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Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Horrors of Armenian Genocid

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  • Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Horrors of Armenian Genocid

    Colgate Maroon News (subscription), NY
    Oct 14 2005

    Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Horrors of Armenian Genocide
    By Elsie Denton
    Published: Friday, October 14, 2005

    In the early years of World War I, another tragedy was taking place
    far more quietly to the east. Between 1914 and 1916 over a million
    Armenians were rounded up by Turkish officials and systematically
    "deported" - in most cases this amounted to murder. Modern-day Turkey
    currently disputes that the Armenian tragedy should be called
    genocide, but there is little doubt in the international community
    that the mass killings of Armenians were in fact systematic genocide.

    In his book, The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's
    Response, Colgate's own Professor of English and University Studies,
    Peter Balakian, brings to life both the horror of the Armenian
    genocide and America's humanitarian response to the crisis. Time and
    again he uses powerful eyewitness accounts of the genocide, which,
    though on a smaller scale, were no less horrendous than the

    On the governmental level, the response to this international tragedy
    was meager. Most politicians, Woodrow Wilson included, found their
    hands tied by diplomatic complexities. This does not mean that there
    was no response to the crisis. As Balakian makes very clear over the
    course of his book, the Armenian genocide was America's first
    international human-rights effort.

    Thousands of people around the country on many levels of society
    poured their hearts out to the Armenian people. They raised money for
    relief work and food supplies and helped find homes for the thousands
    of Armenians fleeing their homeland. "The Armenian genocide is
    important," said Balakian, "not only because it is one of the
    earliest examples of modern genocide, but also because it is
    America's first international humanitarian aid movement. Americans
    should know about that part of their history."

    The Burning Tigris recently gained recognition when it won the
    prestigious Raphael Lemkin Prize, which is given out biannually to
    the best scholarly book on the subject of genocide, mass killings and
    gross human-rights violations. Despite the prestige conferred by the
    prize, Balakian did not want it to overshadow the real issue: the
    reality of terrible and continuing genocide throughout the world.
    "Genocide is a real problem today and it is not going away. Nobody is
    safe," he said.

    Genocides are not dark phantoms locked firmly in our turbulent past.
    They are real and happening right now in many corners of the world
    from the Balkans, Rwanda, and East Tambour to the current massacres
    in the Darfur region of Sudan. "Genocide is a modern problem," says
    Balakian, "because before the modern era and the evolution of the
    nation state, governments didn't have the centralized bureaucracy or
    the technology to systematically target and exterminate ethnic
    minorities. It isn't just that killing occurs that distinguishes
    modern genocide, but how fast it occurs."

    The problem of genocide gets surprisingly little governmental
    recognition. Many times the issue is simply ignored by those in
    power, while people suffer and die. This can often be attributed to
    two main causes: lack of recognition and information about the
    existence of a genocide and sticky diplomatic maneuvering by the
    governments involved.

    For instance, the reality of the Armenian genocide is recognized by
    all Western powers except for the US and UK. These two countries have
    withheld official recognition of the massacres so that they could
    maintain their military bases in Turkey.

    Even if governments were at all prepared to take action against
    genocide, there still remains the difficulty of realizing that
    genocide is taking place. A government engaged in the massacre of its
    people is unlikely to report its activities to the international
    community. Also, many areas in the world are so torn by war and
    strife that it is difficult to distinguish coordinated mass killings
    from the background level of death and violence. An effective system
    of detection needs to be created.

    This system would need to be an impartial third party. Balakian
    suggests the creation of "an international organization charged with
    detection, prevention and intervention in instances of gross
    violations of human rights. Not only must this type of organization
    exist to prevent future massacres, but it must also have the power to
    enforce its edicts in the form of an International Human Rights Army
    not beholden to any one world power. Though Balakian maintained that
    "we can't reform or transform the human race," we can still install
    regulations and checks on their capacity to kill one another.

    Such a coherent international effort to confront the issue of
    genocide is long overdue, particularly with major powers like the US
    and UK stalling on the issue. "The Bush administration has
    continually refused to take action on what is happening in Darfur,
    and refused to embrace the process of the international courts at the
    Hague," said Balakian. "It is then up to ordinary citizens to make a
    difference, to take the power into their own hands and to fight for
    human rights."

    Last year, a group of students at Swarthmore College did just that.
    They started the Genocide Intervention fund to raise money to stop
    the slaughter of innocent people in Darfur. The group has been
    immensely successful. So far they have raised $250,000, which they
    are preparing to donate to the African Union peacekeepers. Their
    group may have started as a small group of Jewish and Armenian
    students whose pasts were deeply affected by genocide, but it has
    grown far larger than that. There are now over 100 colleges
    participating in the fund and more are getting involved all the time.

    Students interested in becoming involved in the Genocide Intervention
    Fund can contact Balakian via email at [email protected] or
    to go talk to him during his office hours. More Information is
    avaibale at

    Balakian teaches a course called Modern Genocide. It is about being
    educated about what is going on and doing something about it. "The
    study of history enables us to behave more ethically in the present.
    That is why teaching about genocide is so valuable," said Balakian. Armenian.Genocide-1021535.shtml