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Opposition Set To End Parliament Boycott

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  • Opposition Set To End Parliament Boycott


    Radio Free Europe, Czech Rep.
    Aug 8 2005

    The Armenian opposition confirmed on Wednesday its reported plans to
    put a permanent end to its 18-month boycott of parliament dominated
    by President Robert Kocharian's supporters.

    The more than two dozen deputies representing the Artarutyun bloc and
    the National Unity Party (AMK) walked out of the National Assembly
    in February 2004 after its pro-presidential majority refused to
    consider calling a "referendum of confidence" in Kocharian. The move
    precipitated a bitter confrontation between the government and the
    opposition that deepened political polarization in the country.

    The Armenian authorities and the Council of Europe have since
    repeatedly urged the opposition minority to return to the parliament.
    The two opposition groups suspended the boycott last week to attend
    parliament debates on constitutional reform not least because it was
    broadcast live by state television. That gave opposition leaders a
    rare opportunity to spread their message to TV viewers across Armenia.

    "Deputies from the National Unity Party tentatively discussed that
    issue and after analyzing the results of the extraordinary parliament
    session arrived at the conclusion that they should return to the
    National Assembly," AMK leader Artashes Geghamian told RFE/RL. "Only
    in that case will the failings of the coalition become obvious to
    the people."

    Geghamian added that the AMK faction's decision is likely to be
    endorsed by the party's governing board on Saturday and that he and
    eight other deputies representing it could return to the National
    Assembly on Monday.

    A similar decision is expected to be made by Artarutyun. "The people
    are asking us to participate in the work of the National Assembly
    and expose the real face of the regime," one of its leaders, Victor
    Dallakian, said after Wednesday's meeting of the bloc's governing

    The end of the boycott continues to be strongly opposed by
    Hanrapetutyun, the most radical of the nine parties aligned in the
    bloc. "I personally won't go to the parliament," its leader Aram
    Sarkisian told reporters.

    Sarkisian, who has still not attended a single parliament session,
    against stated that he does not fear being stripped of his mandate
    by the parliament majority because of absenteeism. "If they are such
    law-abiding and honest guys, let them expel me," he said. "I am openly
    challenging them to expel me. I have no problem with that."

    The outspoken oppositionist also downplayed the decision by
    several prominent members of his party to leave Hanrapetutyun. The
    dissenters led by former Yerevan Mayor Albert and former Defense
    Minister Vagharshak Harutiunian cited Sarkisian's growing pro-Western
    orientation and readiness to ignore the opinion of other opposition

    "The Hanrapetutyun leader is promising a quick democratic revolution
    but his real actions are having opposite effects," Harutiunian charged
    on Tuesday. "We believe that regime change is possible only through
    the consolidation of the opposition camp."

    Harutiunian, who has a reputation of a pro-Russian politician, also
    claimed that at least half of the Hanrapetutyun chapters across the
    country have decided to split from the party. "Those figures are very
    far from reality," responded Sarkisian.

    Sarkisian claimed that the discord, heavily publicized by pro-Kocharian
    media, is only helping his party attract new and mostly young
    members. He said he will outline Hanrapetutyun's plans at a conference
    which will take place later this month or early next.