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BAKU: Azerbaijan Does Not Consider EU Statement As Serious

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Does Not Consider EU Statement As Serious


    Azerbaijan News Service
    Oct 7 2005

    A high-ranking European Union official has warned Azerbaijan may
    "fall behind" in the EU New Neighborhood Policy due to its forging
    ties with the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
    (TRNC), Armenia media reported. The European Commissioner for
    Foreign Affairs Benita Ferrero-Waldner said the international
    community recognizes a united Cyprus. This country is currently
    blocking the progress achieved by Baku within the mentioned program
    due to the opening of direct flights with TRNC, she said. I have
    informed Azeris that if they do not change their decision, we will
    continue collaborating only with Georgia and Armenia within the
    New Neighborhood Policy. Nonetheless, we hope Azerbaijan will find
    a solution for the problem, said Ferrero-Waldner.In his turn Azeri
    official do not consider the statement as serious. Tahir Taghizadeh,
    head of the information of the Ministry of foreign affairs of
    Azerbaijan said official Baku did not receive any letter on the
    issue. In his interview with ANS TV, Mr. Taghizadeh said during his
    visit to New-York within the 60th session of UN, Elmar Mammadyarov,
    foreign minister of Azerbaijan met with his Cypriote (Greek Part)
    Colleague and no excitement was heard from that part. In any case we
    are not going to change our position. Because position of Azerbaijan
    coincides with one of the United Nations, European Union and other
    countries who call to eliminate problems and bring the Northern Cyprus
    from isolations. Relations with Northern Cyprus are only commercial
    and no need to politicize the case.