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NKR: OSCE's Rupel met with President Ghukassian

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  • NKR: OSCE's Rupel met with President Ghukassian


    Azat Artsakh Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    09 Sept 05

    Late in the evening of September 5th the president o NKR Arkady
    Ghukassian met with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, the foreign minister
    of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel who had just arrived in Yerevan from
    Baku. This was their second meeting this year. Mr. Rupel reasserted
    the standpoint of the OSCE to reach a rapid resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict preventing resumption of war. He said his meetings with the
    Azerbaijani government in Baku prove that the Azerbaijani side adopted
    a constructive standpoint. According to Dimitrij Rupel, the atmosphere
    around the talks is positive, which may enable the parties to move
    ahead. President Ghukassian noticed that although the Karabakh party
    is acquainted with the content of the meetings of the presidents of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. However, as it does not take part in the talks
    directly, it judges about the atmosphere by the statements of the
    parties. The president of Nagorno Karabakh Republic emphasized that
    the government of Azerbaijan is again making militaristic statements
    after the recent meeting in Kazan and defies any contact with Nagorno
    Karabakh, which means that Azerbaijan, in fact, is not ready for a
    resolution based on compromise. Arkady Ghukassian mentioned that the
    participation of Karabakh in the talks, as well as direct contact
    between the societies of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan will enable
    to create an atmosphere of trust between the sides. The president said
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic is ready to assume responsibility for the
    future of the state and the people and walks its way, anticipating the
    same from Azerbaijan.
