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NKR President's Address On The Independence Day

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  • NKR President's Address On The Independence Day


    Azat Artsakh Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 Sept 05

    Dear fellow countrymen, Today on September 2nd Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic celebrates the 14th anniversary of proclamation of NKR. We
    celebrate our chief holiday in ceasefire, which enables us to develop
    free and independent Artsakh which has chosen the way of democratic
    development in a comparatively quiet situation. And though NKR has not
    been recognized yet, our country proved to the world that not only
    did it de facto accomplish itself but also left behind many of its
    neighbours in adopting the standards of the European community. The
    evidence to this is the recent election to the National Assembly in
    June, highly evaluated by the independent international observers. No
    one taught lessons of democracy to the people of Artsakh as it
    is constantly done in Azerbaijan where no election held so far,
    be it presidential, parliamentary or local, corresponded to the
    basic rules of the modern democratic societies. Today Azerbaijan is
    even unable to defend the rights of its own people, let alone the
    ethnic minorities living in this country. This sole fact is enough
    for the progressive international community to recognize the right
    of the people of Karabakh to have a sovereign state independent of
    Azerbaijan. This is the reality, and the world, including Azerbaijan,
    cannot but take it into consideration. And it is not accidental that
    the Baku authorities do their best to conceal from their people the
    achievements of Nagorno Karabakh in building a legitimate democratic
    state, preventing their citizens from visiting NKR, communicating with
    the people of Artsakh. However, this kind of behaviour has no prospect
    because it causes alienation of the two peoples thus delaying the day
    of the overall and mutually acceptable resolution. What is more, the
    steps of the Azerbaijani government and its defiance of negotiations
    with Karabakh stake the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    in a civilized way, on the basis of reasonable compromise. Therefore
    the unresolved conflict remains a factor which threatens to destabili!

    ze the situation in the region. Using the opportunity I want to
    assure you once again that the NKR government is only for the
    peace resolution of the conflict with Azerbaijan. At the same
    time our people can be sure that no one will be able to take away
    from Artsakh the independence won at the expense of irretrievable
    losses. The truly popular Defence Army of NKR is able to counteract
    to those who will intrude into our fatherland. It has all the
    necessary means and possibilities. However, we have no right to be
    satisfied with what we have. By merely praising the way we already
    passed, we are likely to lose all we acquired without a clear and
    precise perspective of tomorrow, and the future generations will
    never forgive us. In the future too we must promote the country's
    ability to defend itself, foster the rates of economic, social and
    cultural development. It is necessary to put to use our main wealth,
    the physical and mental potential of the people of Artsakh, their
    professionalism and assiduity, multiply the cultural heritage of
    Artsakh. The successful realization of these objectives is pointless
    without further democratization of the public and political life
    of NKR and building a civil society. There can be no alternative to
    this. The development of the sovereignty of Karabakh is impossible
    without the support of Armenia and the Diaspora. However, we do not
    use the political and economic potential of the triangle Armenia -
    Artsakh - Diaspora at full yet, for the international recognition of
    NKR either. Certainly we have much to do in this regard. Dear fellow
    countrymen, on this day each of us should feel responsible for the
    future of Artsakh. We still have many unsettled problems. However,
    we can overcome the difficulties only through joint efforts, honest
    work, mutual trust and thoughtfulness towards the concerns and needs
    of each Artsakh man. Congratulations, dear friends. I wish you all
    the best. Peace and prosperity to our fatherland, Nagorno Karabakh