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BAKU: Armenia Will Not Withstand Azerbaijan's Onslaught - President

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  • BAKU: Armenia Will Not Withstand Azerbaijan's Onslaught - President


    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    posted Sept 5 2005

    Baku, September 2, AssA-Irada President Ilham Aliyev has said
    that Armenia will not be able to withstand Azerbaijan's onslaught.
    "Azerbaijan is very powerful and Armenia will not be able to withstand
    its onslaught. But we do not want war, as it would kill scores of
    people. I believe that sooner or later we will return our land. No
    one should doubt this", Aliyev told Turkey's influential Hurriyet
    newspaper. "Every Azerbaijani deeply believes that a day will come
    when the occupied territories will be freed and Azerbaijan's banner
    will wave over Garabagh again." Aliyev also commented on the results
    of his Saturday meeting with the Armenian President Robert Kocharian
    in the Russian Volga river city of Kazan. "There are no results
    yet. Armenians are waiting for us to grant them independence. But
    this is impossible. Preserving Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is
    of primary importance for us." The President noted that he told his
    Armenian counterpart that Azerbaijan is ready to ensure security of
    Armenian residents of Garabagh. "I underlined that Baku will not allow
    the Armenian community to be endangered." Aliyev emphasized, however,
    that 'they [Armenian armed forces] are not willing to free our land'.
    The President said that during a recent phone conversation with the US
    Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice said Washington wants the sides to
    reach a conflict settlement. "I do not understand why Armenia, which
    is an aggressor country, is not punished, although it is clear that the
    Armenian lobby is strong. The current situation is utterly unfair."
    Aliyev said that after the talks, he sensed a softening in Kocharian's
    position, although this did not suffice for the conflict resolution.
    "We have taken all the possible steps. However, Armenia is disregarding
    the view of the international community. Over a million Azeri citizens
    have been left without homes." The President noted that the West
    supports a speedy settlement of the conflict and Azerbaijan will do
    its utmost to achieve this.*