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Lebanese vote in Beirut with Syrian troops gone

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  • Lebanese vote in Beirut with Syrian troops gone

    Swissinfo, Switzerland
    May 29 2005

    Lebanese vote in Beirut with Syrian troops gone

    By Mariam Karouny

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Voters went to the polls in Beirut on Sunday in a
    parliamentary election starting a month after Syrian troops quit
    Lebanon, with the son of assassinated former premier Rafik al-Hariri
    seeking a clean sweep.

    Nine of the city's 19 seats have already gone uncontested to nominees
    of Saad al-Hariri, a 35-year-old businessman thrust into politics by
    the Feb. 14 killing of his billionaire father.

    Hariri called for a high turnout but the response was tepid. An
    Interior Ministry official said only 18.5 percent of eligible voters
    had gone to the polls in the first six hours of voting.

    Riding a wave of sympathy for his slain father, Hariri is set to
    score a landslide in mainly Sunni Muslim Beirut, the first region to
    vote for the 128-member parliament in elections phased over four
    successive Sundays.

    "The people will have their say today and demonstrate their loyalty
    to Rafik al-Hariri," he said. "Those who are against us today do not
    want a unified country or a unified Beirut."

    Followers of Christian leader Michel Aoun, left off Hariri's
    anti-Syrian ticket, urged people to shun the polls, handing out
    orange stickers that said "boycott the appointments."

    The Armenian Tashnag party, disgruntled because the four seats
    reserved for Beirut's big Armenian community had gone unopposed to
    Hariri's candidates, also demanded a boycott.

    "No participation without proper representation for all in Beirut,"
    said Tashnag leaflets in Arabic and Armenian.

    The polls follow two political earthquakes in Lebanon -- Hariri's
    killing in a bomb blast many Lebanese blamed on Damascus, and the end
    of Syria's 29-year troop presence.

    Between those landmark events, flag-waving Christians and Muslims,
    including many civil war foes, flooded the streets in protests
    against Syria, which denied any hand in Hariri's death.

    For some, Lebanon's first elections in three decades without Syrian
    troops offer a new start.

    "I voted because I believe in change," Basil Eid, 27, told Reuters.
    "We want Lebanon free of any subordination. We have to rule ourselves
    by ourselves."


    For others, the euphoria of the anti-Syrian protests has given way to
    dismay at politicians who have reverted to electoral horse-trading
    and alliances that curtail voter choice.

    "Why should I vote when the result is already decided?" said
    Abdul-Rahman Itani, in his 40s, near the polling station where the
    late Hariri's widow Nazik cast her ballot.

    Armed police and soldiers guarded polling stations in Beirut, where
    more than 400,000 men and women aged over 21 are eligible to vote.
    Official results will be declared on Monday.

    "Things are quiet and very normal. We hope it continues like this
    until the end of the day," Interior Minister Hassan al-Sabaa told
    reporters. "There are no problems whatsoever."

    For the first time, foreign observers are monitoring the polls, with
    a team of more than 100 led by the European Union.

    "It's a festival of democracy," the chief of the EU mission, Jose
    Ignacio Salafranca, told reporters at one polling station.

    Critics of Syria, which tightened its grip on Lebanon after the
    1975-90 civil war, say its intelligence chiefs manipulated previous
    elections in favor of its political partners.

    Many Lebanese are unhappy with the current electoral law, designed to
    favor Syria's allies in the last election in 2000. Many of the old
    faces will return to the assembly, but Damascus will no longer be the
    sole arbiter of Lebanese politics.

    "We are voting simply because we want change now that Syria is out.
    We'll see what happens now," said first-time voter Jessy Tabbal, 48,
    in Beirut's mainly Christian Ashrafiya district.

    Only a handful of pro-Syrian leftists and Muslim militants are
    competing with Hariri's Future bloc in Beirut.

    The solidarity of the anti-Syrian alliance that blossomed after
    Hariri's death has eroded in the run-up to the election.

    Hariri's alliance with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and some Christian
    foes of Syria is intact, but Aoun, a fierce opponent of Syria just
    back from exile, was left out in the cold.

    Yet the Hariri-Jumblatt front has also made deals with the main
    pro-Syrian Shi'ite alliance. Hariri's Beirut ticket includes a
    Hizbollah candidate. The joint Amal-Hizbollah list in the south
    embraces Bahiya al-Hariri, the slain leader's sister.

    The election results are broadly predictable in Beirut and the south,
    but tighter contests are expected in the north and center of the
    country, especially among Christian rivals.

    (Additional reporting by Lin Noueihed)