OSCE Monitoring To Be Held At Karabakh And Azeri Contact Line
Pan Armenian
10.10.2005 18:35 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ October 11 a recurrent OSCE monitoring will be held
at the contact line of the Azeri and Karabakh armed forces. According
to a report of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, the monitoring will
be conducted in accord with the mandate of the Personal Representative
of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, whose field assistants Imre Palatunis,
Miroslav Vimetal, Peter Kii and representative of high rank working
group David Prenderhast will hold the monitoring from the Azeri
side. Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzuk and his field assistants Alexander
Samarsky, Harry Eronen and the head of the high rank working group
will conduct the monitoring from the Karabakh side, IA Regnum reported.
Pan Armenian
10.10.2005 18:35 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ October 11 a recurrent OSCE monitoring will be held
at the contact line of the Azeri and Karabakh armed forces. According
to a report of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, the monitoring will
be conducted in accord with the mandate of the Personal Representative
of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, whose field assistants Imre Palatunis,
Miroslav Vimetal, Peter Kii and representative of high rank working
group David Prenderhast will hold the monitoring from the Azeri
side. Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzuk and his field assistants Alexander
Samarsky, Harry Eronen and the head of the high rank working group
will conduct the monitoring from the Karabakh side, IA Regnum reported.