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ASBAREZ Online [09-06-2005]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [09-06-2005]


    1) Armenia Ready to Help Hurricane Victims
    2) ARS Urges Opening Hearts to Hurricane Victims
    3) Cheney Fails to Explain Letter on Armenian Genocide
    4) Armenian Genocide Legislation Scheduled for Committee Consideration

    1) Armenia Ready to Help Hurricane Victims

    President, Spiritual Leaders Send Condolences

    (Combined Sources)--Armenia conveyed its readiness to provide assistance to
    the US Government in the wake of Hurricane Katrina's devastation. Armenian
    foreign minister Vartan Oskanian said on Monday that the US Embassy in Armenia
    would be providing a list of necessary items, and that, `Armenia is ready to
    provide both financial and professional assistance to the US to the best of
    abilities. Rescue teams, physicians, and other specialists will depart from
    Armenia to the US in case of need.' Oskanian said.
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Friday that "no aid would be
    turned down from foreign countries" in assisting residents along the Gulf
    In a letter to US President Bush, Armenian President Robert Kocharian sent
    condolences on behalf of the Armenian people. "We share your pain and sadness.
    Please accept... most sincere words of condolence and convey them to the
    of those who are suffering. We wish you strength, patience, and courage."
    His Holinesses Aram I and Karekin II sent letters to Bush as well, expressing
    support and condolences to the American people in light of the losses
    In the letter, His Holiness Aram I said that "the tragic images that I see on
    television are, indeed, disturbing and heartbreaking. This is, in fact, one of
    the biggest natural disasters in the recent memory of the USA. I share the
    and anxiety of those who have been affected by this disaster."
    The Catholicos also informed the president that he has advised the two
    prelates of the Catholicosate of Cilicia in the United States to encourage
    Armenian-American communities to actively participate in the post-hurricane
    humanitarian efforts.
    His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians,
    stated "We extend to you, your government and all the people of the United
    States, the sorrow and sincere condolences of the Armenian Church and all
    Armenians throughout the world. As head of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church,
    we offer our solemn prayers for eternal rest for all those who perished in
    disaster, and solace and comfort to their families and friends. We ask the
    Almighty to grant recovery to the thousands of afflicted, hurt and homeless
    families, and strength to you and your government at this difficult time."
    Also responding to the hurricane was His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate of Western USA, who sent a solidarity letter to Lousiana
    state Governor Blanco on the unprecedented event that devastated the whole
    In his letter, the Prelate expressed his condolences for the human losses,
    His Eminence mentioned that he had urged and appealed to the faithful of the
    churches and parishes to pray for the rest of the souls of the victims, and
    participate by contributing abundantly to the American Red Cross and the
    Armenian Relief Society in order to assist the national efforts and help the
    devastated and most unfortunate families.
    On September 4, the Prelate's appeal and directives circulated to all
    churches, and communities of the Western Prelacy inviting, calling and urging
    them all to contribute generously and assist the relief efforts to reach
    out to
    the millions of the affected by this disaster.

    Brewing Anger

    In Washington, President Bush said he was dispatching Vice President Dick
    Cheney to the battered Gulf Coast to assess relief efforts.
    But local and state officials, particularly in Louisiana, have bitterly
    criticized what they see as a slow response to the plight of people caught in
    the disaster.
    Appearing on the CBS-TV "Early Show," Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson
    Parish just outside New Orleans, remains angry.
    "Bureaucracy has murdered people in the greater New Orleans area," he said.
    "And bureaucracy needs to stand trial before Congress today. So I'm asking
    Congress, please investigate this now. Take whatever idiot they have at the
    of whatever agency and give me a better idiot. Give me a caring idiot. Give me
    a sensitive idiot. Just don't give me the same idiot."
    Congress has pledged an investigation into the federal response. President
    Bush likewise promised Tuesday to lead his own investigation to determine, as
    he put it, "what went right and what went wrong" in the response to Hurricane

    2) ARS Urges Opening Hearts to Hurricane Victims

    Humanitarian organization appeals to Armenians for assistance

    Following the devastation and flooding in the wake of Hurricane Katrina,
    the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA has begun collecting monetary
    donations for the victims of the Gulf Coast disaster. As rescue workers
    continue to pluck people from their rooftops and evacuate ravaged areas, the
    realization that thousands of survivors will not have homes or jobs to return
    to along the Gulf coast of Louisiana and Alabama is daunting.
    Last January, the ARS-WR successfully collected donations for Tsunami
    In a press release, the ARS appealed to the community to give back in this
    of dire need. `We are sure that all Armenian-Americans who have felt the
    of helping hands through natural disasters, whether in Northridge or Armenia,
    will give generously to the ARS.'
    The Western Region's chair of the ARS Angela Savoian urged the organization's
    members, supporters, and the community-at-large to lend a hand to victims.
    "These are times to let actions speak for themselves," said Savoian.
    "The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is too disastrous to describe, but we...
    of us are ready to take on the responsibility to alleviate the suffering of
    fellow citizens in the Gulf States. Let's open up our hearts to the losses of
    lives, homes and livelihoods, and be generous with our donations."
    The Western Prelacy has designated the ARS as one of the agencies to contact
    for offering Gulf Coast disaster relief donations. Send your tax-deductible
    donations payable to the ARS of Western USA, Regional Executive immediately.
    Please indicate that your donation is for the "Hurricane Victims Fund."
    Donations can be mailed to: Armenian Relief Society of Western USA Inc,
    Regional Executive, 517 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202-2812, or by
    visiting the ARS Western regions headquarters at the same address.

    3) Cheney Fails to Explain Letter on Armenian Genocide

    Vice President sidesteps query from twenty-two Congress members regarding
    reason for letter to Genocide survivor

    WASHINGTON, DC--Vice President Dick Cheney has sidestepped a Congressional
    request for clarification regarding the reasons behind his
    apparently mistaken--characterization of the Armenian genocide in letter sent
    this April to survivor Maritza Ohanessian, reported the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA).
    In an April 22 letter to Ohanessian on the occasion of her 100th birthday,
    Vice President properly described the Armenian genocide, a departure from the
    Administration's standard practice of using evasive or euphemistic terminology
    to downplay the true historical, legal, and contemporary geopolitical
    implications of this crime against humanity.
    In response to this letter, Congressman Steve Rothman (D-NJ) and
    twenty-one of
    his House colleagues asked the Vice President if this letter represented a
    formal shift in the Administration's policy. The Vice President's response,
    signed by his Principal Deputy for National Security Affairs John P. Hannah,
    simply notes that "there has been no change in Administration policy on this
    issue," without any articulation of the nature of the policy.
    "The Vice President should explain to Maritza Ohanessian and all Armenian
    Americans why he sent this letter recognizing the Armenian Genocide but cannot
    now stand behind his words or even offer an explanation for his reversal,"
    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We appreciate Congressman Rothman's
    leadership on this issue and want to thank all those who joined with him in
    this effort."
    Joining Congressman Rothman as signatories to the June 23rd Congressional
    letter were Representatives Rob Andrews (D-NJ), Lois Capps (D-CA), Joe Crowley
    (D-NY), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Barney Frank (D-MA), Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), Mark
    Steven Kirk (R-IL), Sander Levin (D-MI), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Thaddeus
    McCotter (R-MI), James McGovern (D-MA), Michael McNulty (D-NY), Richard Neal
    (D-MA), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff
    (D-CA), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Mark Souder (R-IN), John Tierney (D-MA), Edolphus
    Towns (D-NY), and Peter Visclosky (D-IN).

    4) Armenian Genocide Legislation Scheduled for Committee Consideration

    May be `Marked-Up' as Early as September 14

    WASHINGTON, DC--Armenian Genocide legislation appears set to come before the
    influential House International Relations Committee as early as Wednesday,
    September 14th, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
    According to Congressional sources, Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL) is
    prepared to `mark-up' both Armenian Genocide Resolutions (H.Res.316 and
    H.Con.Res.195). During this mark-up session, the fifty members of the panel
    will have an opportunity to consider changes and then to vote to either
    or disapprove each
    `We want to thank Chairman Hyde for his leadership in ensuring that the
    members of his Committee have the opportunity to vote on Armenian Genocide
    legislation,' said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. `Along with our
    local chapters around the nation and coalition partners here in Washington,
    we are working hard to support the efforts of our friends-- Congressmen George
    Radanovich, Adam Schiff, and Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Joe Knollenberg and
    Frank Pallone-- in encouraging the Committee to act favorably on this
    H.Res.316, which was introduced by Representatives George Radanovich (R-CA),
    Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone
    (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), calls upon the President to ensure US
    foreign policy reflects appropriate understanding of the Armenian Genocide.
    resolution includes thirty detailed findings from past US hearings,
    and Presidential statements, as well as references to statements by
    international bodies and organizations. As of today, a bipartisan group of
    one hundred and twelve Representatives have already agreed to cosponsor this
    H.Con.Res.195, introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff and cosponsored by over eighty
    Representatives, was offered following direct negotiations with House
    International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL). The Chairman
    agreed to Committee-level consideration of Armenian Genocide legislation in
    return for Rep. Schiff tabling a planned June 8 Armenian Genocide amendment to
    the House Foreign Relations Authorization bill. The agreement addressed
    concerns on the part of the Administration and Congressional leaders that the
    Schiff Amendment-- which had strong prospects of passing--would overshadow the
    White House meeting, held that same day, between President Bush and Turkish
    Prime Minister Erdogan. This measure, which is in the process of being
    reaffirms the Armenian Genocide within the broader context of regional
    relationships and addresses Turkey's efforts to join the European Union.
    The Turkish Ambassador and his lobbyists--including the Livingston Group--are
    actively making the rounds to members of the International Relations
    seeking to block any action on US reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide. As
    part of this effort, the Livingston Group has been distributing a four-page
    genocide-denial document to Congressional offices.

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