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BAKU: Socio-Economic Development Is Priority Of The State and ThisPo

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  • BAKU: Socio-Economic Development Is Priority Of The State and ThisPo


    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Sept 8 2005


    Dear residents of Lankaran,

    Dear sisters and brothers,

    I welcome all of you, and would like to express my deep respect and
    love to you. We are having a landmark day. Today, we open the monument
    to the nationwide leader of the Azerbaijan people Heydar Aliyev in
    Lankaran. Heydar Aliyev has exclusive merits in the present history of
    Azerbaijan. Thanks to his activity, our country overcame the crisis
    in 1990s, reached development and since 1993 up to date, confidently
    marches along the path of development. We all well remember hard
    moments in early 1990s. In that time, anarchy, chaos, arbitrariness
    ruled in the country, both economically and politically. The country~Rs
    future, its destiny was unknown. Only thanks to resoluteness of Heydar
    Aliyev, his political will, experience and courage, our country could
    overcome this ordeal, and now is a country with quickly developing
    economy both in region and world.

    I have been to Lankaran for many times, and every time when I see
    novelty, attractive construction works I feel deep sense of pleasure.
    I would like that everywhere in Azerbaijan developed, its regions,
    provinces were equipped with modern amenities and the people lived
    much better. Perhaps, for this purpose, the country should have strong
    economic potential. In mid-1990s, the economic reforms started after
    establishment of socio-political stability in Azerbaijan, yield fruits.

    If those reforms were not carried out, and continued today, we could
    not reach what we wanted. Strength of every country is connected to
    its economic potential. The ongoing economic processes in Azerbaijan
    give reason to say that our country will soon become a rich and
    strong state. Economic factors are of great importance to solve
    the social problems, strengthen the country~Rs defense potential,
    and hold worthy place on the international arena. Therefore, it is
    not by cause that we attach major importance to these questions and
    in the last two years, as a result of the done works, our country
    began to rapidly develop. In 8 months of current year, the economic
    growth has reached 20 percent. This is an unprecedented index in
    the world economy. Economy of the developed countries grows 2-3
    percent annually. Economy of Azerbaijan in 8 months has grown 20
    percent. The industrious potential has grown for 23 percent. This is,
    of course, statistic data. But at the same time, these indices find
    their reflection in life. Last years, the attention given to the
    social questions promoted rise of wages, pensions, and scholarships.
    Scholarships of the students have increased by 2,5 times. Average
    monthly wages rises quickly. Minimal wages in the last two years
    have increased by 3 times and since October 1 the minimal wages in
    Azerbaijan will make 150 thousand manats. And this is not the limit.
    We know that there are many problems in the country, in particular,
    social problems. Major of those are unemployment and poverty. I am
    confident the works done in this direction will promote to abolish
    both of them.

    Execution of the socio-economic development program in Azerbaijan
    since February last year, promoted opening of 300 thousand new
    workplaces and majority of them are permanent. Where have been opened
    300 thousand workplaces in other counties in such a short period of
    time? In Azerbaijan, two years ago, the people living in the poverty
    made 50 percent. Now, it is 40 percent. Of course, this is also much.
    But next year, probably, the figure will downsize, and finally, there
    should not be poor in Azerbaijan. We should create such a state, such
    a country that in Azerbaijan, every citizen lived better, comfortably,
    not faced material problems. And opportunities were created to solve
    social problems. We try to do our best in this direction.

    As I said, I have been in Lankaran for many times. I remember,
    in January 2004, when a building was damaged, I came here and
    familiarized with the situation, visited the inured at the hospital,
    and I saw that the conditions here was not good at all. That is, not
    only here, all the hospitals in Azerbaijan need cardinal overhaul.
    This is natural. For many years, when we had no economic opportunities,
    it was not possible to pay due attention to social problems. Now we
    have enough funds to do so. Today, it is going to be a ceremony
    of laying foundation of a new diagnostics and medical center
    in Lankaran. I don~Rt doubt a new well-equipped hospital will be
    constructed here soon. In addition, I have recently issued an order
    on construction of a new airport in the town, I believe this will
    contribute to i development of this region. I would like to repeat
    that to realize these intentions, we have to create huge economic
    potential. Azerbaijan~Rs budget is increased yearly ~V $2 bln 200 mln
    in 2006 against $1 bln 500 mln in 2005. In 2006, it is expected to
    reach at least $3 bln 500 mln. This shows the country is on the path
    of progress. Electricity supply is also getting improved, and today
    in the town of Astara, a foundation for a new electric power plant
    will be laid. It will generate 90 MW power helping supply the region
    with electricity. Such plants will be installed in every region of
    the country during this and next years.

    Strengthening economic potential will create favorable conditions to
    solve any problems in Azerbaijan. In the first place, it will foster
    political reforms in the country. Processes of democratization in
    Azerbaijan are of immense importance, particularly, in the context
    of the November parliamentary election in the country. The first
    phase of the election run-up went well with over 2 thousand people
    proposing themselves as candidates. It shows people believe in fair
    election. For comparison, no more than 400 nominees were registered
    in 2000 parliamentary election. I hope the new parliament will play a
    key role in the improvement of the legislative basis in Azerbaijan.
    New progressive laws will be adopted and have a positive impact on
    every sphere of our life.

    My course is aimed at development of every region of Azerbaijan. I
    want them to have good roads, well-equipped schools and hospitals,
    as well as continuous, gas power and water supply.

    Addressing you at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Complex in
    Lankaran during 2003 election campaign, I told you I would do my best
    for my people and my homeland.

    I can say, over the past period solutions have been found to all
    the tasks set in both domestic and foreign policy. Of course, the
    occupation of our lands concerns us most of all. As you know we
    are making great efforts, but there is no a result yet. There is
    no a result because the destructive position of Armenia does not
    yet allow to find peaceful solution. We are still hoping for the
    peace process. At the same time, however, we should reinforce our
    military potential. In 2006, our military budget will reach $600
    mln against $300 mln in 2005 and $175 mln in 2004. We have already
    achieved military superiority over Armenian, and the enemy must realize
    that Azerbaijan~Rs army is strong enough to release its lands at any
    moment. Anyway, we have to get even stronger.

    In other word, my friends, want to state that our policy is quite
    transparent and clear, and serves the present and the future of
    the Azerbaijani people. All the work done allows us to hope we will
    achieve the goal. We will be leading our country towards progress in
    political, military, economic and social spheres. We need to do it
    together. The people of Azerbaijan must do it, and we shall do it.

    Once again, accept my congratulations and best wishes for your health
    and happiness.