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Narek Bell Choir of St. Mary Ends a Historic Tour of Concerts

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  • Narek Bell Choir of St. Mary Ends a Historic Tour of Concerts

    NAREK Bell Choir of St. Mary Armenian Church
    4125 Fessenden street, NW
    Washington, DC 20016
    Contact: Rev. Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian
    Tel: 202-363-1923
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Narek Bell Choir of St. Mary Ends a Historic and Triumphant Tour of Concerts

    Washington, DC To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the founding of
    St. Mary's Narek Bell Choir, the Hokatar Parents' Committee with the
    blessings of the pastor and the Parish Council organized a concert
    tour, which included several concerts in Vienna, Austria and
    Armenia. The grand tour could only be described as truly historic and
    triumphant by all means.

    First, a daylong stopover in Vienna, Austria gave us the opportunity
    to plan a concert at the Diocese of Vienna. The reception committee
    gave a warm welcome by providing transportation from the airport to
    the St. Hripsime Armenian Church in Vienna. Their hospitality and the
    tour of the city will remain a memorable experience. In the late
    afternoon a sizeable group of Vienna Armenians responded to the
    invitation of Mr. Poghos Guiragossian, Parish Council and Hayr Avetis,
    the Assistant of the Primate: it was a most responsive and
    appreciative audience for which a musical performance by a Bell Choir
    with almost exclusively Armenian sacred and spiritual music from Holy
    Badarak and Sharagans was an entirely new experience. After concert
    reception at the community center allowed the group to get to know the
    parishioners and receive their congratulations for the excellent
    performance. Maestro Leon Khoja-Eynatyan expressed the group's
    sentiments when he said: "Even though this was o! ur first encounter
    with the leadership and the parishioners of St. Hripsime, we felt at
    home and among family members. They were really an enthusiastic
    audience." The committee took the group back to the airport to
    continue the trip to Yerevan.

    After a day's rest in Yerevan our host for the first concert was His
    Grace Bishop Navasard Ktchoyan, Vicar of the Araratian Pontifical
    Diocese; and Mr. Tigran Sargsyan, President of the National Bank of
    Armenia and the Chairman of the Araratian Pontifical Diocesan Council.

    Because of the untimely the tragic death of the Vicar of
    Gegharkouniatz Diocese, the Very Rev. Fr. Derenik Davidian, the event
    was transformed into a memorial concert. The mass media was present
    for TV and press coverage. Several TV stations and newspapers gave
    extensive coverage to the heartfelt comments of His Grace Bishop
    Navasard, to the press conferences with the Artistic Director Maestro
    Leon Khoja-Eynatyan and the Rev. Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian.

    Throughout the week that followed, TV viewers of Yerevan and readers
    of the newspapers were made aware of this new phenomenon, i.e. Narek
    Bell Choir of St. Mary from Washington, DC..

    With prior coordination with Mrs. Silva Mekinyan, a former Deputy
    Minister of Culture and a dynamic organizer and impresario of young
    and talented "New Names" of Armenia, several billboards throughout the
    city had already announced the upcoming performances.

    On July 25 for an unscheduled concert we boarded on a van to visit the
    house-museum of renowned composer the late Avet Terterian with his
    wife Irina Tigranova as our gracious hostess. This event, as we were
    informed, was part of an annual observance of the late composer's
    birthday. In addition to the Bell Choir's performance there was a
    breathtaking performance of "Collections" from Bizet's Carmen on
    saxophone by Airapet Arakelian accompanied by his own mother. We
    learned that he was invited to Germany on a scholarship to continue
    his education and training. The group then was taken to Noraduz to
    visit a historic cemetery, a forest of exquisite Khatchkars memorial
    monuments, before ending the day enjoying ishkhan on the sunny shore
    of Lake Sevan.

    On July 30, through the prior arrangements by Mrs. Rita Balian,
    Founder-President of the Armenian-American Wellness Center in Armenia
    and its Co-President in Armenia, the dynamic member of the Armenian
    Parliament Dr. Hranush Hakobian, a concert was held at the prestigious
    Arno Babajanian Concert Hall. The hall was jam-packed with standing
    room only. Present were a large group of servicemen in training with
    their chaplain. The guest of honor of the day was the charming wife of
    the Prime-Minister Mrs. Susanna Margarian with other dignitaries
    including representatives from the US Embassy in Armenia. The media
    coverage was again extensive and excellent. "The entire concept of the
    handbell, the techniques and the players collectively forming an
    ensemble, was entirely new to the people, a new "art-form" which
    caused a lot of excitement and enthusiasm" said one of the young
    bell-ringers Armine Sanamyan.

    The Honorable Hransuh Hakobian had generous words of praise for the
    performance as she acknowledged and welcomed "our Mrs. Prime Minister"
    as she, the wife of the Prime Minister, presented the group with an
    artistically arranged bouquet of flowers.

    "Veni, vidi, vici", declared Fr. Kalayjian swept by the response of
    the enthusiastic and appreciative audience.

    The media coverage was again extensive and excellent.

    Among the newspapers Yeter, Hayastani Hanrapetutyun, Aravot, Iravoonq
    and the Diocesan weekly Shoghakat had glowing reviews of the concerts
    which Tatevik Khoja-Eynatyan characterized as "the opportunity to
    serve my homeland and give back to Armenia" as a token cultural
    contribution. As a native Armenian, she added: "It was a great feeling
    to know that our hard work in our new community [i.e. Washington, DC]
    was greatly appreciated back home."

    On August 8 the group was invited to the Gavar University in the
    Gegharkounik region and the concert was hosted by the Honorable
    Dr. Hranush Hakobian and the Marzpet (Governor)| of the region the
    Honorable Stepan Barseghyan. The occasion was a special treat to the
    children from a nearby orphanage who were brought in to enjoy the
    concert at the theatre named after Levon Kalantar.

    The highlight of the tour was the concert given at the Komitas Chamber
    Music Hall of Yerevan. With the cooperation of Mrs. Silva Mekinian and
    prior advertisements and invitations, the standing room only
    jam-packed audience enjoyed not only the full repertoire of the Narek
    Bell Choir, but also Sargis Davtian's duduk and Airapet Arakelian's
    saxophone performances. With a special invitation and to satisfy those
    who could not attend the prior concerts, Narekatsi Art Institute (the
    Yerevan affiliate of the New York based Young artistic center) had
    organized one last concert with many journalists and TV reporters
    giving the event a wider coverage.

    One of the intended results of these tours and concerts was to spark
    enough interest among local groups of the youth and music lovers in
    general. Such a group was formed under the auspices of the Youth
    Association of the Araratian Diocese with Lucine Sargsyan as the
    Director. A set of chimes was donated to the group by the Narek Bell
    Choir. The amazing and unexpected result was that this newly formed
    group, in a short period of introduction and rehearsals, joined the
    Bell Choir in performance at the Komitas Chamber Music Hall, as well
    as at the Narekatsi Art Institute, sharing the applause of the
    enthusiastic audiences. Liana Parakesikova had this to say: "It was
    really great to go to Armenia and give concerts over there and
    demonstrate to our people that the Armenians who have left their
    country still remember and care about her. And when we blossom we take
    our beautiful flowers of achievements to Armenia and present them as a
    token of our gifts."

    The last and spiritually uplifting event was the visit to Holy
    Etchmiadzin. His Holiness Vehapar Karekin II received the group led by
    Yeretzgin Anahid Kalayjian and the Assistant Director of Narek Bell
    Choir Ervand Kristosturyan and the new Choir director Lucine Sargsyan
    accompanying. Even though almost half of the group had already left
    Armenia, His Holiness received the reports of the activities with
    great interest and blessed the Bell Choirs of both Yerevan and
    Washington as he accepted the CD of the Narek Bell Choir as their
    gift. "I could not imagine a trip this successful, - said Tatevik
    Mikayelyan, a member of the Bell Choir, - Armenia is truly the place
    where one cannot go without a spiritual awakening and renewed with
    encouragement. What better place to play the heavenly Armenian tunes
    than in our homeland, on our own Armenian soil. Each smile that we
    received from our audience, each person whose eyes lit up from the
    fragile sounds of the bells, warmed my heart for! years to come, for
    I knew their reaction couldn't be anything but sincere," - she

    While in Yerevan, the Artistic Director Maestro Leon Khoja-Eynatyan
    used the opportunity and led the group to do a new CD recording which
    soon will be issued under the title "Yeghitsi Looys", featuring songs
    and sharagans from Seven versions of Armenian Patarags by Komitas,
    Yekmalian, Bianchini, Apcar Chilinkirian, Manas and Khorenian
    (Mekanejian). The experience must have been demanding and
    grueling. This is what Vahan Kristosturyan had to say: "Even though
    some group members got sick, we were able to pull off a lot of work at
    the recordings. Many things brought the Narek Bell Choir members
    together, we started to play better and better after each concert and
    at the recording session at Ardini Studio. I specially liked the fact
    that we planted a new Bell Choir group in the Homeland."

    Narek Bell Choir of St. Mary has made a commitment to support the
    newly formed group in Armenia by supplying them with new instruments
    and accessories and by providing financial help. To obtain your CD's
    and/or extend your financial help to accomplish these goals, you may
    visit us at our website: or call 202-363-1923. In
    Yerevan the CD is available for sale only at Oscar Music Store in the
    Marriott Armenia Hotel.

    * * *

    After notable performances at the White House, Library of Congress,
    the National Shrine, the National Cathedral, New York Central Park and
    St. Vartan Cathedral, this group tour of the Bell Choir in Austria and
    Armenia will indeed remain the most historic and triumphant
    achievement of the group. We congratulate both the artistic director
    and the members of the Narek Bell Choir of St. Mary. We are sure we
    will hear and read about them more in the years to come. (Applause!)