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ARMENPAC Exclusive With Congressman Pallone On His Bid For U.S. Sena

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  • ARMENPAC Exclusive With Congressman Pallone On His Bid For U.S. Sena


    ARMENPAC, The Armenian-American Political Action Committee
    421 E. Airport Freeway, Suite 201
    Irving, Texas 75220
    Contact: Jason P. Capizzi, Esq.
    Tel: 201-906-4150
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Irving, TX - ARMENPAC thanks Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
    for granting ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah an exclusive interview
    regarding his current bid for a seat in the United States Senate.
    "Despite his very busy schedule, Congressman Pallone, who is considered
    every Armenian's representative in Congress, made the time to candidly
    talk with ARMENPAC given his ongoing concern for, and support of,
    Armenian-American issues," said ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah.

    Congressman Frank Pallone is the founder and Co-Chair of the
    Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues in the United States House
    of Representatives. He is a staunch supporter of Armenian-American
    issues and has led countless efforts towards Genocide Recognition,
    ensuring foreign aid to Armenia, finding equitable and lasting
    peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and, maintaining military
    parity between our homeland and Azerbaijan. Congressman Pallone's
    advocacy has been critical in strengthening U.S.-Armenia relations,
    and ARMENPAC is grateful for his leadership.

    The following is an account of the interview between Congressman
    Frank Pallone ("CP") and ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah ("AT"):

    AT: Why are you campaigning for a seat in the United States Senate
    at this time?

    CP: As you may or may not know, Senator Jon Corzine is running for
    Governor of New Jersey. That Election will be held in November of this
    year, 2005. If Jon Corzine wins, which I believe he will, he will be
    sworn in as governor in January of 2006. Before being sworn into the
    governor's office, Jon Corzine will resign as Senator, leaving his
    seat vacant for the last year of his six (6) year term.

    AT: What happens in New Jersey if a United State Senate seat is
    vacated? Will there be a special election for the remaining term of
    Senator Jon Corzine's seat; what are some scenarios that may occur
    as to how that seat would be filled?

    CP: The New Jersey constitution allows for the Governor of the state
    to appoint a person to fill the vacant seat for the remainder of
    the term. In New Jersey, there is no special election of a vacant
    Senate seat. Thus, once Jon Corzine is sworn in as Governor, he will
    appoint his successor to the United States Senate. That is why I have
    been actively seeking Jon Corzine's seat in the United States Senate.
    My hope is that Senator Corzine will ultimately appoint me to finish
    his term, thereby allowing me to run for reelection as the Senator
    when the seat is up in 2006.

    AT: Why is it important to the Armenian-American community that you
    are successful in your run for a seat in the United States Senate?

    CP: I am the founder, and Co-Chair, of the 143-member Congressional
    Caucus on Armenian Issues, one of the largest Caucuses in the
    House of Representatives. Since 1994, I have led countless efforts
    towards ensuring foreign aid to Armenia, Genocide Recognition, finding
    equitable and lasting peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well
    as continuing to build on the strong U.S. and Armenia relationship.
    Last year, I helped secure $65 million to Armenia in economic
    assistance, and an additional $5 million was allocated in military
    assistance. In addition, $3 million was secured for assistance to
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Of course, I remain steadfast in my support for
    maintaining these levels considering the current situation in Armenia,
    and the growth and development that its economy has exhibited over the
    last few years. I am confident that I will bring this same energy and
    level of commitment with me to the Senate, as I push forth legislation
    and initiatives that will benefit Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    AT: The Armenian-American community will be loosing a staunch supporter
    of its issues in the United States Senate given the upcoming retirement
    of Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD). If elected to the Senate, are you
    willing to pick up the reigns and continue to be an advocate of
    Armenian-American issues as you have done in the House?

    CP: I certainly agree that the departure of Senator Paul Sarbanes will
    leave a void in the United States Senate, where he has been a great
    advocate on behalf of the Armenian-American community. If elected
    to the Senate, I will continue the bipartisan work that I have been
    doing in the House and carry on the legacy of Senator Sarbanes by
    joining the efforts of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to ensure that
    the entire Senate remains active on Armenian-American issues.

    AT: As a Co-Chair of the Armenian Caucus in the House of
    Representatives, what advocacy initiatives of the Caucus do you think
    could be successful in the Senate?

    CP: In the last eleven (11) years, the Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian issues has spearheaded various initiatives in the House.
    It is significant to note that due to the efforts of the Armenia
    Caucus, military parity was restored between the levels of aid given to
    Azerbaijan and Armenia for 2005. We also passed the Permanent Normal
    Trade Relations ("PNTR") legislation in the last session of Congress.
    These types of advocacy initiatives to protect Armenian's security
    in the caucuses region and to improve its developing economy will be
    followed up in the U.S. Senate.

    AT: If elected to the Senate, what will be your first three (3)
    legislative priorities?

    CP: As I have done in the House, I intend to introduce Genocide
    legislation in the Senate. I would also seek a legislative vehicle to
    end the Turkish blockade. Finally, I think it is important to create
    greater trade with Armenia through tax incentives and the lowering
    of Tariff barriers in certain Sectors.

    AT: Congressman Pallone, thank your for taking the time to
    discuss these issues with me, which are of interest to all
    Armenian-Americans. Also, ARMENPAC thanks you for your continued
    leadership on Armenian-American issues, and wishes you the best of
    luck with your campaign.

    ARMENPAC supports Congressman Frank Pallone's bid for the United
    States Senate given his distinguished leadership and advocacy for
    Armenian-American interests in Congress. Congressman Pallone is a
    steadfast friend of all Armenians, and will more effectively be able
    to advance the concerns of our community as a member of the Senate.
    If you would like to make a contribution in support of Congressman
    Pallone's campaign, please contact ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah
    at 301-365-2277 or ARMENPAC Executive Director Jason P. Capizzi
    at 201-906-4150.

    ARMENPAC is an independent, bipartisan political action committee
    established to shape public policy by raising awareness of,
    and advocating for, Armenian-American issues. ARMENPAC provides
    financial support to federal officeholders, candidates, political
    action committees and organizations that actively support issues of
    importance to Armenian-Americans. For more information and how to
    join ARMENPAC, please visit