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Turkey: trampling on free speech continues

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  • Turkey: trampling on free speech continues

    World Socialist Web Site, MI
    Oct 8 2005
    X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian <[email protected]>
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    Turkey: trampling on free speech continues
    Novelist Orhan Pamuk faces jail terms
    By Kerem Kaya
    8 October 2005

    The prominent Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk will be tried on December
    16 and faces up to four years imprisonment on charges of `public
    denigration' of Turkish identity for publicly speaking out about the
    Armenian genocide. It is estimated that more than one million
    Armenian were killed between 1915-1918 during World War I when the
    Ottoman Empire - the precursor of the Republic of Turkey - was crumbling.

    In an interview with the Swiss daily Tagesanzeiger published on
    February 6, Pamuk was quoted as saying, `Thirty thousand Kurds and a
    million Armenians were killed in Turkey. Almost no one dares speak
    but me, and the nationalists hate me for that.' This was the evidence
    of his `crime.'

    On February 18, after filing charges at the Kayseri state
    prosecutor's office, Kayseri Bar Association attorney Orhan Pekmezci
    said, `Pamuk has made groundless claims against the Turkish identity,
    the Turkish military and Turkey as a whole. I think he should be
    punished for violating Article 159 and 312 of the Turkish Penal

    Despite having made the statements in February, Orhan Pamuk is
    expected to be tried under the new Turkish Penal Code Article 301/1
    passed only last June. According to this article, a person who
    `insults ... the Republic' can be jailed for between six months to
    three years. If `the insult' was executed abroad, as Pamuk has done,
    then Article 301/3 imposes a one-third increase in the length of

    The new Turkish Penal Code was passed by the parliament after a
    two-month delay due to widespread opposition. It includes harsh jail
    terms not only for journalists (as in the old code) but also for all
    members of the media deemed to have insulted the state and/or any of
    its institutions, such as parliament, the army, etc. It also
    introduces a new clause that equates any member of these institutions
    with the institution itself, should they be individually insulted. A
    clear definition of insult is not included in the law - the only escape
    clause being Article 301/4, which declares that any `critical
    opinion' does not constitute a crime.

    The actions taken against Pamuk come amidst a wave of nationalistic
    sentiment whipped up by the Turkish establishment (See `Turkey:
    military's nationalist campaign conceals rapprochement with US'). The
    Turkish press was full of attacks on Pamuk in recent months, which
    resulted in his receiving death threats.

    The killing of Armenians between 1915-1918 is not disputed by the
    Turkish state, but the number of the dead and the definition of
    genocide are. Successive Turkish governments, Britain and the United
    States, have never acknowledged genocide. In the recent discussions
    of Turkey's possible entry into the European Union, France and other
    countries demanded that Turkey acknowledge the Armenian genocide as a
    pre-condition for entry.

    The victimization of Pamuk throws light on Turkey's rejection of even
    the limited demands of the EU to improve its record on democratic
    rights. In fact the opposite is the case. It is the EU that has made
    the concessions regarding democratic rights during the negotiations
    and allowed the recent penal code to pass without opposition. Human
    right abuses in Turkey are hardly news in the Western media unless
    they are extremely dramatic, such as the beating of women at the
    Women's Day celebrations this year, or unless they represent a timely
    bargaining chip in the EU negotiations for France or other countries
    that view Turkey as too close to Washington.

    In Britain, a close ally of Washington and therefore a backer of
    Turkey's bid for EU membership, the press has reacted nervously to
    the charges against Pamuk. The Sunday Times wrote that `Pamuk's case
    has been an embarrassment for the Turkish government.' The
    Independent was concerned that Turkey is giving excuses to her

    The last thing on the minds of Europe's ruling elites is Pamuk's
    right to free speech.

    Pamuk is a household name in Turkey and he has gained prominence in
    international literature over the last decade and a half, with his
    novels translated into 20 languages. When he won the Independent
    Award for Foreign Fiction in 1990 the New York Times confidently
    noted, `A new star has risen in the east.' He went on to win
    international literature's most lucrative prize, the IMPAC Dublin
    Award, for his novel, Benim Adim Kirmizi (My Name Is Red), published
    in 2000.

    Pamuk has consistently opposed right-wing forces in Turkey. He once
    wrote in an academy journal, `Turks gripped by romantic myths of
    nationalism are keen to establish that we come from Mongolia or
    central Asia.... scholars have come no closer to offering definitive
    or convincing evidence to link us with a particular time and place.'
    Against this right-wing theory of Turkish identity reaching back
    thousands of years, Pamuk, in his novel Kar (Snow), chose the venue
    of Kars - a formerly Armenian city - and made sympathetic references to
    Armenian culture.

    In 1999, he refused to accept the highest cultural accolade awarded
    by the Turkish government - the title of state artist. He said, `For
    years I have been criticizing the state for putting authors in jail,
    for only trying to solve the Kurdish problem by force, and for its
    narrow-minded nationalism, I don't know why they tried to give me the

    Turkey has never been a safe country for artists. Virtually every
    prominent writer who has something to say about the repression in the
    country has been targeted for persecution by the state. Nazim Hikmet,
    arguably the best poet the country has ever produced, was charged in
    1925 as a secret (Communist) party member and sentenced to 15 years
    hard labor. His works were banned between 1938 and 1965, until two
    years after his death in exile in Moscow.

    In 1939, Orhan Kemal, one of the most prominent Turkish writers of
    the last century, was sentenced to a five-year jail term for his
    political views. Having stayed in the same jail as Nazim Hikmet,
    Kemal was intensely influenced by him.

    On 1 July 1993, the humorist Aziz Nesin barely escaped with his life
    from Madimak Hotel where he was staying with other artists attending
    the traditional Pir Sultan Abdal festival in Sivas. The hotel was set
    on fire by fundamentalist mobs, killing 36 artists and injuring 24. A
    6,000-strong military brigade situated near the hotel did nothing for
    eight hours, until the mobs achieved their mission. A group of
    artists was finally rescued by the fire brigade, but when they
    realized that Aziz Nesin was amongst them the firemen and the police
    joined the mob attack - inflicting injuries to his head and body.
    Eventually the military moved in to stop the lynching. Nesin's crime
    was to speak out publicly and consistently on behalf of secularism.
    He too was jailed several times as a result of his socialist views.

    More recently, a local administrator in the city of Isparta, Mustafa
    Altinpinar, sent a circular to all libraries in the region demanding
    that Pamuk's books be seized and burned. The government was
    negotiating at the time with the EU over membership. It was spared
    further embarrassment because none of the libraries in the region
    actually stocked Pamuk's books.

    Apart from these high-profile cases, literally thousands of
    journalists and writers have been prosecuted and jailed over the
    years. Only recently, a few days after the new laws were passed,
    journalist-writer Emin Karaca was charged with `condemning the
    execution of the three leaders of revolutionary youth' - referring to
    the executions of Deniz Gezmis, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin Inan, 30
    years ago. PEN American Center, an organization that defends free
    expression, reported that, according to their records, there are
    today over 50 journalists, writers and publishers before the courts
    in Turkey.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress