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KIEV: Moldova agrees to Ukraine's peacekeepers in Dniester conflict

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  • KIEV: Moldova agrees to Ukraine's peacekeepers in Dniester conflict

    Moldova agrees to Ukraine's peacekeepers in Dniester conflict

    ICTV television, Kiev
    28 May 05

    Chisinau will officially accept Ukraine's help in settling the Dniester
    conflict. Moldovan parliament speaker Marian Lupu said at a summit of
    GUAM [Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova] parliament speakers
    in Yalta that Moldova officially supports the Ukrainian president's
    peacekeeping initiatives [announced at the recent GUAM summit].

    Ukrainian parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn promised that the
    Ukrainian Supreme Council [parliament] will support [President Viktor]
    Yushchenko's proposals on reconciliation between the Dniester region
    and the Moldovan authorities. GUAM members have ambitious plans. They
    want this organization to become a guarantor of security in the region
    between the Balkans and the Black Sea. Lytvyn did not rule out that
    Turkey, Kazakhstan, Armenia and even Russia could join GUAM.