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Armenian Parliament Adopts Draft Constitutional Reforms In SecondRea

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  • Armenian Parliament Adopts Draft Constitutional Reforms In SecondRea


    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1. ARMINFO. Today Armenian MPs adopted the draft
    constitutional reforms in the second reading by 98 votes "for."

    In his speech, Vice Speaker Tigran Torosyan said that adoption of draft
    constitutional reforms at November referendum will open wide prospects
    for further democratic development of the country. He said the draft
    considerably differs from the effective Constitution of Armenia. Thus,
    the document secures a real balance between the power branches,
    creates guaranties of independence of the judicial power. It also
    expands the powers of the local self-government bodies and guarantees
    observation of human rights and freedoms, the vice speaker said.

    Torosyan said fundamental changes are proposed in the sphere of
    government formation. The draft deprives the president of his right
    to dismiss the prime minister, the president is empowered to propose
    the parliament to made such a decision. Besides, the draft provides
    the president for appointing the prime minister in case of a relevant
    proposal by the absolute parliamentary majority or at least relative
    majority. Torosyan thinks an important step that the draft provides
    for formation of the government on the basis of a special law and
    not by the decree of the president. All this provisions evidently
    restrict the president's powers and expand those of the legislative
    power, the vice speaker said. He also said the draft increases in
    the role of the executive power in the domestic political and foreign
    political processes, as in conformity with the draft, the president
    is no longer head of the government and the decision by the executive
    power are not subject to the president's ratification.

    Torosyan called it important that the draft does not consider the
    president head of the Armenian Justice Council, and the procedure of
    advancing candidates for the membership of the Council is regulated by
    the law, which creates real guarantees of independence of the judicial
    power. He thinks important that the draft provides for election of
    Yerevan Mayor and not appointment. The effective Constitution allows
    governors to make proposals to the government on dismissal of the
    heads of the communities, meanwhile, the draft allow making such
    decisions only the Constitutional Court.

    Besides, the draft allows the communities to establish inter-community
    unions and independently form and use community budgets. He also
    pointed out the reforms related the activity of the Supervisory
    Chamber, stating that existence of an independent Supervisory
    Chamber and constitutional guaranties of its independence upgrade
    its role. Torosyan called an important step towards human rights
    protection the fact that the draft provides the parliament for
    appointing Ombudsman. Besides, each citizen of Armenia as a right to
    apply to the Constitutional Court to protect his rights and freedoms.

    It should be noted the parliamentary opposition represented by the
    Justice bloc and the National Unity party did not take part in the
    voting and refused from supporting the draft reforms, calling its
    supporters to vote against the document at November referendum.