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Insuperable Discords On Principal Issues Caused Quarrels In "Republi

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  • Insuperable Discords On Principal Issues Caused Quarrels In "Republi


    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 2. ARMINFO. Contradictions arisen between "Republic"
    party's leadership and its 7 board members around some principle
    issues was the reason induced the latters to leave it, former member
    of party's board Albert Bazeyan stated in an interview to ARMINFO.

    "We have repeatedly tried to convince party's leadership that it is
    impossible to fulfill change of power constantly scanning "revolution"
    word, however, it was in vain. We tried to induce them not to
    make hasty statements, not to give non-weighted estimations of our
    opposition colleagues' activity, however, it was without success",
    he stated. "Besides, there were also contradictions with party's
    leadership on foreign policy's orientation issue. They proclaim
    themselves westernized, but advocate for full stopping relations with
    Russia. It is a lop-sided position", he added.

    Bazeyan did not rule out the possibility of creating a new party by
    those who left "Republic". At the same time, he did not rule out the
    possibility of their reconciliation with party's leadership, too.

    In his turn, leader of "Republic" Aram Sargssyan stated that he is
    an pro-Armenian political figure preaching western values. "I would
    like that Armenian people lives on European standards", he noted.
    Sargssyan stressed that some forces try to turn to advantage from
    contradictions in "Republic", however, it will not prevent the party
    to realize its plans. He also stressed that "Republic" may support
    new ideas of Bazeyan and his adherents if any, and once again stated
    that the party headed by himself does not intend to deviate from its
    revolutionary course.

    To note, ex-mayor of Yerevan Albert Bazeyan, ex-defence minister
    Vahgarshak Harutyunyan, Gevork Andrikyan, Hayrapet Margaryan, Hovhannes
    Aharonyan, Simon Grigoryan, and Armen Mkrthcyan left "Republic"
    party. Party's Shirak branch declared about its self-dissolution
    earlier. Branch's head also explained such a decision by contradictions
    arisen with party's leadership around principle issues.