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ACBA to Become First Bank to Service Chip Cards in Armenia

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  • ACBA to Become First Bank to Service Chip Cards in Armenia


    YEREVAN, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. ACBA Bank will be the first one to
    service international microprocessor (chip) cards in Armenia. Director
    General of the bank Stepan Gishian stated at the May 25 press
    conference that it is envisaged to service these cards only at POS
    terminals of the bank, while cash dispensers will later be used as
    well. Starting 2006-2007, the bank will issue chip cards. According
    to S. Gishian, the use of chip cards instead of magnetic tape ones is
    conditioned by the requirements made by the Visa International payment
    system. It was indicated that chip cards are better protected, can
    contain more information, which allows to receive pensions by these
    cards as well. Director General of ACBA announced that from June 1, a
    Festival of Summer Purchases will be held, during which each customer
    will get a certain number of scores for paying with ACBA's Visa Cards
    at a trade outlet or service center that services Visa Cards. The bank
    will pay the customer 5 thousand drams (about 11.5 USD) for each 100
    scores gained in a month. During the festival, the bank is going to
    offer Visa Cards at a 50% discount. Starting mid July, ACBA will also
    issue a new type of Visa Card - Gift Card to be valid for 3 years. The
    card does not bear the name of its holder, which allows to give it to
    the customer within 3 minites. The customer may enter more money in
    addition to the amount which is given as a gift and has already been
    entered into the card. According to Regional Director of the Visa
    International System on CIS countries Svetlana Georbelidze, such
    events will promote non-cash payments. She said that in Armenia, trade
    outlets account for 40% of circulation by cards, which is a high index
    compared with other CIS countries.