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Glendale: Not the right road for status

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  • Glendale: Not the right road for status

    Not the right road for status

    Glendale News-Press
    Sept 3 2005


    Three teenage Armenian girls pulled up to a local gas station on a
    recent evening in a sleek, newer-model BMW and got out of the car,
    chatting and laughing at what appeared to be an amusing story one of
    them had been sharing.

    The driver headed to the window to pay for the gas and returned to
    the car and continued to chit chat with her friends. She headed for
    the gas tank looking for a way to open the gas cap door.

    After some fiddling, she managed to find the lever inside the car
    that opened the gas cap door. Then the real task at hand awaited as
    she questioned which type of fuel to use.

    "Which one is it?" she asked, referring to the unleaded, super unleaded
    and diesel options awaiting her. Her friends stood and pondered the
    choices and offered seemingly uneducated opinions and blank stares.

    The driver then reached for the diesel fuel. I quickly walked over
    to the car after having purchased gas, and suggested she use the
    unleaded fuel instead.

    As I helped her adjust the nozzle, she sighed, relieved someone came
    to her rescue.

    They drove away from the gas station and continued their jovial
    conversation. .

    I drove off thinking to myself that what I witnessed is so common
    among Armenian youth, or any teens for that matter.

    It certainly isn't uncommon to see inexperienced drivers, teens in
    particular, driving $40,000 cars in the Armenian community.

    There is no shortage of BMWs, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus or other luxury cars
    being driven by Armenian teens. And it is not only about a desire to
    exert one's independence by driving. Driving, especially an automobile
    with an expensive price tag, also creates the illusion of status.

    To put it simply, a car is a status symbol for a younger generation
    of Armenians.

    Now, that is not to say that some parents don't look at cars the
    same way.

    Often, they lend their luxury cars to their teens or even buy a luxury
    car for their children.

    Aside from one's ethnicity and culture, it is beyond my comprehension
    why a parent would hand over a Mercedes-Benz key to their 17-year-old
    son or daughter.

    Some parents, I suppose, proclaim that driving is an initiation into
    adulthood and should be rewarded, while others simply want their
    children to be part of a social circle that demands the display of
    wealth and status.

    Yet it also seems that many parents have no fear when their children
    get behind the wheel; or perhaps they mask the fear by offering them
    a car in exchange for the promise of safe and skillful driving.

    I, for one, attempt to stay off particular roads, during certain
    hours of the day, that these young drivers tend to frequent. Not only
    do I have a concern for safety, but I also have no desire to view an
    entourage of luxury vehicles that appear and reappear on the streets
    for show and spectacle.

    I think I will stick to my trusty Toyota and find alternative routes
    to make my way through the city.