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Armenian Paper Says Pro-Russian Forces Behind Opposition Defection

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  • Armenian Paper Says Pro-Russian Forces Behind Opposition Defection


    Aykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
    6 Sep 05

    Text of unattributed report by Armenian newspaper Aykakan Zhamanak
    on 6 September headlined "Redistribution"

    The defection of [former Yerevan mayor] Albert Bazeyan and
    like-minded people from the Anrapetutyun [Republic] Party is not at
    all an announcement on the end of their opposition activity. To all
    appearances, they will continue the activity within the framework
    of the Justice bloc. If this is the case, it will mean the said
    defection is not aimed against the opposition but against the leader
    of the Anrapetutyun Party, Aram Sarkisyan. Having lost many members
    of his party's political council, Sarkisyan has been deprived of an
    opportunity to become a single leader of the opposition.

    It is not ruled out that this is the true essence of what has happened,
    and most probably Bazeyan's team will unite around [leader of the
    Justice bloc] Stepan Demirchyan as, in fact, the latter is the only
    one of the three opposition leaders who does not speak English and
    has not spoken against close ties with Russia. From this viewpoint,
    the incident in the Anrapetutyun Party is an unpleasant surprise for
    [leader of the National Unity party] Artashes Gegamyan too because,
    most probably, a balance of the forces within the opposition may
    change in favour of Demirchyan.

    On the eve of the expected political activity in Armenia, Russia
    is trying to centralize forces around Stepan Demirchyan. But almost
    certainly the only purpose of this consolidation is a repetition of the
    scenario of 2003-2004, when the opposition forced [Armenian President]
    Robert Kocharyan to take pro-Russian stance.

    We should note that after the defection of Bazeyan's group from the
    Anrapetutyun Party, it has a real opportunity to become a party. In
    fact, up until today Anrapetutyun has been a union of Kocharyan's
    opponents, and it is not a coincidence that the split occurred at
    the moment when the party was trying to determine its ideology. The
    defection of Bazeyan's group means the loss of certain human resources
    for Anrapetutyun. On the other hand, the determination of ideology
    may create new opportunities for attracting new human resources. From
    this viewpoint, it is a high time for Aram Sarkisyan to prove his
    existence as a politician.