examines Armenia And The Region in Light of The BTC Pipeline

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  • ACNIS Examines Armenia And The Region in Light of The BTC Pipeline


    YEREVAN, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian Center for National and
    International Studies (ACNIS) today convened a policy roundtable on
    "Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC): A New Pulse in the Region" to shed light
    on Armenia's place and role this time in the context of regional
    economic developments. The meeting, which coincided with the official
    ceremony to launch the Azerbaijani section of the BTC pipeline named
    after Heydar Aliyev, brought together policy analysts, public figures,
    academic circles, media and NGO representatives to debate the
    prospects and opportunities of the "contract of the century" as the
    presumptive crux of regional integration processes.

    ACNIS research coordinator Stiopa Safarian greeted the participants
    with opening remarks. "I trust that today we will take an unbiased and
    comprehensive view on the regional political and economic situation in
    the wake of the BTC oil pipeline. How will the BTC impact on regional
    security, will all regional actors equally benefit from the big deal,
    will it create dividing lines or advanced and backward players in the
    region?," queried Safarian.

    Edward Aghajanov, an economist with the Armat Center, intervened on
    "The Economic Rhythm of the Region in the Wake of the BTC Oil
    Pipeline." He was concerned that after "the contract of the century"
    Armenia may become an odd man out.

    "Still in 2002 former Azerbaijani president Heydar Aliyev declared
    that not only oil but politics would run through the pipeline. Hence
    it was a political program from the very beginning, which aimed to
    turn into a geopolitical factor. Consequently, our authorities should
    have sensed the smell of oil in connection with a future decision on
    Mountainous Karabagh issue," Aghajanov underlined. He said Armenia had
    but one potential lever against the oil card: democracy. And finally,
    given the development of a new USA-Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan axis,
    Nursultan Nazarbaev has expressed the willingness of Kazakhstan to
    join the project and proposed to call the pipeline

    Armenia, in the economist's view, faced the challenge of expressing
    its attitude regarding the issue.

    ACNIS analyst Alvard Barkhudarian spoke on "Speculations over BTC in
    the Region and Beyond." She particularly noted the political,
    economic, security, social, and ecological aspects of the
    speculations, as well as the pessimistic predictions that did not come
    true over the last decade. The reality is that the 1,700
    kilometer-long pipeline will transfer one million barrels of oil per
    day to Turkey. "Besides, the corridor through which the pipeline
    passes in the general economic environment involves three states of
    the region, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, and bypasses Armenia," she
    emphasized, noting that the exploitation of energy resources has
    always been driven by economic and political interests. In her
    opinion, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan is a fact, and the rest is commentary and
    forecasting. The pipeline is a guarantee for regional security and
    against war. It is in Armenia's interests to have economically
    developed, advanced neighbors.

    The formal interventions were followed by contributions by Dr. Heghine
    Manasian, director of Eurasia Foundation's Caucasus Research Resource
    Center; Gagik Ter-Haroutiunian of Noravank Foundation; David Petrosian
    of Noyan Tapan news agency; Luder Tavit Sahagian, graduate student of
    Caucasian and Central Asian Studies at Berlin's Humboldt University;
    economic reporter Gegham Kyurumian; Sargis Manoukian of the Heritage
    Party; Shirak Torosian of the Mighty Fatherland Party; Edward Antinian
    of the National Progressive Party; Ruzan Khachatrian of the People's
    Party; Moushegh Lalayan of the Republican Party; Karlen Alexanian of
    the Democratic Fatherland Party; Alexander Butaev of the National
    Democratic Union; and several others.

    Founded in 1994 by Armenia's first Minister of Foreign Affairs Raffi
    K. Hovannisian and supported by a global network of contributors,
    ACNIS serves as a link between innovative scholarship and the public
    policy challenges facing Armenia and the Armenian people in the
    post-Soviet world. It also aspires to be a catalyst for creative,
    strategic thinking and a wider understanding of the new global
    environment. In 2005, the Center focuses primarily on civic education,
    conflict resolution, and applied research on critical domestic and
    foreign policy issues for the state and the nation.

    For further information on the Center call (37410) 52-87-80 or
    27-48-18; fax (37410) 52-48-46; e-mail [email protected] or [email protected];
    or visit