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AGBU: Ottoman Archives Open a Sliver confirms Hilmar Kaiser

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  • AGBU: Ottoman Archives Open a Sliver confirms Hilmar Kaiser

    805 Manoogian Street
    Montreal, Quebec


    Montreal, Wednesday September 7, 2005 -

    Filled to capacity last Thursday night at the Montreal Armenian
    Community's AGBU Demirdjian Hall, renowned German archival historian
    and genocide scholar, Dr. Hilmar Kaiser, delivered a presentation on
    his recent studies in the Ottoman archives.

    AGBU chairman, Viken L. Attarian introduced Dr. Kaiser to the
    audience and officially thanked the group of Montrealers who made his
    recent research in Turkey and trip to Montreal possible.

    Dr. Kaiser had worked in the Ottoman archives between 1991 and 1995.
    In 1996, he was banned from the archives by the Turkish authorities
    for political reasons. In the past, he had uncovered important
    archival material detailing key aspects of the Armenian Genocide but
    was stymied by bureaucratic impediments. He eventually received an
    outright lifetime ban. For years, scholars, politicians, and
    Armenians worldwide had demanded his readmission.

    In July 2005, Dr. Kaiser, visited the Turkish Prime Minister's
    Ottoman Archives in Istanbul, Turkey. He spoke about the full and
    unhindered cooperation of the staff at these archives. Therefore
    today, he concluded projects he had left unfinished 10 years earlier.

    Dr. Kaiser said that a critical step forward in the opening of the
    Ottoman Turkish archives has been made. The Turkish government has
    officially reopened those archives and the ban on Dr. Kaiser's work
    there has been lifted.

    He spoke about important material that he has uncovered such
    as miscellaneous original deportation orders against Armenians in the
    Anatolian regions of Ottoman Turkey thus confirming the views of
    worldwide Genocide scholars. But, some collections of the Turkish
    Prime Minister's Ottoman archives are still unavailable. Notably, the
    Ottoman Ministry of the Interior's Directorate for Public Security,
    2nd Department (Armenian Department) remains closed.

    It is hoped that the positive developments at the Turkish archives
    will continue and those collections will be made available for study
    in the near future.

    Dr. Kaiser's lecture finished with a lively question and answer
    session with the audience. For more information, please contact AGBU
    Montreal at 514-748-2428 or by email [email protected],
    attention: Harry Dikranian

    Dr. Hilmar Kaiser's most recently published an introduction and
    provided commentary in a book entitled "The Memoirs of Abram Elkus:
    Lawyer, Ambassador Statesman." Abram Elkus was the American
    Ambassador to Turkey following Henry Morgenthau. This and other
    books by Dr. Kaiser are available for purchase on the web at