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Newsletter from, date: 21-Aug-2005 to 06-Sep-2005

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  • Newsletter from, date: 21-Aug-2005 to 06-Sep-2005

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue" Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub project.

    As a part of the project web site is maintained,
    featuring the most interesting publications from the press of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest
    updates on the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.
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    Source: "Azg" newspaper (Armenia) [September 03, 2005]
    Author: Tatul Hakobian

    In the course of Rupel's visit, the sides will give assessment of the
    current stage of negotiations

    On his regional visit, OSCE Chairman-in-office, Dimitrij Rupel will
    visit Yerevan on September 5-6. Foreign Minister of Slovenia will
    meet Presidents of Armenia and Mountainous Karabagh, Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian, as reported by RA MFA.

    After Kazan negotiations of Presidents Robert Kocharian and Ilham
    Aliev, OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen left for the capital of Slovenia,
    Ljubljana with information on the details of Kazan meeting. It is
    important to note that in his public statements, Rupel separates the
    MK issue from all other interethnic conflicts on CIS territory,
    considering MKR a disputable territory.

    After the visit of OSCE Chairman-in-office to Yerevan and Baku, the
    Co-chairmen will start preparation to the next stage of meetings on
    the level of Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers, likely to
    take place by the end of September beginning of October. As reported
    by `Mediamax', Russian mediator Yuri Merzliakov answered the question
    `Why the sides are so reserved after the Kazan meeting?' in the
    following manner, `There was an agreement on keeping the details of
    discussion secret'.

    `Recent negotiations of the Presidents were very useful, the
    discussion was detailed and predictable', Yuri Merzliakov stated to
    Azerbaijani ANS TV Company. Russian Co-chairman refused to answer the
    question whether new proposals were made in Kazan, noting only that
    the `progress of negotiations hinges on secrecy'.

    Merzliakov noted that the Co-chairmen will take all effort for
    conducting another meeting Kocharian-Aliev until the end of the
    year. The visit of the Co-chairmen to the region should take place by

    Yesterday Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan expressed concern over the
    visit of Armenian President to Mountainous Karabagh, qualifying it as
    a step impeding the process of settlement. `Regretfully, Yerevan is
    taking steps that do not contribute to activation of the
    negotiations', Head of MFA Press and Information Department Tayir
    Tagizade stated. Yesterday, Turkish `Hurriyet' newspaper published an
    interview with President of Azerbaijan, in which Ilham Aliev notes,
    `Each Azerbaijani is deeply convinced that the day will come when the
    occupied territories will be liberated and the Azerbaijani flag will
    flutter over Karabagh'. Commenting on the Kazan meeting, Aliev
    stated, `There are no results yet. Armenians expect that we will give
    them independence, however it is impossible'.

    Robert Kocharian, on a visit to Stepanakert to celebrate the 14
    anniversary of Karabagh independence, stated to the journalists
    yesterday that he has positive impressions of the meeting with
    President of Azerbaijan in Kazan. `Positive tendencies are traced in
    the negotiation process', he stated and added, `Mountainous Karabagh
    cannot be an object of bargaining, and the Armenian people are
    unanimous about it'.

    On his behalf, MKR President assured that MKR authorities are for a
    peaceful settlement of the conflict, emphasizing that no one will
    succeed depriving us of Artsakh and its independence, achieved at the
    cost of inevitable losses'.

    Azerbaijan is unable to protect even the rights of its own people to
    say nothing of ethnic minorities living in this country. This fact is
    enough to recognize the rights of Mountainous Karabagh people for
    their own, sovereign state, independent from Azerbaijan', Arkady
    Ghukasian stated.

    Source: "Star" newspaper (Turkey) [August 31, 2005]

    We always tried to cover the real situation in the Turkic countries of
    the post-Soviet space.

    Azerbaijan is closest to us from all the aspects. If you allow, we
    will postpone the process of settlement of Karabagh conflict, which
    seems to be endless, and will present to you the demographic problems
    requiring attention.

    On August 27, after CIS summit of August 26 in Kazan, the meeting of
    Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Aliev and Kocharian took place

    The recent meeting of the two leaders was held on May 16 in
    Warsaw. Before each meeting, there is some information of the type,
    `prior to each meeting there are details that resolution of the
    conflict is close'. This time we had the same situation, however, no
    concrete agreements were reached.

    In compliance with the decision of UN Security Council, by April 30,
    1993 the Armenians were to have liberated Kerebejer. The withdrawal of
    the troops was fixed for July 15. After the coup and dismissal of
    Elchibey, the troops were still there. First and foremost, the new
    authorities of Azerbaijan started to withdraw the troops of Popular
    Front that were fighting in Karabagh, and to dismiss them. Heydar
    Aliev then stated, `Our army does not fight'. From the period of July
    to October that year, the Armenians occupied 5 more regions in
    Karabagh besides Kerbejer and Lachin: Agdam, Jebrail, Fizuli,
    Zangelan, Kubatli.

    Empty Talk

    On May 1994, a truce was signed. The situation was quite uncertain. It
    was not clear if Azerbaijan capitulated, lost or won.

    Aliev the senior met Kocharian 22 times with no result. During OSCE
    summit in Lisbon Heydar Aliev stated that Armenia occupied Azerbaijan
    and put veto on OSCE decision. This event was presented as a heroic
    deed; as a result, the baby boys born on these days were named after
    Lisbon. Genje governor once stated, `President was a hero at Lisbon
    summit', thus entering the anthology of Azerbaijani humor.

    Making a speech at the refugee camp, Heydar Aliev stated that the
    Armenian Diaspora is very strong and therefore Azerbaijan will be
    unable to fight against them. (2002). Armenian Foreign Minster Vartan
    Oskanian constantly avoided concrete agreements, putting unacceptable
    conditions for Azerbaijan and categorically rejecting Turkish

    During the two-day session at Armenian Parliament (18-19 April, 2005)
    Defense Minister Serj Sargsian stated, `To strengthen second Armenian
    state, we should do our best and should not allow interference of our
    enemy - Turkey'.

    At EU summit May 15-17, the Presidents of the two countries vested
    additional powers with their Foreign Ministers to continue
    negotiations. Special representative of Azerbaijan on Karabagh Araz
    Azimov stated, `In August, we might probably reach an agreement'. On
    August 23-24 on the eve of Kazan meeting, Foreign Ministers met in
    Moscow for empty talk. Half Departed In other words, the negotiation
    process was constantly underway with no result. Armenia proved
    stronger in this aspect with Russia constantly at its back.

    Half Departed However, let us consider the most important
    aspect. There are numerous publications that only 2 million people are
    left in Armenia. Still, there is the reverse of the medal. Azerbaijan
    is also getting empty. Since 1993, 3 million Azerbaijanis have moved
    to Russia. Even Sweden has more refugees from Azerbaijan than other
    countries - over 2 thousand people. In European countries, 200
    thousand Azerbaijanis enjoy a refugee status. Turkey has 200 thousand
    of them, Ukraine - 300 thousand, Iran - 100 thousand Azerbaijanis.

    Thus, the 8 million population of Azerbaijan is already reduced almost

    The elections in Azerbaijan are close. We will still raise this issue.

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    Source: "Rezonansi" newspaper (Georgia) [August 25, 2005]

    The Russian side formed a group of specialists that will take up study
    of the railway in Abkhazia. As you know, the railway linking Russia to
    the South Caucasus countries stopped functioning because of the recent
    events in Abkhazia. Up to recently, the negotiations on restoring the
    railway faced an impasse. The Georgian side was categorical in
    relating this issue to the return of the refugees back to the
    uncontrolled autonomy. It encountered if not resistance, at least
    silent disagreement of the other parties to negotiation - the
    Abkhazian and Russian sides. However, the situation changed recently -
    though Tbilisi thinks return of the refugees is a priority, it is more
    tolerant to the issue of restoring the railway than previously.

    Expert Gia Khukhashvili holds the unilateral study of the Abkhazian
    segment of the railway is accorded with the Georgian side. `Our
    authorities have changed their position? The refugees have not yet
    returned, why don't the authorities express their protest?' he
    asks. Thus, the expert holds that the initiative of restoring the
    railway communication is fully seized by the Russians and the
    Abkhazians, whereas the Georgians may finally end up in a difficult
    situation necessitating constant minor and major concessions, for
    instance, in such important issues as opening of the checkpoint on
    Psou-Inguri segment. Khukhashvili is uncertain over the main issue too
    - who will take the responsibility, and to put it directly, who will
    own this segment of the railway - Russia or Georgia.

    Gia Khukhashvili also traces a menace in clarifying financial
    issues. He thinks the situation is quite strange. From the very
    outset, Georgia insisted on purely economic nature of restoring the
    railway. However, it is obvious that this issue acquired strong
    political implication, given the fact that functioning of the railway
    will bring maximum efficiency to Russia and particularly Armenia but
    not Georgia, as Khukhashvili holds. `There is a situation of giving a
    lot but getting a little. Though we do have questions - for instance,
    how can the railway be restored without the involvement of the
    Georgian side. Obviously, our opponents calculated everything - they
    will propose something and we will agree. If it actually happens, the
    suspicions about illogical behavior of our authorities will come
    true', Gia Khukhashvili holds. In his opinion, Georgia does not have
    problems with cargo transportation even without this railway. The
    additional railway, certainly, will never be supe! rfluous, however
    it will be significant to Russia and Armenia and not Georgia. Besides,
    Khukhashvili thinks it is not clear why prior to the railway recovery
    the issue of regulating parallel car route, in good condition, was not
    even mentioned. Besides, Khukhashvili holds it would be possible to
    find out how secure the route is before starting restoration of the
    railway. All this points to lobby intrigues with a different
    motivation. `We are more in the political than economic field',
    Khukhashvili thinks

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    Source: "Zerkalo" newspaper (Azerbaijan) [September 05, 2005]

    Head of the State Holds that No One Has a Right to Exert Pressure on

    'Azerbaijan is very strong, so Armenia will give in. However, we do
    not want war, since many people will die. I believe that sooner or
    later we will get our lands back. No one should ever doubt
    it'. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev stated about it to Turkish
    `Hurriyet' newspaper, published on September 2, as `Trend' agency

    "Each Azerbaijani strongly believes that the time will come when the
    occupied lands will be liberated, whereas the Azerbaijani flag will
    again flutter over Karabagh', President Aliev emphasized, commenting
    also on the results of the Kazan meeting with President of Armenia
    Robert Kocharian. `There are no results yet. Armenians are expecting
    independence from us. However, it is impossible! Our priority is
    preserving territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. I told Kocharian that
    we are ready to guarantee security of the Armenian community of
    Karabagh. I emphasized that Baku will not allow the community to face
    any danger', Ilham Aliev stated, adding that `however, they (Armenian
    armed forces) are unwilling to liberate our lands'.

    At the same time, I. Aliev noted that in the course of the recent
    telephone conversation US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated
    that Washington wants the sides to resolve the conflict. `I do not
    understand why Armenia, as an occupier state, is not punished, though
    I do understand that the Armenian lobby is strong. The current
    situation is extremely unfair", I. Aliev stated. He noted that after
    this conversation he felt some softening in the position of Robert
    Kocharian, though it was not sufficient for settling the problem.

    'We took all possible steps. However, Armenia does not heed the
    opinion of the international community. Over a million Azerbaijani
    citizens were left homeless. The West aspires to fast settlement. We
    will do our best to this effect. Further on, we will sit down to think
    it over', I. Aliev summed up.

    President of Azerbaijan also raised the issue of pressure on official
    Baku as regards settlement of economic ties with the Turkish Republic
    of Northern Cyprus. First steps towards Azerbaijan were taken by the
    Greek authorities, summoning our ambassador to MFA and giving him a
    note. However, we did not pay attention to this. Further on, a letter
    was addressed to Baku from the Republic of Cyprus, which I put aside
    without opening. No one has a right to exert pressure on Azerbaijan',
    I. Aliev noted.

    The Azerbaijani President also emphasized that he pays no heed to
    international pressure, noting `he does not even remember the author
    of the letter addressed to him from Greek Cyprus". The Head of State
    reminded that many doubted his statements on breaking the isolation
    regime of the Northern Cyprus. `There were many critical articles on
    my behalf. However, I kept my word. The time has come for other Turkic
    states to support Azerbaijani position on this issue. Now it is their
    turn to take similar steps', I. Aliev stated.

    The question of whether Azerbaijan will take new initiatives in this
    direction was answered by Aliev, `We will do our utmost, since we do
    believe that the isolation of Cyprus should be removed. The injustice
    should be put an end to. Strangely, the punishment is put to the side
    supporting UN plan on unification of the island. It is impossible
    either to understand or accept'.

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